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Department of Public Service and Administration 2014/15 ANNUAL REPORT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 14 October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Public Service and Administration 2014/15 ANNUAL REPORT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 14 October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Public Service and Administration 2014/15 ANNUAL REPORT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 14 October 2015

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Introduction 2. Overview of the DPSA Annual Performance as Reported in the 2014 /2015 Annual Report 3. Overview of Financial Statements for the 2014 /2015 Financial Year 4. Overview of Programme Performance for 1 st Quarter Report ( April-June 2015) ◦ The 2 nd Quarter Report ( July-Sept 2015) will be completed and submitted by the 30 th of October 2015

3 INTRODUCTION  This is an Overview of the DPSA’s Performance against the; 2014/15 Annual Operational Plan and the, 2014/15 Budget  The 2014/15 Annual Report has been audited by the Auditor General of South Africa and; Submitted to National Treasury on the 30 th of August 2015 Tabled in Parliament on the 23rd of September 2015


5 OVERVIEW OF 2014/15 PERFOMANCE  The 93% achievement for the 2014/15 Financial Year is a 16% improvement from previous year’s (2013/14) performance of 77%.  The achievement for the 2012/13 financial year was 62%  The achievement for the 2011/12 financial year was 47%.


7 2014/15 AUDIT OUTCOMES  Audit opinion The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) received an unqualified audit opinion for the 2014/15 financial year.  Material Misstatements No material misstatements were identified in the Department’s Annual Financial Statements (AFS).  Pre-determined Objectives No findings with respect to the usefulness and reliability of the reported performance information. The audit confirmed the department’s achievement of 93% of its planned annual targets for 2014/15 financial year.  Emphasis of matter No emphasis of matter was received for the DPSA, attention is however drawn to the fact that Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) was exempted from preparing separate financial statements. As a result all CPSI transactions are therefore included in the financial statements of the DPSA.  Compliance with Legislation The human resource plan of the DPSA was not reviewed and this was raised as a material non-compliance matter.

8 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION  The Demand Management Plan was submitted to National Treasury and implemented.  The Annual Financial Statements were submitted to National Treasury and the Auditor-General on 31 May 2014.  The implementation of action plans to address audit findings database was updated and presented to the Audit Committee.  The draft programme of action for 2015/16 on Outcome 12 was developed and tabled for noting at the G&A Cabinet Committee meeting held on 24 February 2015. One progress report for 2014/15 was submitted at the G&A Cabinet Committee meeting of 24 February 2015.  A rolling three-year strategic Internal Audit Plan for 2014/2017 was developed and submitted to the Audit Committee for approval.

9 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION  A report on the implementation of the annual Internal Audit Plan for 2014/2015 was completed.  A Strategic risk register was compiled and a monitoring report on risk management was produced and submitted to the Risk Committee.  Quarterly reports on the legal advice and support were submitted  The department’s quarterly Employee Equity (EE) reports were submitted to the Department of Labour.  The Information Technology (IT) Governance Framework and Risk Management Plan have been developed and implemented. The IT Disaster Recovery Plan (RDP) has been updated.

10 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION  The 2015/2020 Strategic Plan and 2015/16 Annual Operational Plan were tabled in Parliament on the 11 th of March 2015.  The 4 th (2013/14), 1st, 2nd and 3rd (2014/15) quarterly reports were submitted to National Treasury, DPME and the Executive Authority by the required deadlines. The 2013/14 Annual Report was submitted to the Accounting Officer and National Treasury and tabled in Parliament in September 2014.  The highlights of the department, as at the end of the term of the current administration were profiled through a number of communication campaigns.

11 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 2: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT  Two (2) reports on the median time to fill posts and the average funded vacancy rate were submitted to the Minister for Public Service and Administration. The average vacancy rate at 31 December 2014 was 14, 16%. The median period to fill posts amounts to 5, 02 months in respect of posts filled during the period 1 October 2014 to 31 December 2014, which is within the set target of 6 months.  A Report on the developments with regards to provision of Reasonable Accommodation and Assistive Devices for public servants was submitted.  Support on the implementation of Sexual harassment policy was provided to national and provincial departments and a report thereof submitted to the Director General.

