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Enbridge SCC Management Program SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter Kresic Enbridge Pipelines Inc. SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter.

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Presentation on theme: "Enbridge SCC Management Program SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter Kresic Enbridge Pipelines Inc. SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enbridge SCC Management Program SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter Kresic Enbridge Pipelines Inc. SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter Kresic Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

2 System Map Norman Wells Athabasca Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 13 Line 14 Line 17 Vector 540 Miles 591 Miles 1098 Miles 800 Miles 1098 Miles 645 Miles 759 Miles 153 Miles 524 Miles 91 Miles 47 Miles 909 Miles 461 Miles 88 Miles 348 Miles Pipeline System Line 9 Line 8 130 Miles

3 Initial susceptibility assessment Potentially susceptible to SCC? Estimate consequences, prioritize and implement field investigations Is SCC present? Is significant SCC present? Estimate Consequences and prioritize for mitigation Select mitigation Schedule and implement mitigation Is routine mitigation required? Document and learn No Periodic monitoring No Yes Yes or No Yes Condition Monitoring Plan & Implement Mitigation Document & Learn CEPA Framework

4 Condition Monitoring Pipeline segment susceptibility inventory –coating type / disbondment observations –field examinations whenever pipe exposed –crack ILI data –hydrotest results when available

5 Plan and Implement Mitigation Mitigation of discrete pipe joint –addresses isolated SCC colonies –grinding, sleeving, recoating Mitigation of entire pipe segment –ILI-based repair project for widespread colonies –hydrotest is an option –pressure spectrum modification? (PRCI)

6 Document and Learn Annual update of technical process –databasing significant volume of information –on-going trend process –share with industry

7 SCC Detected by ILI

8 Documented Process Roles and responsibilities Annual plans and budgets Technical procedures –Field NDT –Pressure restriction during field work –Grinding / Sleeving / Coating Specifications –Gathering samples and field observations –Annual trending techniques

9 Enbridge SCC Observations No failures have occurred Near neutral pH SCC Associated with disbonded P.E. tape Pressure cycling a potential contributor Crack detection ILI is effective

10 Improvements Field NDT process (i.e. reporting styles) NDT depth sizing Fitness-for-purpose equations Crack tool defect sizing precision Crack initiation and growth lifecycle understanding

11 Summary Enbridge SCC Management Program is a component of a broader crack program applied to all pipe Techniques and technologies exist but greater precision desirable

12 Enbridge SCC Management Program SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter Kresic Enbridge Pipelines Inc. SCC Workshop Houston - December 2, 2003 Walter Kresic Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

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