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Smoke Characterization from MODIS Imagery Buck Sharpton Kevin Engle GINA/ION University of Alaska Fairbanks Buck Sharpton Kevin Engle GINA/ION University.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoke Characterization from MODIS Imagery Buck Sharpton Kevin Engle GINA/ION University of Alaska Fairbanks Buck Sharpton Kevin Engle GINA/ION University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoke Characterization from MODIS Imagery Buck Sharpton Kevin Engle GINA/ION University of Alaska Fairbanks Buck Sharpton Kevin Engle GINA/ION University of Alaska Fairbanks

2 ION Node Focus on real-time satellite reception – many passes per dayFocus on real-time satellite reception – many passes per day Polar-orbiting satellitesPolar-orbiting satellites –NOAA AVHRR –MODIS (Terra & Aqua) –SeaWiFS* –GLI (ADEOS II) Basic and custom product generation and distributionBasic and custom product generation and distribution AmericaViewAmericaView Focus on real-time satellite reception – many passes per dayFocus on real-time satellite reception – many passes per day Polar-orbiting satellitesPolar-orbiting satellites –NOAA AVHRR –MODIS (Terra & Aqua) –SeaWiFS* –GLI (ADEOS II) Basic and custom product generation and distributionBasic and custom product generation and distribution AmericaViewAmericaView * Distributed by NASA/GSFC

3 Early Detection and Characterization of Boreal Wildfires Operational:Operational: –Supply Fire Detection/Management Products to Alaska Fire Service, Tanana Chiefs –Developing Smoke Characterization Products (Smoke Health Index) Research:Research: –Smoke properties (fuel, fire, environment) –Carbon cycling Operational:Operational: –Supply Fire Detection/Management Products to Alaska Fire Service, Tanana Chiefs –Developing Smoke Characterization Products (Smoke Health Index) Research:Research: –Smoke properties (fuel, fire, environment) –Carbon cycling

4 Smoke Characterization: Approach Refine & Extend MODIS AOT AlgorithmRefine & Extend MODIS AOT Algorithm –For use over bright, variable surfaces –To estimate smoke density, smoke height, particle size distribution. Validate using field/laboratory instrumentsValidate using field/laboratory instruments Generate Smoke-Health Index MapGenerate Smoke-Health Index Map –Translate smoke concentration into health risk –Add information on particulates and associated gases and aerosols of concern –Updateable and web-deliverable Refine & Extend MODIS AOT AlgorithmRefine & Extend MODIS AOT Algorithm –For use over bright, variable surfaces –To estimate smoke density, smoke height, particle size distribution. Validate using field/laboratory instrumentsValidate using field/laboratory instruments Generate Smoke-Health Index MapGenerate Smoke-Health Index Map –Translate smoke concentration into health risk –Add information on particulates and associated gases and aerosols of concern –Updateable and web-deliverable

5 Smoke Characterization: Advantages Real-Time MODIS, AVHRR, GLI receptionReal-Time MODIS, AVHRR, GLI reception –Up to 16 passes over station per day (Aqua, Terra) –Identical viewing geometry daily per instrument. An active fire season each yearAn active fire season each year Partnerships with Fire Management AgenciesPartnerships with Fire Management Agencies ExpertiseExpertise Field sites and Laboratory EquipmentField sites and Laboratory Equipment Real-Time MODIS, AVHRR, GLI receptionReal-Time MODIS, AVHRR, GLI reception –Up to 16 passes over station per day (Aqua, Terra) –Identical viewing geometry daily per instrument. An active fire season each yearAn active fire season each year Partnerships with Fire Management AgenciesPartnerships with Fire Management Agencies ExpertiseExpertise Field sites and Laboratory EquipmentField sites and Laboratory Equipment



8 MODIS Smoke Scene Clear Sky Scene Band math (normalization) Scene with surface reflectances removed Aerosol reflectances mixed with surface reflectances Surface reflectances only Yields Aerosol Optical Thickness Health-Risk Scene Based on translation schema in wide use by Health Officials Convert AOT to Smoke Density Smoke Air Quality Index

9 Steps: Test, refine MODIS AOTTest, refine MODIS AOT Field/laboratory measurementsField/laboratory measurements Theoretical approachesTheoretical approaches Convert AOT to Health RiskConvert AOT to Health Risk ValidateValidate Field monitoringField monitoring Client feedbackClient feedback DeliverDeliver Updateable several times dailyUpdateable several times daily Deliverable through InternetDeliverable through Internet Graphical, flexible, usefulGraphical, flexible, useful Smoke Air Quality Index

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