12 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 3: LABOUR RELATIONS AND REMUNERATION MANAGEMENT  The implementation of Resolution 1 of 2012 by departments was monitored and reports were submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.  Mandates were sought and received from the Mandate Committee and Proposals for next rounds of salary negotiations were tabled at the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC).  Reports on the implementation of the disciplinary code and procedure by national and provincial departments were submitted to the Minister for Public Service and Administration.  The implementation of the Charter continued with popularisation of the Charter and distributing the Charter publication in the Policy Implementation support workshops. Further buy-in was solicited from Provinces.

13 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 3: LABOUR RELATIONS AND REMUNERATION MANAGEMENT  A Report on the Implementation of the Charter was submitted to the Ministry and Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration.  The Government Employees Housing Scheme (GEHS) Business Case was developed and submitted to the Minister for Public Service and Administration for approval.  A progress report on the implementation of the Government Employees Housing Scheme (GEHS) was submitted to the Minister for Public Service and Administration for noting.  Draft two (2) of the Remuneration Policy has been developed and was consulted on with the PSCBC.

14 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 4: PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY  The analysis of bandwidth and uptime was conducted on a quarterly basis in 56 Thusong centres and the reports were submitted to the Government Information Technology Officer (GITO) Council and SITA.  The ICT expenditure of government was monitored and the Expenditure review report was submitted. Mechanisms to keep Public Service ICT costs within or below retail levels were identified.  Advice was provided to: Minister for Public Service and Administration on the move of shareholding of SITA to the new Portfolio; advice was also provided to SITA on the process and development of contracts for the re- establishment of the transversal terms contract(s); and to the Department of Water Affairs on transversal contract sourcing Strategy. A report was submitted to the GITO Council and Minister on the advice provided.

15 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 4: PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY  The Monitoring report on the implementation of the Governance of ICT Framework by national and provincial departments has been submitted to the Director General.  Mechanisms to contribute towards reduction of security risks have been identified and a report on the Public Service ICT security monitoring lapses, incidents, processes and good practices has been submitted to the GITO Council.  The e-government strategy has been developed and submitted to the Director General.  Five (5) CIO meetings were convened resulting in the development of an Action plan reflecting on two different functions of GITO Council as per the Cabinet resolutions.

16 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY AND ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION  The geographic accessibility study for Thusong Service Centres in eight identified provinces has commenced and a report of the study was submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.  Advocacy workshops were conducted with the 9 Provinces and 73% of provincial departments attended the workshops. A total of 561 employees were capacitated. Support was also provided on an individual basis to 15 national and 11 provincial departments on the completion of the delegation registers.  A compliance monitoring report on the implementation of the approved organisational structures of the selected clusters of Health and Social Development sector departments has been submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.  The final job grading system has been consulted on and submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration for approval

17 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY AND ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION  Sector advocacy workshops were conducted with the Health, Education and Human Settlement departments and a report has been submitted to the Director General for noting.  The submission of quality Service Delivery Improvement Plans by national and provincial departments was monitored and a report has been submitted to the Minister to approve tabling of the report in Cabinet.  A report on the assessment conducted in the Health Sector service delivery sites has been submitted to the Director General and the heads of the assessed departments.  Advocacy workshops on the implementation of the complaints and compliments framework were conducted for the Maponya Thusong Centre, Mpumalanga Province, Limpopo Province, National Department of Tourism and Northern Cape Province and a report has been submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.

18 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY AND ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION  Workshops on the citizen engagement guide were conducted in the selected provinces of Northern Cape, Limpopo, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga and a report has been submitted.  The Productivity Management Framework was developed and implementation was monitored in the North West Health Department.  The Framework on Professionalization of the Public Service was submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.  The 2 nd Annual Batho Pele Excellence Awards were hosted in November 2014. The implementation of the Rewards and Recognition Systems has been monitored in the selected departments and a report was submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.

19 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS  Quarterly reports on the status of establishment and key indicators for each National and Provincial department was produced and loaded on the Vulindlela website.  A Research Concept Document and Framework for the Design of Research Instruments and Tools have been developed.  Management Framework for the Government one-stop shop has been completed.  The development of the regulations for the Single Public Service (SPS) legislation has been facilitated.

