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Jesse Crow & Mary Francis Baxter.  Uses system of negative/positive feedback  Positive feedback is rare High levels of one hormone = release of another.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesse Crow & Mary Francis Baxter.  Uses system of negative/positive feedback  Positive feedback is rare High levels of one hormone = release of another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesse Crow & Mary Francis Baxter

2  Uses system of negative/positive feedback  Positive feedback is rare High levels of one hormone = release of another 2 nd hormones usually causes secretion decrease Hypothalamus releases inhibiting or stimulating hormones  Neg.-regulates secretion of hormones Most maintained at certain concentration  One cycle is thyroid Regulates energy consumption Protein production calcium level in blood

3  Most organisms have an endocrine system if they have circulatory and nervous systems  Before endocrine, hormones were released by nervous system  Cells of nervous system eventually formed glands


5  Nervous system responds to emotional stress  Hypothalamus-tissue of brain Registers info Sends messages to autonomic nervous system  Occurs in lower vertebrates/invertebrates


7 Hypothalamus Parathyroids Posterior pituitary Thymus Anterior pituitary Pancreas Thyroid Gonads Adrenal gland Pineal gland Hormones of the pancreas

8  composed of amino acids  can range from 3-4 amino acids to entire polypeptide  example: insulin and ADH  Bind with receptor, work quickly  Change in cell’s enzymes

9  Ring-shaped  Lipids made from cholesterol  Form in adrenal glands and gonads  Examples: oestrogens and progestins  Bind to nuclear receptors -enter DNA -transcribes target Genes


11 Diabetes Hyperthyroidism Cushings Syndrome

12  Cause Pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin Insulin normally carries sugar to blood for energy (metabolism)  Severe results: blindness, heart disease, and kidney failure  Type 1:loss of insulin  Type 2:insulin resistance  Symptoms: -frequent urination -increased thirst -increased hunger  Treatment-insulin injections

13  Treatment: -Anti-thyroid medications -Radioactive iodine -Surgery to remove the thyroid  Symptoms: -Difficulty concentrating -Frequent bowel movements -fatigue -increased sweating and appetite  Causes Inflammation of thyroid gland Non-cancerous growths on thyroid Tumors on testes/ovaries Too much iodine

14  ACTH(adrenocorticotrophin hormone)- producing pituitary tumor  causes overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands  Symptoms: Weight gain Sleep disturbance depression  Treatment options: removal of tumor

15 Kz9KA72NttNM:&imgrefurl= 182&vpy=440&dur=376&hovh=189&hovw=266&tx=126&ty=107&sig=104984583406905570724&page=2&tbnh=134&tbnw=189 &start=30&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:30 YM:&imgrefurl= M&imgurl= 0AGnpImDAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=78&sig=105769914419866040626&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=188&start=0&ndsp=24&ve d=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=142&ty=30 disease?gclid=CKGxkf2QjK8CFcYRNAodkiiDJw

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