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Landscape Scale Restoration Western Fire Managers & Community Protection Program Bureau of Forestry Assistance Mary Fritz –Forest Stewardship Manager Tyre.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape Scale Restoration Western Fire Managers & Community Protection Program Bureau of Forestry Assistance Mary Fritz –Forest Stewardship Manager Tyre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape Scale Restoration Western Fire Managers & Community Protection Program Bureau of Forestry Assistance Mary Fritz –Forest Stewardship Manager Tyre Holfeltz-Community Fire Manager October 27, 2015 Idaho Department of Lands FY17 Grants Webinar

2 Overview Fund source – USDA Forest Service 17 western states compete for the grant funds IDL solicits proposals from partners IDL is the final applicant

3 Process Pre-Proposal Full Proposal IDL Submits Projects to Western Competition

4 Pre-Proposal Application Partners can request up to$240,000 per project Applicant: state & local agencies, tribes, non-profits, educational institutions Applicant provides 10% match (IDL provides the rest) Funds cannot be spent on federal lands Financial or in-kind partner leverage is important

5 Timeline January 22, 2016Pre-proposals due to IDL 2016 FebruaryPre-proposals selected for full proposals. March-mid JuneApplicants develop full proposals August & SeptemberIDL submits WFM, CPP and LSR grants to west competition October-November Western teams score application, makes funding recommendations to USFS (Washington D.C.) 2017 Late SpringDependent on congressional budgets, states receive funding Summer/FallIDL and partner agreements developed and projects begin

6 Idaho Forest Action Plan “a proactive approach to identify and address issues” Idaho Forest Action Plan “a proactive approach to identify and address issues”


8 Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Grant Projects  Address themes to protect, enhance and conserve forests  Funding Authorities o Forest Stewardship o Forest Health o Fire o Urban and Community Forestry IDL  Can submit 3 LSR applications for western competition  Selects projects from successful pre-proposals.

9  Innovative projects, integrate various programs (IDL and partner programs)  Across ownerships, management or jurisdictional boundaries (however grant dollars cannot be spend on federal lands)  Address local or statewide forest resource issues in Idaho’s Forest Action Plan LSR Projects

10 Types of Projects Assess needs, develop plans (e.g., watershed action plans and Forest Stewardship Plans) Conduct actions or treatments to increase & maintain vegetation diversity & resilience. Includes urban and rural forest  improve and/or restore forest health, air & water resources, riparian areas, wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities  reduce wildfire, noxious weeds, development pressure and impacts from undesignated recreation

11 Types of Projects Address community issues such as stormwater, air quality, energy use, or invasives Work with local and state governments to affect policy changes, develop plans, or conduct statewide training. All projects should include outreach and education to relevant audiences. (i.e. train landowners or organizations) See IDL grants web page for project examples

12 Grant Dollar Restrictions Grant dollars can not be used for: Work on federal land Research Construction activities - new or improved structures, roads, bridges and culverts. If these activities are part of the overall project, use them as project leverage.

13 Planning Projects What’s worked well: Hold planning meetings with potential partners Discuss and identify issues Find out who is doing what and where Use available data, assessments, maps to support need for work Determine actions needed to address issues Landscape Scale Restoration grant: successful pre-proposal applicants can receive up to $5,000 to help develop full proposal

14 Leverage & Partnerships Leverage. Desire 1:1  Leverage is the value of contributions by the applicant and project partners to meet mutual project outcomes  Can be federal  Collaborators generally provide leverage in project development and implementation Partnerships are important

15 LSR Pre-Proposal Application Project Overview  Provide succinct overview of the proposed project; could easily be used to communicate the elements and value of the project. Context, Goals and Objectives  Context clearly identifies priority landscapes and issues and/or opportunities that are addressed. Goals and objectives address issues and/or opportunities and national themes to protect, enhance, and conserve forests. Proposed Activities  List and explain project activities (work that will be done to achieve goals and objectives). Clearly describe what activities will be done with grant funds, what is to be completed with leveraged funds, and who will do the work.

16 LSR Pre-Proposal Application Deliverable, Outputs and Outcomes  What are the project deliverables, outputs, and outcomes? Outcomes and outputs should relate directly to proposed activities, goals and objectives. Provide quantitative measures of success. Collaboration  Describe collaborative efforts in developing and implementing the project. List partners and their type of contribution (planning, treatments, etc) and the dollar value (in-kind or cash). The dollar value will be used as leverage in support of the project, more is better. Describe how partners are committed and will add value during project development and implementation. Forest Action Plan  Clearly describes the need for the proposed project and relates it to one or more priority landscapes, issues, areas, or strategies identified in the Forest Action Plan.

17 LSR Pre-Proposal Application Scale  Scale of the project is clearly based on and is appropriate for the stated goals, objectives, and outcomes including cross boundary goals. The scale is sufficient to address the national theme and priority landscape and issues. Sustainability  What skills and capabilities will result from and extend beyond the life of the projects? Project shows how investments will lead to specific, quantifiable, cost-effective, and replicable benefits. Implementation  Indicate: a) project implementation readiness—if not currently ready, estimate time needed to prepare; b) if the project is new or a continuation/expansion of a current project Budget:  estimate project costs for activities. Both grant fund request & leverage

18 Additional Info  Go to IDL’s Grants webpage  Review CRITERIA. Projects are judged by this.  Review past projects. Look at how they are written.  Questions: Contact Dave Stephenson, phone 666-8621

19 Western Fire Managers & CPP Grants Western Fire Managers and Community Protection Program grants-modify fire behavior, protect life and property IDL can submit 10 Western Fire Manager Grants Community Protection Program dependent on USFS regional funding

20 Fire Grant Criteria CRITERIA Community Protection Program (CPP)* Western States Fire Manager (WSFM)* Project MUST be in CWPP Project MUST be adjacent to USFS project Project NOT ownership adjacent specific Project DOES NOT require match 50% match for grant, applicants required to meet minimum 10% * All grant money is courtesy of the USFS

21 WHAT IS A PROJECT? Is pre-determined and pre-defined in a CWPP EXAMPLES  Fuel Breaks  Shaded  Green Strip  Forest Thinning  Defensible Space  Watershed Protection  Etc.

22 Who Can Apply?  Any County with proof the project is identified in a CWPP  Local or state governments with proof the project is in a CWPP and they have capacity to manage project  Any accredited non-profit with proof the project is in a CWPP and they have capacity to manage project

23 Grant Dollar Restrictions WFM and CPP Grants exclude: – Individual homeowner defensible space – Maintenance on previous federally funded fuels projects – Preparedness and suppression capacity building (e.g. purchase of fire department equipment) – Small business start-up funding – GIS/database development.

24 Application Comparison HFR WSFM





29 IDL website >Forestry>Grants Contacts: Landscape Scale Restoration Dave Stephenson Phone: 208-666-8621 HFR and WSFM Tyre Holfeltz Phone: 208-666-8653

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