20 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS  The Public Sector Integrity Framework implementation support was provided to departments and a monitoring report on the Implementation of the Framework was submitted to the Ministry.  A report on the usage and effectiveness of the e-Disclosure system by national and provincial departments was submitted to the Minister.  Exchanges on Bilateral and Institutional Relations as well as established Multilateral Forums were coordinated and facilitated and the shared lessons were documented.  National and Provincial workshops were conducted on the African Peer Review Mechanisms (APRM) Second Generation Country Review Methodology and process.

21 Planned 2014/15 Target Actual Achievement 2014/15 Deviation from planned target to actual Achievement for 2014/2015 Comment on deviation Discipline management procedure developed, implemented and monitored. Partly Achieved The Discipline management procedure was developed and managers trained on its implementation The monitoring of the implementation of the Discipline management procedure was not conducted as was planned Training of all managers on the procedure could not be completed by the end of March 2014 as a result the monitoring of the implementation of the procedure has not yet commenced PARTLY ACHIEVED TARGET PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION

22 Planned 2014/15 Target Actual Achievement 2014/15 Deviation from planned target to actual Achievement for 2014/2015 Comment on deviation Review and align the Public Service Human Resource Development Strategic Framework and submit to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration for approval Partially achieved The Public Service Human Resource Development Strategic Framework (PSHRDSF) has been reviewed but was not submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration The Draft Framework was not submitted to the Minister. Due to the delay in the finalisation of the review of the current PS-HRDSF the reviewed Draft Framework was not finalised by the 30th March 2014 for submission to the Minister as was planned PARTLY ACHIEVED TARGETS PROGRAMME 2: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT

23 Planned 2014/15 Target Actual Achievement 2014/15 Deviation from planned target to actual Achievement for 2014/2015 Comment on deviation Provide support to a further 25% (40) departments to assist with the implementation of all four EHW policies through workshops, bilateral meetings, Interdepartmental Forums and Steering Committees and submit report on the status of the implementation of policies to the Director General for noting. Partly Achieved Support for the implementation of the four Employee Health and Wellness Policies for the Public Service was provided to a further 25% (40) departments. The report was not submitted to the Director General The report was not submitted due to the delay in the finalisation of the report. PARTLY ACHIEVED TARGET PROGRAMME 2: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT

24 Planned 2014/15 Target Actual Achievement 2014/15 Deviation from planned target to actual Achievement for 2014/2015 Comment on deviation Disseminate Citizen Report Card findings to the sampled communities and sector departments. Partially achieved Reports with findings have been disseminated to 11 municipalities and the National department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG). The reports for the remaining 5 national departments of: Basic Education, South African Social Security Agency, Home Affairs, South African Police Services and Health have not yet been disseminated to the departments. The reports for the remaining 5 national departments of: Basic Education, South African Social Security Agency, Home Affairs, South African Police Services and Health have not yet been disseminated to the departments. The strategy for dissemination of the reports included the direct presentation of the reports to the departments. By the end of March 2014 the 5 departments had not confirmed on the request for presentation meetings by the DSPSA. PARTLY ACHIEVED TARGET PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS

25 DPSA 2014/15 FINAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION Final BudgetActual. - 31 March 2015 Available Budget % spent R'000 % Administration 213 714194 794 18 92091.1 Human Resource Management and Development 36 11736 0694899.9 Labour Relations and Remuneration Management50 55535 37515 18070.0 Public Sector Info. and Communication Technology Man. 32 57317 20315 37052.8 Service Delivery and Organisational Transformation253 347 248 8864 46198.2 Governance and International Relations288 768281 499 7 26997.5 Total875 074813 82661 24893.0 Centre for Public Service Innovation 25 38222 5532 82988.9 Public Sector Education and Training Authority 26 009 -100.0 National School of Government 138 508 -100.0 Public Service Commission 225 526 -100.0 Total 415 425412 5962 82999.3 Total875 074813 826 61 24893.0

26 DPSA 2014/15 FINAL EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION Final Budget Exp- 31 March 2015 Available Budget % spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees245 383 240 701 4 68298.1 Goods and Services 226 883 172 05954 82475.8 Payment for Financial Assets 443 -100.0 Transfer and Subsidies 393 295 393 06822799.9 Payment of Capital Assets 9 070 7 555 1 51583.3 Total875 074813 82661 24893.0

27 REASONS FOR VARIANCE PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION  During 2014/15 financial year, the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) re-prioritised its savings in order to fund the procurement of office furniture for the new office accommodation as the initial agreement with the Department of Public Works was that the DPSA will move into the new building during 2014.  The movement to the new office was however delayed from the side of the contractors and the new date is projected to be December 2015.  This has resulted in a saving of the funding that was prioritised to fund the procurement of the office furniture. A rollover for this saving into the 2015/16 financial year has been requested.


