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Chinese 1 Week 12 11/12-17 Objectives: Review new words about animal, numbers and Halloween. This is…. It is tall/ short/ fat/ thin/ cute/ ferocious it.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese 1 Week 12 11/12-17 Objectives: Review new words about animal, numbers and Halloween. This is…. It is tall/ short/ fat/ thin/ cute/ ferocious it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese 1 Week 12 11/12-17 Objectives: Review new words about animal, numbers and Halloween. This is…. It is tall/ short/ fat/ thin/ cute/ ferocious it can fly/ run/ walk. what is your telephone number? what is your address? Excuse me, are you…? Yes, The meaning of numbers

2 Monday objectives TEKS: 2A, 2b, 3a, 5a 1) review numbers
2)New words about animals and adjectives. 2) dialogue How are you? I am fine. Thank you. And you? I am fine too. What is your phone number? What is your address? Where do you live?

3 You will say it fluently today
A: 你好吗?Nǐ hǎo ma? How are you? B: 我很好。Wǒ hěn hǎo I am fine. A: 你住在哪儿?Nǐ zhù zài nǎ'er? Where do you live? B: 我住在…. Wǒ zhù zài.... I live in …. A: 你的电话号码是什么?Nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì shénme? what is your phone number B: 我的电话号码是 Wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì My phone number is A: 您的电子邮件是什么?Nín de diànzǐ yóujiàn shì shénme? What is your address? B: 我 的电 子 邮 件 是 Wǒ de diànzǐ yóujiàn shì...... My address is… A: 谢谢!Xièxiè! Thank you!!

4 Numbers:
dad, I am hungry. prosper smoothly long I love you all my life single’s day 5257 I love my wife 520 I love you 120 ambulance 250 you are stupid 110 police crime smoothly 999 emergency call in Hongkong, Britain, 8 prosper 9 last long 4 death 119 fire department

5 Please read aloud these numbers
1-10 250 12, 24, 35, 42, 56, 67, 77, 89, 91, 94, 689 1111 100, 5257 110 999 120 119 520

6 You will be able to do the following
1. Read the numbers on slide4 2. You will be able to know the special meaning of the numbers 2. Be able to make dialogue How are you? I am fine. Thank you. And you? I am fine too. What is your phone number? What is your address? Where do you live?

7 Tuesday objectives I. Oral practice 2. New words Review about animals
3. Sentence patterns: This is ….( animals) It is tall/ short/fat/ thin. It is cute/ ferocious/ tame. It likes walk/run/fly. I like… 4. Oral practice

8 Review the new words Giraffe/Chángjǐnglù长颈鹿 Lion,/ Shīzi,狮子,
bird/Niǎo 鸟 Penguin/Qì'é企鹅 Monkey/Hóuzi猴子 Wolf/ Láng狼 Panda/Xióngmāo熊猫 Tall高Gāo Skunk/Chòu yòu臭鼬 Short矮ǎi Peacock/Kǒngquè孔雀 thin瘦shòu Spider/Zhīzhū 蜘蛛 fat胖pàng Horse/Mǎ马 tame驯服xùnfú Elephant/Xiàng象 ferocious凶猛xiōng Hippo/Hémǎ河马 cute可爱Kě'ài Tiger/Hǔ虎 can hui

9 This is ….( animals) 这是……
It is tall/ short/fat/ thin.它高/矮/胖/瘦。 It is cute/ ferocious/ tame. 它可爱/凶猛/驯服。 It likes walk/run/fly.它喜欢走/跑/飞。 Home work: You describe two animals using the patterns above.

10 Oral practice 请安静!Qǐng ānjìng! / Be quiet please!
我可以喝水吗?Wǒ kěyǐ hē shuǐ ma?/ May I drink some water? 我可以上厕所吗?Wǒ kěyǐ Shàngcèsuǒ ma?/ May I go to the bathroom? 起立!Qǐlì!/Stand up! 请坐!Qǐng zuò! /Sit down, please! 请说慢一点!Qǐng shuō màn yīdiǎn/Please say it slower

11 Home work today Review the new words and prepare for voc. quiz tomorrow. Review the sentence patterns and describe two animals using the patterns.

12 Wednesday objectives Review the new words.
Students work in group to practice the review packet.

13 duìhuà对话dialogue nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì shénme?
A: 你的 电 话 号 码 是 什么?What is your phone number? Wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì... B:我 的 电话 号 码是... My telephone number is …. Nín de diànzǐ yóujiàn shì shénme? A: 您 的电 子 邮件 是 什么?What is your address? Wǒ de diànzǐ yóujiàn shì...... B: 我 的电 子 邮 件 是 My address is… Nǐ zhù zài nǎlǐ? A: 你住 在哪里?Where do you live? Wǒ zhù zài.... B: 我住在 I live in….

14 1)Review new words新词Xīn cí
电话diànhuà /telephone 号码Hàomǎ/ number 的de/ of 什么shénme/ what 哪里nǎlǐ / where 电子邮件diànzǐ yóujiàn / address

15 Activities: 1)Please put English after these words. 2) timed reading
电话diànhuà / 的de/ 什么shénme/ 哪里nǎlǐ / 电子邮件diànzǐ yóujiàn /

16 Voc. practice 什么 电话 电子邮件 哪里

17 Thursday: Chinese music instrument research project presentation
Be positive when you do presentation Be prepared! Be polite when others do their presentation.

18 Friday objectives TEKS: 2A, 2B, 3A, 2nd 6th week exam

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