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COLLABORATION & COMPLIANCE Identity Management meets Risk Management Policy Physics meets Unintended Consequences Terry Gray, PhD Chief Technology Architect.

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Presentation on theme: "COLLABORATION & COMPLIANCE Identity Management meets Risk Management Policy Physics meets Unintended Consequences Terry Gray, PhD Chief Technology Architect."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLLABORATION & COMPLIANCE Identity Management meets Risk Management Policy Physics meets Unintended Consequences Terry Gray, PhD Chief Technology Architect & Therapist University of Washington NAAG Identity Panel 15 June 2010

2 2 WHO, ME ? Rap singer arrested in slaying "Terry Gray did not murder anyone," Alexander said. "They arrested the wrong man. Terry wasn't even in the building when it happened.",0,7499869.story Accused killer to use an insanity defense Citing a family history of bipolarity and murder, the attorney for accused killer Terry Gray says Gray will rely on an insanity defense.


4 Technology Policy

5 5 CONTEXT: Research Universities Mission: discovery & innovation Means: extreme collaboration – Globally, at scale, crossing many boundaries – Seamless and simple resource sharing Culture: decentralized; diffuse authority – Collections of many independent businesses – A microcosm of “the Internet” “Industry turns ideas into money; Universities turn money into ideas.” --Craig Hogan

6 IDENTITY ISSUES IN COLLABORATION Multiple Account Madness and role of Federated access – How many credentials? – Single ID: convenience vs. “Single Point of Failure” – Institutional vs. consumer identities Role of identity providers & trust fabrics – Reputational risk – Transitive trust, e.g. Zoho via Google: bug or feature? Contradictions – Access control complexity leads to no access control – The role of anonymity and pseudonyms – Jurisdictions: data location, prevailing law; sunshine states

7 7 WHAT DO WE FEAR ? “Stolen identities used to buy furniture and tummy tuck, police allege”,0,7395352.story

8 WHAT DO WE FEAR ? Individuals - Identity theft and identity errors - Privacy invasion (direct or via correlation and inference) - Undesired disclosure or modification of identity or content - Loss of civil liberties: Unreasonable or incorrect search / seizure - Crippling complexity Institutions - Compliance violations and costs (financial or reputational) - Compliance and opportunity costs / complexity / backlash - Identity or access control errors and their consequences - Undermining the effectiveness of our faculty/staff/students


10 Study Shows Targeted Ads Make Users Uneasy * By Terrence Russell * April 10, 2008 “TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS” Even without ads, many are worried!

11 GETTING ON LISTS IS SO EASY… Sen. Kennedy Flagged by No-Fly List By Sara Kehaulani Goo Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, August 20, 2004 U.S. Sen. Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy said yesterday that he was stopped and questioned at airports on the East Coast five times in March because his name appeared on the government's secret "no-fly" list. Computer Glitch caused NY Police to raid wrong house By: Justin McGuire | March 20th, 2010 Here is a shocking incident of insensitivity, an octogenarian couple Walt and Rose Martin who are 83 and 82 respectively, had their house raided an incredible 50 times in the last 8 years leaving them scared and wary of the police. New York Police Department claims that this was caused due to a glitch in the computer.

12 12 THE ROLE OF FEDERATION & SSO - Helps with “Multiple Account Madness” - Can reduce collaboration friction - Can convey attributes - e.g. OverLegalAge, or first-responder skills - Can reduce data correlation risks - Brings “transitive trust” risks - Crossing organizational policy boundaries - Crossing legal jurisdiction boundaries

13 WHAT DO WE NEED ? Updated laws for privacy protection HIPAA plus EU “Fair Information Practices” Fundamental right to correct the record 4th Amendment applied to data held by 3rd parties Role for anonymity (whistle-blower, stalker victim, dissident, secret agent) No single points of (identity) failure, nor very high-value targets (cf. RealID) No security theater; unintended consequences (cf. Pre-paid cell registration) Improved identity infrastructure Privacy-preserving (non-correlatable) federated identities Pervasive trust fabrics (e.g. InCommon) IT + Government Partnership


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