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Week 4. Tonight’s seminar National Security Strategy National Security Strategy Local Response Local Response United Kingdom’s plan United Kingdom’s plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 4. Tonight’s seminar National Security Strategy National Security Strategy Local Response Local Response United Kingdom’s plan United Kingdom’s plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 4

2 Tonight’s seminar National Security Strategy National Security Strategy Local Response Local Response United Kingdom’s plan United Kingdom’s plan

3 National Security Strategy American Interests American Interests The security of the US, its citizens, and US allies and partners The security of the US, its citizens, and US allies and partners A strong, innovative, and growing US economy in an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity A strong, innovative, and growing US economy in an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity Respect for universal values at home and around the world; and Respect for universal values at home and around the world; and An international order advanced by U.S. leadership that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges An international order advanced by U.S. leadership that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges

4 History of US Adapting to Change Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Economic transformation Economic transformation WWII WWII NATO and United Nations NATO and United Nations Communism Communism Cold war Cold war

5 National Security Strategy Current Threats Iraq and Afghanistan Iraq and Afghanistan Terrorism (AQ and its affiliates) Terrorism (AQ and its affiliates) WMD, especially nukes WMD, especially nukes Dependence on fossil fuels Dependence on fossil fuels Threats from climate change and pandemic disease Threats from climate change and pandemic disease Failing states breeding conflict Failing states breeding conflict Global criminal networks Global criminal networks

6 “The World We Seek” Building on our foundation Building on our foundation Pursuing Comprehensive Engagement Pursuing Comprehensive Engagement Promote a just and sustainable order Promote a just and sustainable order

7 Advancing Our Interests Security Security Prosperity Prosperity Values Values International Order International Order

8 Security Strengthen resilience and security at home Strengthen resilience and security at home Disrupt, dismantle, and defeat AQ and its affiliates Disrupt, dismantle, and defeat AQ and its affiliates Reverse the spread of Nuclear and Biological Weapons and secure nuclear materials Reverse the spread of Nuclear and Biological Weapons and secure nuclear materials Advance Peace, security, and opportunity in the greater middle east Advance Peace, security, and opportunity in the greater middle east Invest in the capacity of strong and capable partners Invest in the capacity of strong and capable partners

9 Strengthen resilience and security at home Enhance security at home Enhance security at home Effectively manage emergencies Effectively manage emergencies Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Engage with communities and citizens Engage with communities and citizens

10 Border Protection US- Mexico History US- Mexico History Immigration Immigration

11 Border Security Fencing Fencing National Guard Troops National Guard Troops High Tech Surveillance High Tech Surveillance Local Militias Local Militias

12 Federal Border Protection Plans 287G 287G Streamline Streamline Safe Communities Safe Communities

13 Strengthen resilience and security at home Enhance security at home Enhance security at home Effectively manage emergencies Effectively manage emergencies Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Engage with communities and citizens Engage with communities and citizens

14 Effectively Manage Emergencies Management of Domestic Incidents HSPD-5 HSPD-8 National Incident Management System (NIMS) National Preparedness Mandates

15 Incident Phases Awareness Level Actions Recovery Phase  Last Living Victim Removed Restoration Phase  Contamination Survey Completed Response Phase  Scene Control Begins Notification Phase  Incident Recognized

16 Strengthen resilience and security at home Enhance security at home Enhance security at home Effectively manage emergencies Effectively manage emergencies Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Engage with communities and citizens Engage with communities and citizens

17 Empower Communities to Counter Radicalization Intelligence- Intelligence- JTTF JTTF Fusion Centers Fusion Centers Community Engagement Community Engagement “If you see something, say something” “If you see something, say something” National Night Out National Night Out Community Policing Community Policing

18 Strengthen resilience and security at home Enhance security at home Enhance security at home Effectively manage emergencies Effectively manage emergencies Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Engage with communities and citizens Engage with communities and citizens

19 Partnerships Federal Government Last Resort! State Government Provides Support Local Government First Response! Individuals and Households Private Sector Nongovernmental Organizations

20 Strengthen resilience and security at home Enhance security at home Enhance security at home Effectively manage emergencies Effectively manage emergencies Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Empowering Communities to counter radicalization Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Improve resilience through increased public private partnerships Engage with communities and citizens Engage with communities and citizens

21 Engage with communities and citizens Individual and Community Preparedness Individual and Community Preparedness

22 UK Effectively identify critical infrastructure Work more effectively with the private sector to protect high-risk targets Create a hostile environment for potential terrorists Identify precursor crimes for terrorism Use crime prevention techniques to deter terrorists



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