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Madrid, November 8th 2006 Spanish National Cancer Center Overview History and Research Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Madrid, November 8th 2006 Spanish National Cancer Center Overview History and Research Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Madrid, November 8th 2006 Spanish National Cancer Center Overview History and Research Model

2 Páge 2 Strictly Confidential  CNIO, 2006 Previous Hospital Victoria Eugenia: -Basic research laboratories -General offices Extension Building -Applied research -Animal Facility Unit CNIO Overview CNIO Building

3 Páge 3 Strictly Confidential  CNIO, 2006 CNIO Research Model Basic Research Applied Research -Structural Biology and Biocomputation -Molecular Oncology -Cancer Genetics -Molecular Pathology -Experimental therapeutics ( Medicinal Chemistry) -Biotechnology

4 Páge 4 Strictly Confidential  CNIO, 2006 CNIO Goal Roadmap CNIO Goal: From Bench Top to Bed Side 4 – 8 YEARS + 4 YEARS Proof of Principle – Pre Phase I New Therapy Register Center Setup + 4 YEARS From zero to excellent science + 4 YEARS

5 Páge 5 Strictly Confidential  CNIO, 2006 Building Trust The key success factors for knowledge based industries are an excellence science that allows the CNIO to generate the enough trust in the players needed to generate business opportunities. TRUST SCIENCEEXCELENCE Critical Mass (Scientific Production – Sci. Staff) Impact Factor Grants/Projects Mentions/Awards IP (Patents/Royalties) Social Community Investors Industry

6 Páge 6 Strictly Confidential  CNIO, 2006 Success key factors Converting such opportunities into feasible business models require the conjunction of some success factors Private-Public Ethic considerations Excellent Scientific Resources 1 Professional Management 2 4 Funding and Credits 5 IP Management 3

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