29 REASONS FOR VARIANCE REASONS FOR VARIANCE PROGRAMME 3: LABOUR RELATIONS AND REMUNERATION MANAGEMENT  Funding allocated for the User license for the case management system project could not be utilised due to the project not being started.  When the Public Service Remuneration Review Commission (PSRRC) was established, it was anticipated that it will complete its work during the 2013/14 financial year. The period was, however extended to the 2014/15 financial year.  Once again the commission experienced challenges, especially, in appointing staff and the work was therefore delayed which resulted in the 2014/15 funding not being utilised in full. A request to rollover the saving was sent to the National Treasury as the term of the commission has now been extended to April 2017.  A bid to appoint a service provider to conduct the Review of the PILIR Modality was advertised twice during the 2014/15 financial year. The first bid had to be cancelled due because all the bids received did not meet the minimum criteria. The terms of reference were reviewed and amended and the bid was advertised again. Again the bids received were non-responsive.  Alternative ways of obtaining responsive bids were considered and a decision was taken to follow the route of a closed bid where respectable companies with the required experience will be approached to bid. These delays, however have resulted in the funding for the project not being spent during the 2014/15 financial year. A request to rollover the saving has been sent to the National Treasury.

30 REASONS FOR VARIANCE REASONS FOR VARIANCE PROGRAMME 4: PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION  The programme under spent its allocations due to payments not being made to the State Information Technology (SITA) in relation to the Batho Pele Gateway Call Centre and the connectivity of Thusong Service Centres, as service level agreements were not in place.  Further under spending resulted from the part sponsoring of the Government Chief Information Office (GCIO) summit costs and the cancellation of two workshops which were planned to take place between February/March 2015.  The department, through the Director-General, successfully negotiated exemption for re-establishing transversal tenders such as RT 570 and RT 285 with SITA, thus resulting in savings.

31 REASONS FOR THE VARIANCE REASONS FOR THE VARIANCE PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY AND ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION  The spending in this programme is within acceptable spending levels.  The slight under spending resulted from delays that were experienced in undertaking a study of access to the Thusong Service Centres. Initially data quality issues and the verification and cleansing of spatially reference data had to be addressed before the work could commence. The methodology also had to be refined.  As the work is now undertaken at a slower pace than initially anticipated, a 6 month delay was experienced in pushing the timeline out to August 2015. A rollover has been requested.

32 REASONS FOR THE VARIANCE REASONS FOR THE VARIANCE PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY AND ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION  Further savings relates to tenants installation at Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI). The National Treasury granted approval for the CPSI to become an independent government component from the DPSA thus resulting in CPSI being allowed to create their own Corporate Services support units.  This has resulted in additional office space being required to accommodate the additional support staff. The negotiations with the Department of Public Works (DPW) commenced shortly after the approval for the CPSI independence.  A procurement instruction was issued by the DPW. This process was, however, delayed at the DPW due to restrictions on the procurement of additional space that may not exceed 20% or less of the existing lease agreement. The CPSI was not made aware of this restriction when the negotiation started with DPW.  As a direct result of the delay in the finalisation of the procurement of the office space, the anticipated expenditure could not be incurred during the 2014/15 financial year and therefore a rollover of the funding has been requested.

33 REASONS FOR THE VARIANCE REASONS FOR THE VARIANCE PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS  The spending in this programme is within acceptable spending level although there is slight under spending.  The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) experienced a delay in the procurement of a service provider to conclude the APRM Second Generation Consolidated Close-Out Report due to consultations on the nature of the service required.  The appointment of a service provider to develop the Open Government Partnership's (OGP) Communications and Marketing Strategy was delayed no suitable provider being found during the initial bidding evaluation process as a result the bid had to be re-advertised.

