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Course Introduction 2015 Computer networks 赵振刚

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1 Course Introduction 2015 Computer networks 赵振刚

2 Course Introduction 2015  Contents  Materials  Courses  About us

3 1. Contents  Computers and networks

4 1.1 Computers’ hardware approach  Adapter

5 1.1 Computers’ hardware approach  Adapter 硬件地址 至外部网 适配器 (网卡) 适配器 (网卡) 串行通信 CPU 和 存储器 CPU 和 存储器 生成发送的数据 处理收到的数据 把数据发送到外部网 从外部网接收数据 计算机 IP 地址 并行 通信

6 1.2 Computers’ hardware approach 对外部数 据的计算 和处理 外部设备

7 1.2 Computers’ software approach DatagramSocket serverSocket = new DatagramSocket (6428); transport application physical link network P3 transport application physical link network P1 transport application physical link network P4 DatagramSocket mySocket1 = new DatagramSocket (5775); DatagramSocket mySocket2 = new DatagramSocket (9157); source port: 9157 dest port: 6428 source port: 6428 dest port: 9157 source port: ? dest port: ? source port: ? dest port: ?

8 1.3 Computers’ communication approach 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 计算机 1 AP 2 AP 1 计算机 2 应 用 程 序 数 据应 用 程 序 数 据 应用层首部 H5H5 10100110100101 比 特 流 110101110101 数据与分层模型 应 用 程 序 数 据应 用 程 序 数 据 H5H5 应 用 程 序 数 据应 用 程 序 数 据 H4H4 H5H5 应 用 程 序 数 据应 用 程 序 数 据 H3H3 H4H4 H5H5 应 用 程 序 数 据应 用 程 序 数 据 H4H4 运输层首部 H3H3 网络层首部 H2H2 链路层 首部 T2T2 链路层 尾部

9 1.3 Computers’ communication approach  Protocol layers

10 1.3 Computers’ communication approach

11 2. Materials  textbook

12 2. Materials  Request For Comments

13 2. Materials  Readings

14 2. Materials  Readings

15 2. Materials  Protocol analysis tools

16 2. Materials  Codes analysis 4.4BSD

17 2. Materials  Videos

18 3. Courses An engineers technological lecture

19 Ours’ target A Top-Down Approach, beginning at the application layer and working its way down toward the physical layer, involving concepts such as C/S and P2P model , Socket, Ethernet, and technologies that woven together in an intricate manner. Be familiar with TCP/IP protocols , architecture of internet , skilled at Socket programming

20 3. Courses Theory teaching : 40 hours , 10times Experiment courses : 20 hours , 5times score : –test (closed book) : 50% –experiment and homework: 50%

21 experiment courses Exp1. Packet sniffer and analysis based on Wireshark Exp2. Development of e-mail protocol(SMTP/POP3) Exp3. Socket programming Exp4. Routing based on RouteSim Exp5. CRC coding/web security 19:00---21:30 Aug.16th,19th,23th,25th,26th At 301 and 303 room, building sixian

22 4. Teachers or advisers 赵振刚 思贤楼 507( 西区学生食堂电梯 5 楼右手边 ) 0512-68839303 陈博 思贤楼 504 王建新 思贤楼 401 网络实验室

23 5.conference and workshops ACM Sigcomm, MobiCom, Hotnets Mobihoc sigmetrics Infocom Sensys IPSN ICNP a ) trans IEEE/ACM Trans.networking IEEE JSAC IEEE computing IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems IEEE TWC IEEE TVT b) magazine ACM Computing surveys Communications of the ACM IEEE communication magazine IEEE network IEEE wireless communications SCI

24 Thanks

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