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EMformation… Information…. inFORMation... G eologic processes, atmospheric systems, ecosystems, and societies are interconnected...each receiving energy.

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Presentation on theme: "EMformation… Information…. inFORMation... G eologic processes, atmospheric systems, ecosystems, and societies are interconnected...each receiving energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMformation… Information…. inFORMation..

2 G eologic processes, atmospheric systems, ecosystems, and societies are interconnected...each receiving energy and materials from the other, returning same, and acting through feedback mechanisms to self-organize the whole in a grand interplay of matter, energy, and information.

3 Evolution controls species, species control ecosystems, and ecosystems control the next round of evolution…

4 Life cycle of forest/trees as an information cycle…

5 Life cycle of salmon as an information cycle…

6 Information cycle…

7 Island biogeographic theory as information exchange…

8 Processes of divergence disorder structure and disperse materials and information. Processes of convergence build order, adding structure, reassembling materials, upgrading energy and creating new information.

9 Information Cycle… Materials or information sequestered in unreachable or unusable storages are of no value and often soon lose their importance or relevance. Cycling allows for the continuous convergence and divergence of energy, materials and information.

10 Systems of the biosphere are maintained by flows of energy that cycle materials and information. Without continual flows of input energy that build order, systems degrade away. It is through cycling that systems remain adaptive and vital. …

11 The role of information in Exxon- Valdez oil spill …

12 (a)Distribution of population of the United States by stage, age and transformity; (b)stages in the human life cycle in which functions of higher transformity are added. Life cycle of human beings passing through the hierarchy of age and experience.

13 Tourist represent an input of information to developing economies… …and they extract some information

14 Artifacts as an information cycle…

15 (a) Spatial convergence and divergence; (b) people and units of government arranged left to right in order of transformity; (c) energy basis for social organization. Superstructure of human social organization which operates environment and economy.

16 The Roman Empire and the creation of symbols that feedback and control populations.

17 Forms of government and information used for control.

18 (a)Species-individual curves for ecosystems; (b) occupation-individual curves for human occupations in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1964 (Clark et al. 1964); (c) occupational-listing curve for human business in a telephone directory in Gainesville, FL in 1999 (Odum 1999) Comparison of species diversity and occupational diversity.

19 Society and its shared images of unified power symbolized with the dragon..

20 The system of high emergy sports extravaganza, a pulsing surge of social sharing

21 The increasing difference between the emergy-exergy ratio of genes and transformity of biomass suggests that there is not a constant relationship between the emergy costs of the biological carrier of information and the information carried. The transformity increases much faster than does the emergy-exergy ratio, which suggests that the complexity of the carrier is increasing faster than the complexity of the information carried. Obviously we need more analyses and examples before we were to propose a general principle.

22 Table 3. Comparison of Emergy Exergy Ratio of Genes and the solar transformity of biomass ABC PopulationEmergy-Exergy RatioSolar TransformityRatio of B / A(sej/J) Soil Bacteria0.92.32.7 Phytoplankton121.8459.53.8 Phytoplankton243.7919.03.8 Zooplankton426.416082.237.7 Corn1177.131543.626.8 Wheat1178.031566.626.8 Mice1794.5124063.169.1 Snails4340.3689239.3158.8 Fish10288.22756957.0268.0 Deer19575.97518973.7384.1

23 EMformation…

24 Emformation… All processes require three driving energies…

25 The difference between non-living and living systems is the information cycle Odum suggested…

26 Emformation… Giannantoni’s Ordinality … Giannantoni’s Cardinality …

27 Emergy in Material and Form…

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