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Isothermal 2D zonal air volume model

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1 Isothermal 2D zonal air volume model
Victor Norrefeldt, Thierry Nouidui, Christoph van Treeck, Gunnar Grün Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics – Valley, Germany

2 Goal of zonal models quick estimation of airflow patterns
quick estimation of local distributions of heat moisture contaminants

3 Idea of zonal modeling single-zone multi-zone CFD zonal

4 Principles of zonal modeling
Subdivision of a room into zones (volumes) Volume model: Mass Conservation Conservation of thermal energy Other particle / contaminant conservations possible (moisture, CO2, VOC, …) Flow Model Links two volume models Calculates mass flow rate from pressure difference

5 State of art Volume 1 p1 Volume 2 p2 Flow Link many volumes → room
Cd approximately 0.83 (Jiru and Haghighat, 2006, Wurtz et al., 1999)

6 Basic Zonal Model

7 Basic Zonal Model Source Sink

8 Application examples of Zonal Models
Prediction of temperature stratification in an experimental atrium in Kanagawa, Japan (Heiselberg et al., 1998) Calculation of refrigeration load of an ice-rink in Canada (Daoud et al., 2007) Modeling of a ventilated double-skin façade (Jiru et al., 2008)

9 Inifinte gradient at zero
Difficulty with state-of-the-art zonal model: Small pressure differences Current solution: Linearization (Boukhris et al., 2009) New solution: Calculate acceleration of air flow Inifinte gradient at zero

10 Difficulty with state-of-the-art zonal model: Dissipation of airflow velocity in volumes
Current solution: Jet- or plume correlations for regions with driving air flows (e.g. Wurtz et al., 2006) New solution: Air flow velocity as a property in volumes

11 Difficulty with state-of-the-art zonal model: Number of zones influences the total pressure drop
Current solution: None found New solution: Size of a zone taken into account u0 4 pressure drops 2 pressure drops

12 Formulation of the new zonal model
Forces on flow path → acceleration of air flow Use of apparent µ → losses Steady State → acceleration = 0, velocity = constant Pressure Impluse Gravitation Viscous losses

13 Application example: Nielsen-Room

14 Zoning

15 Comparison of results (µ = 0.001)
+ Maximal velocity + Recirculation point - Recirculating air flow

16 Comparison of results (µ = 0.001)
Maximal velocity + Recirculation point - Recirculating air flow

17 Conclusion New formulation of zonal models
Incorporated impulse conservation Quick prediction of air flow pattern in rooms Next steps Extension to non-isothermal cases Validation with own measurements

18 References Jiru, T.E. and Haghighat, F., A new generation of zonal models. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol Part 2. pp Heiselberg, P., Murakami, S., Roulet, C.-A Ventilation of large spaces in buildings, Analysis and prediction techniques. IEA Annex 26 Daoud, A., Galanis, N., Bellache, O Calculation of refrigeration loads by convection, radiation and condensation in ice rinks using a transient 3D zonal model. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 28. pp Jiru, E., Haghighat, F Modeling ventilated double skin façade—A zonal approach. Energy and Buildings. Vol. 40. pp Wurtz, E., Mora, L., Inard, C An equation-based simulation environment to investigate fast building simulation, Building and Environment. Vol. 40. pp Boukhris, Y, Gharbi, L, and Ghrab-Morcos, N Modeling coupled heat transfer and air flow in a partitioned building with a zonal model: application to the winter thermal comfort. Building Simulation. Vol. 2. pp 67-74 Nielsen, P.V Specification of a two-dimensional test case. International Energy Agency. Energy conservation in buildings and community systems, Annex 20: Air flow patterns within buildings.

19 Thank you for your attention
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