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THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 1 Teleconference 8/30/2005 THEMIS Instrument FM2/3 Pre-Environmental Review Environments Jeremy McCauley University.

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Presentation on theme: "THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 1 Teleconference 8/30/2005 THEMIS Instrument FM2/3 Pre-Environmental Review Environments Jeremy McCauley University."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 1 Teleconference 8/30/2005 THEMIS Instrument FM2/3 Pre-Environmental Review Environments Jeremy McCauley University of California - Berkeley

2 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 2 Teleconference 8/30/2005 F2-3 Suite I&T Flow Suite SC Test 12,25JUL2005 Suite Phasing Test Inst. Delivery AXBSPBSST Suite Thermal 8-14SEP2005 Suite Delivery 6 cycles T-V EFI Functional (Level 1) Suite PER 30AUG2005 INSTRUMENT PERs INSTRUMENT TESTING SUITE INTEGRATION SUITE DELIVERY IDPU/SUITE ENVIRONMENTS FGM/SCM Inst. Thermal Inst. Vibration Suite STM IDPU/ESA Vibration 30AUG2005, 1SEP2005 IDPU/ESA Thermal 2-6SEP2005 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C Suite Test Review Bus INT Magnetic Screening

3 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 3 Teleconference 8/30/2005 IDPU+ESA Vibe Testing Vibration Plan 3-Axis, Sine and Random to Acceptance Levels Details contained in THM-ESA-PRC-007, THEMIS ESA + IDPU Acceptance Vibration Test Procedure, Rev. A (unchanged from F1)

4 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 4 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Magnetic Testing Magnetic Screening Plan Box level screening Deperm with 40Grms, Map with 2 axis rotation of unit within coil system Details contained in THM-MINT-PROC-121, THEMIS Component Magnetic Test Procedure

5 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 5 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Thermal Testing Outline Cycle Accumulation 2 cycles at instrument level - constrained by schedule 6 cycles at instrument suite level 4 cycles at spacecraft level 12 cycles total for every flight instrument 4 hour soaks at hot and cold targets Every TVAC test is preceded by a PER where thermal engineer signs off on procedure Thermal Balance Done on one flight or flight like unit only at the instrument level Instrument level balance verifies conductance, absorptance, and emittance properties Instrument thermal design is verified at the probe level on P1

6 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 6 Teleconference 8/30/2005 TV Plan 2 Component-Level TV Cycles Prior to Suite Level I&T Survival, Cold Start and Bake-out (TQCM Monitor) Details contained in THM-ESA-PRC-0016, THEMIS ESA + IDPU Thermal Vacuum Test Procedure, Rev. 2.0 (unchanged from F1) IDPU/ESA TV Testing

7 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 7 Teleconference 8/30/2005 ESA/IDPU Thermal Testing Status F1 IDPU needs to be retested after rework

8 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 8 Teleconference 8/30/2005 FGM Thermal Testing Status F4 FGS was not conductively mounted correctly in first qualification test. Retest was done in air at limits shown No changes since F1 PER

9 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 9 Teleconference 8/30/2005 SCM Thermal Testing Status Thin crack in the potting for two antennas during first ETU test. Potting method reworked and retested No changes since F1 PER

10 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 10 Teleconference 8/30/2005 SCM/FGM Boom Thermal Testing Status F1 booms re-named F6 after anomalous vibration results F1 SCM and FGM will get a total of 4 cycles at the instrument suite level instead of the normal 8 due to the swap of F1 and F6 F1/F2 retested twice due to test setup errors

11 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 11 Teleconference 8/30/2005 SST Thermal Testing Status Some ITO coated silver Teflon thermal control tape with 9703 conductive adhesive from the STEREO project was thermal vac tested separately and it passed conductance and adhesion tests THEMIS tape was tested after it arrived and it failed. We reworked the application method and retested and the tape passed. Further testing planned. F3 renamed F4 and F4 renamed F3 All units need to be retested following mezzanine board rework

12 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 12 Teleconference 8/30/2005 EFI PreAmp Thermal Testing Status ETU 1 Preamp had no problems but FR4 board was switched to Thermount 85 NT for ETU 2 and flight Six ETU 2 Qual Units went through 24 cycles, Two of those units added an additional 14 cycles for a total of 38 Upper limit recently changed from 65 to 90 in September 04 due to receipt of optical testing data on DAG 213. No changes since F1 PER

13 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 13 Teleconference 8/30/2005 EFI PreAmp Thermal Testing Setup

14 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 14 Teleconference 8/30/2005 EFI SPB Thermal Testing Status Qual ETU motor was a motor only stress test, no problems seen SPB design changed from flying with doors closed to flying with doors open. ETU was retested after the small modifications this required Calibration runs done with the sphere keyreels to determine release tension at hot and cold deployment conditions SPB unit has completed thermal balance testing No changes since F1 PER

15 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 15 Teleconference 8/30/2005 EFI AXB Thermal Testing Status Due to delivery schedules to Swales we were unable to include the AXBs in the suite testing. They accumulated the 6 suite cycles on their own All testing completed except balance test

16 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 16 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Suite TV Testing TV Plan F2 and F3 Suites Together 6 Suite Level TV Cycles, Survival, Cold Start and Bake-out (TQCM Monitor) Details contained in THM-SYS-PRC-004, THEMIS INSTRUMENT SUITE Thermal Vacuum Test Procedure, Rev. B (unchanged from F1)

17 THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PEREnvironments- 17 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Instrument Suite Thermal Testing Status Due to an error F1 Suite did not go to the cold survival temperature before turn on. All units have separately been turned on at their cold survival limit. F2-F5 will be tested to the –60 survival temperature

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