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The Skeletal System Sabrina Pralle, Emre Taner, Simone Frandsen and Breanna McGuire.

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Presentation on theme: "The Skeletal System Sabrina Pralle, Emre Taner, Simone Frandsen and Breanna McGuire."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skeletal System Sabrina Pralle, Emre Taner, Simone Frandsen and Breanna McGuire

2 The Basics

3 Minerals present  Calcium  Potassium  Manganese  Magnesium  Silica  Iron  Zinc  Selenium  Boron  Phosphorus  Sulfur  Chromium

4 Types of Bone  Flat  Thin and relatively flat but may be curved  EX: Sternum  Irregular  Is not regular in shaped  EX: Vertebra  Long  Longer than they are wide  EX: Femur  Short  Almost as wide as they are long  EX: Carpal bones ence/humanbody/body/i nteractives/3djigsaw_02/i ndex.shtml?skeleton

5 Different Layers of the Bone  Epiphyses  Epiphyseal Plate/Epiphyseal line  Diaphysis  Red marrow  Articular cartilage  Periosteum  Medullary cavity  Yellow marrow  Endosteum  Osteoblasts and osteoclasts

6 Types of Joints  Hinge  Pivot  Saddle  Ball-and-socket  Condyloid  Planar (gliding)

7 Types of Cartilage  Hyaline  Fibrocartilage  Elastic

8 Functions of Cartilage  Cushions joints  Flexibility and the capacity to bend  Resilience and give

9 Disorders, diseases, deficiencies  Osteoporosis  Arthritis  Polydactyl  Calcium deposits/ deficiencies  Bone spurs  Osteogenesis imperfecta  Bone cancer  Bursitis  Scoliosis  Fractures

10 WEBSITES     http://www.mama /  s?q=scoliosis&um=1&hl=en&sa =N& SearchBox&tbm=isch&tbnid=2 D0ZMmthATCqXM:&imgrefurl= http://www.nortonhealthcare. com/scoliosis&docid=p75ZnNQ SyojhuM&imgurl=http://www.n spine_scoliosis.jpg&w=428&h=3 20&ei=DA5JUMXEH8rwigLMuYD gDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=6 92&vpy=192&dur=1248&hovh= 194&hovw=260&tx=140&ty=117 &sig=115156691500589425779& page=1&tbnh=151&tbnw=201 &start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:150&biw=1280&bih=882

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