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Carburetors & Fuel Injection 1.Describe the major parts of fuel injection. - Air cleaner, mass air flow sensor, injector, pressure regulator, electric.

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2 Carburetors & Fuel Injection

3 1.Describe the major parts of fuel injection. - Air cleaner, mass air flow sensor, injector, pressure regulator, electric fuel pump

4 Carburetors & Fuel Injection 2. Describe a supercharger. - This mechanism pumps air into the engine. It is most useful at high speeds.

5 Carburetors & Fuel Injection 3. Describe a turbocharger. - This mechanism uses exhaust gas to force more air fuel mixture into the engine.

6 Carburetors & Fuel Injection 4. Explain why fuel injection systems are computer controlled. - The fuel injection system is computer controlled to give a 14.7 to 1 air fuel ratio out of each injector.

7 Carburetors & Fuel Injection 5. List the six basic carburetor circuits. - Idle circuit, low speed circuit, high speed full power circuit, acceleration circuit, choke circuit, secondary circuit.

8 Carburetors & Fuel Injection Test 6. How does a carburetor work? - It uses Bernulies theory to create a vacuum to atomize fuel and air at a 14.7 to 1 air fuel ratio.

9 Carburetors & Fuel Injection Test 7. What does a fuel pump do? - The fuel pump supplies fuel from the tank to the intake on the engine.

10 Carburetors & Fuel Injection Test 8. List two types of fuel pumps. - Mechanical and Electric

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