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Predicting a Correct Program in PBE Rishabh Singh, Microsoft Research Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Predicting a Correct Program in PBE Rishabh Singh, Microsoft Research Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predicting a Correct Program in PBE Rishabh Singh, Microsoft Research Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research

2 Programming By Examples Intuitive Natural Accessible Ambiguity!

3 Excel Forums 300_w1_aniSh_c1_b  w1 =MID(“300_w1_aniSh_c1_b”,5,2)

4 300_w30_aniSh_c1_b  w30 =MID($B:$B,FIND(“_”,$B:$B)+1, FIND(“_”,REPLACE($B:$B,1,FIND(“_”,$B:$B),””))-1) Excel Forums

5 FlashFill [Gulwani POPL2011][Gulwani,Harris,Singh CACM 2012] DSL VSA Program Heuristics Benchmarks

6 DSL VSA Program Ranking Benchmarks

7 Handling Ambiguity InputOutput Rick RashidMr. Rick Satya Nadella

8 Prefer non-constants InputOutput Rick RashidMr. Rick Satya NadellaMs. Satya Prefer smaller substrings as constants

9 Prefer smaller constants InputOutput Satya NadellaS. Nadella Bill Gates 2 nd word, last word, 2 nd capital followed by 2 nd lowercase string….

10 Machine Learning for Ranking “With great power comes great responsibility.”

11 Labelled Training Data Machine Learning Algorithm Efficient Ranking Algorithm Three Challenges

12 Training Data Generation InputOutput Rick RashidMr. Rashid Satya NadellaMr. Nadella Peter LeeMr. Lee

13 Structuring Hypothesis Space with Sharing in Version-space Associative Expressions Fixed-arity Expressions f(e 1, f(e 2, f(e 3, e 4 ))) f(e 1, e 2, e 3, e 4 ) DAG-based sharing Set-based sharing

14 Ranking Function f(p) Assume Linear Function f(p) = w 1 * f 1 + w 2 *f 2 + … + w k *f k

15 Learning To Rank Logistic Regression Listwise Approach Didn’t work well  Too strong a constraint All relevant pages over irrelevant

16 Training Phase InputOutput Rick RashidMr. Rick Satya NadellaMr. Satya Peter LeeMr. Lee Lower 1 st uppercase letter Constant “r” Lower 2 nd upper case letter …. Goal: Find ranking function f(p) over program features that ranks positive programs higher than negative programs

17 Learn DAGs 0124 8 3 5 6 7 Rick Rashid  Mr. Rashid Satya Nadella  Mr. Satya 0124 8 3 5 6 7

18 Intersect DAGs Rick Rashid  Mr. Rick Satya Nadella  Mr. Satya

19 Assign Positive Labels Rick Rashid  Mr. Rick Satya Nadella  Mr. Satya

20 Assign Negative Labels Rick Rashid  Mr. Rick Satya Nadella  Mr. Satya

21 Rick Rashid  Mr. Rick Satya Nadella  Mr. Satya Learn ranking function f(p) that ranks programs higher than programs.

22 Training Phase Positive ProgramsNegative Programs Rank any positive program over all negative programs

23 Hierarchical Ranking Atomic Expression Substring Expression Concat Expression Frequency of tokens, context, neighborhood,… Length of substring, input, output, constant,… Number of Arguments, sum, max, min, prod

24 Evaluation 175 benchmarks 30-70 train-test partition Baseline (Occam’s razor): Smallest & Simplest programs

25 Ranking Evaluation LearnRank learns from 1 example for 79% benchmarks

26 Efficiency of Ranking

27 Ranking for PBE Machine Learning + Synthesis VSA Sharing Formalization Efficient Features & Algorithms General Loss Function for PBE Thanks!

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