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TITLE: FAST FOOD Introduction: What is fast food?

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1 TITLE: FAST FOOD Introduction: What is fast food?
Ready to eat dishes, quick serve, quick prepare. Purpose of research: To measure UMP students level of awareness on fast food consumption. Evaluate the factors that influence UMP students to consume fast food.

2 Research questions: What factors influence UMP students to consume fast food?  How does gender affect fast food consumption among UMP students?  What does UMP students think the effects of fast food consumption?  Scope of research: Sixty UMP students from different ethnicities. Only involved faculty computer science and faculty technology.

3 Methodology 1. We have decided to use only one methodology to which are questionnaire.  2. The questionnaire will be distributed among UMP students base on differences category of their gender (male/female).  3. Our respondents randomly selected among 60 UMP students from faculty computer and faculty technology or course. 




7 conclusion 1) Many of students like to eat fast food because they like the tease (delicious) of fast food itself. In addition, students will consume fast food when they are in happy emotions while enjoy eating fast food as snack with their friends at fast food restaurant either while chatting, hang out together or doing group discussion. 2) Clearly can be conclude that there are no differences between male and female students on consumption of fast food in their campus life because from the finding it clearly shows both genders state 50% each. 3) UMP students have a high awareness level in fast food consumption and they know how to take care of their health

8 Recommendation 1 Consular Department can organize awareness campaign for students about their healthy lifestyle. 2 The Ministry of Health should continue its efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle and in creating awareness and providing nutrition education to students 3 Student, they should have their own initiative to develop their own healthy lifestyle. For example, in the evening go out to make some exercise like jogging, cycling, playing football or netball, and go to gym. 4 The cafeteria must provide variety of healthy foods and snack for students so that they are not bored.

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