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Class findings – Period 4 Someone Passing-4 Born outside of Tacoma-6 Born outside the country-3 Sports-11 Jobs-4 Music-5 Burned down a shed playing with.

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Presentation on theme: "Class findings – Period 4 Someone Passing-4 Born outside of Tacoma-6 Born outside the country-3 Sports-11 Jobs-4 Music-5 Burned down a shed playing with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class findings – Period 4 Someone Passing-4 Born outside of Tacoma-6 Born outside the country-3 Sports-11 Jobs-4 Music-5 Burned down a shed playing with fire-1

2 Class Findings – Period 5 Surgery-3 Sports-7 Twins-1 Divorce-5 Born far away-7 Music-4 Met Seahawks-1 Vegetarian-1 Black belt-1

3 Class Findings-Period 3 Sports-7 Born elsewhere-6 Someone Passing-3 Michelle Obama-1 Pets-3 Stitches-2

4 Do-Now Revisit the final meaning of the definition of periodization (with hand signals) with your group and create a sentence that demonstrates your understanding of the word. Write that sentence in your CCD and be prepared to share out. Have your reading (and notes) on your desk for me to review.

5 Class Findings-Period 2 1. Born Outside of Tacoma (7) 2. Dealing with someone close passing (5) 3. Sports (9) 4. Brand new to LHS (3) 5. Learning to read being a turning point (2) 6. Foss (2) 7. Moved from Seattle (3)

6 CCD-Interpretation Prediction What is Mann’s argument in the excerpt (interpretation) How do you know? (Evidence)

7 The Earliest Americans: What are the origins of the earliest Americans and what similarities and differences exist in their cultures?

8 Objectives I can briefly explain theories of people being in the Americas I can differentiate between interpretation and evidence by outlining scholarly excerpts

9 How did people get here? Religion vs. Science Different cultures have different stories (religion) Creation stories (religion) Theory of evolution (science) What’s the main difference between the different approaches?

10 Bering Land Bridge, p. 6

11 Three-wave migration First about 35,000 years ago Second between 15,000 and 9,000 years ago, possibly by boat. Third about 5000 years ago What type of economy mainly developed? Why?

12 Hunting and Gathering Paleolithic Era (before farming was invented)

13 Birth of Agriculture About 5000 BCE, people in the highlands of Mexico developed a wild grass into maize (corn). What changed as a result?

14 Evidence vs. Interpretation What is evidence?

15 Tribes of North America Case study of 4 regions 1. Powhatans of the Eastern Woodland 2. Sioux of the Great Plains 3. Anasazi/Pueblo of the Southwest 4. Kwakitul/Inuit People of the Northwest Task: 1. Read the text on your assigned region and fill in that portion of the graphic organizer. In your first group, share your findings, add to your charts and clarify anything you don’t fully understand and can explain. Figure out where your assigned group lived and code it on your map 2. In new groups, take turns sharing your findings with your group, allowing them time to fill in their charts and ask questions. Do not let people copy. 3. As a group, identify 6 direct comparisons about Native American groups in the area now known as the United States (3 similarities and 3 differences). 4. Take your map and color the region of the US inhabited by the various groups. Draw two symbols on each region that represents important characteristics of that region.

16 Geography Assignment Label these Mountain ranges using the symbol ˄˄˄ Appalachian Range Rockies Sierra Nevada Range Cascades Rivers Mississippi Ohio Missouri Columbia

17 Major Rivers

18 Native American Regions

19 Questions to Consider Which group was most mobile? Explain. Which group seemed the least mobile? Explain. Which group was most impacted by farming? Which group was least impacted by farming? Which group do you think had the most equal gender relations? Explain. Most of what we learned in these readings show little contact with Europeans but there is one important example. Identify it. Make 3 generalizations about Native Americans’ world view from the readings.

20 AP Style Testing Tom Lovell, Trading at the Pecos Pueblo, 1973 Courtesy of Abell-Hanger Foundation and of the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum, Library and Hall of Fame of Midland, Texas, where the painting is on permanent display. Use the image above and your knowledge of United States history to answer part A. a. Explain the point of view in the image toward ONE of the following: ·Trade ·American Indians ·The environment

21 Abenaki Village

22 Cahokia Village

23 Calusa Village

24 Comanche People

25 Flathead Reservation

26 Hopi Village

27 Makah Tribe

28 Powhatan Village

29 Objectives Outcomes I can identify and briefly explain theories of people being (starting) in the Americas I can compare and contrast Native American cultures in a general context I can explain what will be expected of me on a weekly basis in the course for the year and demonstrate that with a completed note-taking assignment

30 Tribes of North America

31 Early Native American Groups Theme: Environment and Geography Current Event Focus: Global Warming Historical Thinking Skill: Comparison Objective: I can generalize how different Native American groups lived prior to European contact and explain how their environment impacted their cultures.

32 Outcomes Friday 9/6 I can compare and contrast Native American cultures in a general context I can demonstrate my note taking skills with an assessment I can briefly explain European motivations for traveling to and colonizing the Americas I can begin an analysis of a primary source

33 Native Americans 7 million people north of Mexico about 1492 40 million Mexico and south What accounts for the difference in population?


35 World Trade Routes-1450

36 World Trade

37 Europeans Get Motivated Jealous of other major empires, Europeans begin to explore the seas Portugal and Vasco de Gama to Indian Ocean Beginning of the African Slave Trade Motivates Spain to send Columbus West Columbus randomly bumps into the Americas (discovery??)

38 Spain and Portugal (1500s) Hernan Cortes conquers Aztecs Francisco Pizarro conquers Incas Portugal takes Brazil Spain has empire everywhere else Great Britain and France are not relevant yet

39 North America Not hugely desired Climate is so-so Spain and Portugal don’t need it Great Britain and France get the “left overs” Spain’s empire is in decline after wasting all their silver

40 Who first came to the Americas and why? Peasants from Spain, Germany and Great Britain (England) Poor people, few rights, little to no property, deeply religious

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