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Age of Exploration: Impacts on Europe, The Americas & Africa.

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1 Age of Exploration: Impacts on Europe, The Americas & Africa

2 Three Worlds Collide

3 Europeans Seek New Trade Routes to ASIA  Main reason: To gain wealth  Crusades spurs demand for Asian goods  Muslims and Italians control trade from East to West  Other European nations want to bypass these powers

4 FOR GOD, GOLD & GLORY  Desire to spread Christianity also spurs exploration  Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias wanted to serve God and king  Technology:  In 1400s, the caravel made it possible to sail against the wind  Astrolabe makes navigation easier  Magnetic compass improves tracking of direction Ay caramba!

5 Caravel Crosshatch Log Compass Mariner’s Astrolabe Hourglass Tools of Navigation

6 Mariner’s Astrolabe  Used to measure Latitude, using the positions of the Sun or a well known star  A simple brass ring, marked off in graduated in degrees with a rotating blade for sighting the Sun or a star.  Not very accurate - errors of four or five degrees were common

7 The Portuguese Explore Africa  Prince Henry of Portugal  1419 - founded Portuguese navigation school  By 1460, Portuguese trading posts along west coast of Africa

8 Portuguese Sailors Reach Asia  1488 - Dias sailed around Africa  1498, Vasco da Gama sailed to India  Returned with valuable cargo

9 Portugal’s Trading Empire  1509 - Portugal defeated Muslims took over Indian Ocean trade took over Indian Ocean trade in India & Malaysia in India & Malaysia Also control southern tip of Africa Also control southern tip of Africa  These gains broke Muslim-Italian hold on Asian trade

10 Challenges to Portuguese in Asia  English & Dutch move into Asia  Portuguese weakened  England & France move into India

11 A Rival Power - Spain  Spanish want access to ASIA also  They sponsored Columbus  Idea: Sail west to reach Asia  OOPs - Found the Americas instead  IMPACT: Opened Americas to exploration and colonization Shoulda asked for directions…


13 Columbus  Columbus and the Taino meet – two worlds collide two worlds collide Impact on Indigenous Populations: 1. No immunity to European diseases. 2. Whole tribes decimated. 3. Brutal treatment of local peoples. Enslaved & tortured. Fr. Bartolome de Las Casas convinced the King of Spain to halt the mistreatment of the natives.

14 Impact on Africans:  Over time, Africans replace native peoples as slaves.  Slavery becomes essential part of N & S American colonial systems N & S American colonial systems  Between 1500-1800, at least 12 million people were taken from Africa.


16 Impact on Europeans: Merchants & monarchs seek to increase wealth Merchants & monarchs seek to increase wealth Thousands of Europeans voluntarily left for a new life – for religion, land, gold, or powerThousands of Europeans voluntarily left for a new life – for religion, land, gold, or power Spain, England & Portugal gain profit, land, powerSpain, England & Portugal gain profit, land, power Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 : Split the New World into two between Spain and Portugal.Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 : Split the New World into two between Spain and Portugal.

17 Columbian Exchange: Massive exchange of plants and animals between Europe and America. Massive exchange of plants and animals between Europe and America.

18 Spain’s New Empire  Conquistadors: Spanish explorers searched the Caribbean, Central America and South America for gold and silver.

19 Hernán Cortés:  Lands in Mexico in 1513 600 men, 17 horses, ten cannons. 600 men, 17 horses, ten cannons.

20 3.Cortés “subdues” the Aztecs and MontezumaCortés “subdues” the Aztecs aided by Spanish firearms, diseases and native allies. Tenochtitlan


22 Wealth from the Americas 1. New Spain: Colony in Mexico 2. Mestizos: Mixed native and Spanish blood. 3. Encomienda: Spanish plantation system.

23 Chinese Explorations Chinese Explorations  Ming Dynasty- rule China from 1368-1644  collect tribute from many Asian countries  1405 – Launch explorations

24 The Voyages of Zheng He  Chinese admiral Zheng He leads 7 long voyages  Distributes gifts to show China’s superiority  Chinese then turn away from exploration  More concerned with threat from Mongols

25 Comparison of a Chinese Junk to a Portuguese Caravel

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