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Determining Income Part 2 October 2013. Household Size.

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Presentation on theme: "Determining Income Part 2 October 2013. Household Size."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determining Income Part 2 October 2013

2 Household Size

3 O Who counts as part of the family? O Unborn infants O Grandma O Boyfriend O Parents O Brothers and sisters O Friends O Roommates O Others?

4 Are they part of the Household? O Who pays for what? O How are bills and items (e.g. food) split? O Does the client/caregiver have an income? O Is that income enough to support client(s)/caregiver?

5 What about the teenager? O What is their household? O What is her income? O Is her income enough to support her? O What if she lives at home with her parents? O What if she lives in an apartment but has no income?

6 Scenario 1 A client lives in an apartment with her boyfriend and baby. Neither of them work? O What needs to be asked? O What is the household size?

7 Scenario 2 A 16 year old client and her 1 year old live at home with her mom, dad, 2 sisters and brother. She makes $25 a week babysitting and she gets $150 per month in child support. O What is her household size? Why?

8 Adjunctive Eligibility

9 O Qualifies the family: O SNAP O TANF O FDPIR O Pregnant woman or infant receiving AHCCCS O Qualifies the individual client O AHCCCS

10 Income for Adjunctive Eligible Clients O What counts as income? O What documentation of income is needed? O Do we still need to inquire about additional income sources?

11 Scenario 3 A pregnant client provides proof of SNAP using her eligibility letter. She reports she also receives TANF and AHCCCS, but did not bring proof. She lives with her grandmother who get SSI. O What is her household size? O What counts as income? O How is income documented? Is income pending?

12 Self-Declare

13 Who can self-declare O Those who work for cash O Food sales O Art (pottery, jewelry, paintings) sales O Drug sales O Day labor O Those who are American Indian, Reside on the Reservation and meet the income requirements O Those who are self-employed and have no record of their income.

14 Scenario 4 Client lives with her boyfriend and daughter. He sells pottery and earns about $500 per month. She sells baked goods and earns $200 per month. They are American Indian and reside on the reservation. O What is the household size? O What is their income? O What proof is needed?

15 Zero Income

16 How are their needs meet? O Food O Shelter O Other needs O Hygiene items O Diapers O Gas, bus fare, etc. O Toilet paper O Clothes, shoes O Alcohol O Manicures/fake nails

17 Does the client really have zero income?

18 Examples of those who may have zero income: O Homeless O Foster children

19 Scenario 5 Client reports she has no income. She lives with her parents, but states they do not support her, they are separate households. O What additional questions should be asked? O Who is included in her household?

20 Scenario 6 Client works and brings in her current paystubs. When asking about other income she reports that her husband also works, but she did not bring in his paystubs. O What is documented as income? O What is the proof of income(s)?

21 Scenario 7 A caregiver shows proof of food stamps and tells you she receives $2000 quarterly from per capita. During the conversation she tells you that she does not pay the rent or utilities, her uncle does. O What is counted as income? O How is per capita documented? O Is additional proof needed?

22 What are your income questions?

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