34 OVERVIEW OF 1 ST QUARTER PERFORMANCE The 1 st Quarter Report has been verified by Internal Audit and Risk Management Directorate based on the assessment of evidence submitted by branches. The 1 st Quarter Report was submitted by the 30 th of July 2015 to the Minister, EXCO, National Treasury and the DPME. The 1 st Quarter Report was also presented to the Portfolio Committee on the 2 nd of September 2015. To address quarterly targets that are not achieved; branch heads are required to develop and implement action plans to address the non-performance. The implementation of these plans is monitored monthly through the office of the Director General.

35 OVERVIEW OF 1 ST QUARTER PERFORMANCE OVERALL DPSA 1 ST QUARTER PERFORMANCE Total 1 st quarter targets = 41 Targets Achieved= 27 Targets Not Achieved =14 Note: The performance for the 1 st Quarter of 2014/15 was 62%

36 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 1 st QUARTER TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED The report on the implementation of the Human Resources Policies has been developed but has not been submitted - The report was submitted in September 2015 The 1st quarter report has not been submitted to EXCO- The report was submitted to EXCO in September 2015

37 PROGRAMME 2: POLICY, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 1 st QUARTER TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED Compile a draft research report and consult with relevant stakeholder departments on emerging recommendations - The section of the research report that focuses on the institutional arrangements and management of the coordinating structure has been completed. A Task Team has been appointed to develop the Funding Model which is the outstanding section to complete the report. The Draft Terms of Reference for the appointment of the service provider to develop the Funding Model is complete. The task team comprising of representatives from National Treasury, GTAC, DPW, DoC, De Loitte and DPSA met on the 29 July 2015 to discuss the scope of work and deliverables. Advocacy materials (cases and framework based on pilot in two departments) in order to undertake productivity measurements in Health and Basic Education sectors submitted to the Director General for approval - The Limpopo Department of Basic Education (LBE) was unable to submit the required datasets to finalise the writing of the case study. The Limpopo Department of Basic Education has not responded to requests to release the datasets. However, Mpumalanga Basic Education (MBE) was engaged to be a pilot for the study and on 28 July 2015 MBE agreed to be a pilot which will be completed by the end of 2nd quarter

38 PROGRAMME 3: LABOUR RELATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 st QUARTER TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED Salary data from selected entities requested - The Research has been conducted and recommendations on critical areas that the Remuneration Policy should address have been identified and the Remuneration policy is in a process of being developed Directives on GEHS, phased implementation plan and outreach programme on GEHS developed - The Directives on GEHS, phased implementation plan and outreach programme on GEHS have since been developed.

39 PROGRAMME 4: GOVERNMENT CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 1 st QUARTER TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED e-Enablement/e-Government/e-Service strategy developed for endorsement by DPSA, SITA, and DTPS - 3 E-enablement strategies propositions are being developed. Guidelines developed for consultation - The draft guidelines have been developed.

40 PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY SUPPORT 1 st QUARTER TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED Engagement with identified priority departments conducted and projects plans developed for implementation of operations management- Engagements were held with the departments of Transport in KZN and Labour in the Eastern Cape but the projects plans were not developed. The plans have since been developed. Batho Pele standards developed with 3 service delivery departments- The standards are being finalised Tools (templates) for successful implementation of the Batho Pele programme developed - The tools have been developed for consultation with the relevant stakeholders Drafts of all Batho Pele toolkits and information guidelines to be revised prepared - The revision of the Batho Pele toolkits and information has commenced and will completed by the end of the 2nd Quarter

41 PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1 st QUARTER TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED Selected departments workshopped as part of the research on administrative practices regarding operational delegations - Nominations have been from the 4 selected DPSA, DRDLR, Energy and DOJ received. A Draft Guide on the Clarification of Roles and Responsibilities of an Administrative Nature to implement Operational Policy developed. Once the draft is finalised a workshop will be conducted with selected departments in the second quarter. Determination and guide on other remunerative work communicated to all government departments – A opinion on legality of the determination had to be sought and was received later than expected and has been published for public comment (chapter 2 of the draft amendments to the PSR, 2001)

42 Thank You…

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