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Philippians 1:9-11  We need this type of love ◦ Does not depend on the 5 senses ◦ Love of the mind, a reasoning attachment by choice ◦ That which we.

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2 Philippians 1:9-11

3  We need this type of love ◦ Does not depend on the 5 senses ◦ Love of the mind, a reasoning attachment by choice ◦ That which we attain by faith – never ends  Philippian brethren had lots of love… ◦ Grow in KNOWLEDGE ◦ Our love abounds in knowledge by STUDY ◦ Hebrews 5:12; 2 Peter 3:18 ◦ Knowledge is not an end in itself  We need knowledge and discernment

4  We need knowledge and all discernment ◦ Discern what? ◦ Discern between what God says and what man says ◦ Hebrews 5:12-14; 1 Thess. 5:21, 22 ◦ Failing to discern causes religious error  A person cannot know what error is until he first knows truth

5  NASV – “That ye may distinguish between the things that differ” ◦ Let your love grow, abounding more and more in real knowledge of God’s Word so that we’ll be able with this knowledge to pick truth rather than error ◦ We must use caution not to make distinctions that are not fair and right ◦ God gives us His Word to enable us to make the proper distinctions  What does this have to do with SINCERITY?

6  Sincere – ’eilikrines (Greek)  “helios” – sun  “krino” – to judge  Meaning: “to be judged by the sun” “Sincere” = without wax

7  You and I are going to stand before the sunlight of God’s Word on the day of judgment (2 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:12)  I may not see the real you  I may be waxed over to you so you cannot see the real me  But when the sunlight of God’s judgments hit you and me, every waxed over flaw will show (Rom. 14:7-12; Heb. 4:13)

8  1 Peter 2:7, 8 (Isa. 8:14) Jesus referred to as a stone of stumbling and rock of offence  Why did the Jews stumble at Jesus Christ?  They didn’t discern between God and man  “Blameless” is opposite of “stumbling”  “aproskopos” is the opposite of “proskopos”  It’s going to be sad on the day of judgment when people realize that sincerity is not just some kind of feeling

9  31 Jesus therefore said to those Jews that had believed him, If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples;  32 and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


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