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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 1 TGn Timeline Report – March ‘06 Notice: This document has been prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 1 TGn Timeline Report – March ‘06 Notice: This document has been prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 1 TGn Timeline Report – March ‘06 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at.http:// Date: 2006-03-09 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 2 Time Line

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 3 11n - Overall timeline PAR Approved TGn Formed Selection Process & Criteria Call for Proposals First Proposal Presentations Down Select First WG Letter Ballot First Sponsor Letter Ballot ExCom NESCOM Approval Publication HT SG Formed 20072006200520042003 Joint proposal Confirmation

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 4 802.11 Timelines

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 5 IEEE 802.11 Project Timeline

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 6 11n - Overall timeline PAR Approved TGn Formed Selection Process & Criteria Call for Proposals First Proposal Presentations Down Select First WG Letter Ballot First Sponsor Letter Ballot ExCom NESCOM Approval Publication HT SG Formed 20072006200520042003 Joint proposal Confirmation completed pending

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 7 Balloting to Publication Process (part 1) Conduct WG Letter Ballot Comment Resolution Letter Ballot Completed Approved? No Yes Submit documentation to 802 ExCom Submit documentation to RevCom Standards Board Approval Publication Draft 1.0 Complete Conduct Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution Sponsor Ballot Completed Approved? No Yes Mar’05-May ‘06 Jan ‘07 Sep ‘06 Jan ‘07

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 8 Balloting to Publication Process (part 2) Letter Ballot Submit documentation to RevCom 40 days prior to Standards Board meeting sequence Submission RevCom Stds Board August 4, 2006 Sep 14 Sep 16, 2006 Feb 9, 2007 Mar 20 Mar 22, 2007 April 27, 2007 Jun 26 Jun 28, 2007 Aug 17, 2007 Sep 26 Sep 27, 2007 Publication (+30 days) April ‘07 Draft 1.0 Complete Sponsor Ballot Submit documentation to 802 ExCom 30 days prior to Plenary Submission ExCom June, 2006 Jul 17-21, 2006 Oct, 2006 Nov 13-17, 2006 Feb, 2007 Mar 12-16, 2007 May, 2007 Jul 16-20, 2007

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 9 Balloting to Publication Process (part 2) Letter Ballot Submit documentation to RevCom 40 days prior to Standards Board meeting sequence Submission RevCom Stds Board Feb 9, 2007 Mar 20 Mar 22, 2007 April 27, 2007 Jun 26 Jun 28, 2007 Aug 17, 2007 Sep 26 Sep 27, 2007 Publication (+30 days) April ‘07 Draft 1.0 Complete Sponsor Ballot Submit documentation to 802 ExCom 30 days prior to Plenary Submission ExCom Feb, 2007 Mar 12-16, 2007 May, 2007 Jul 16-20, 2007 Updated/extended

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 10 IEEE Continuous Process What is the continuous processing program? This program reduces the maximum time needed to process a PAR from approximately 90 days to 25 days using email and the Web. The time reduction is made possible through the electronic dissemination of PARs and accompanying documents via e-mail to NesCom members. How does it work? When a PAR is received by the NesCom Administrator, the PAR is forwarded to two NesCom "Champions" for a five-day review period. Upon completion of the initial review, the PAR is then forwarded to the entire committee for an additional five-day period to review the PAR. During these review periods, the project may be discussed with the Sponsor and/or Working Group Chair via email to resolve any negative comments before the NesCom vote is taken electronically. PARs that pass the NesCom vote will then be forwarded to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for email ballot for final PAR approval and subsequent sponsor notification. How do I submit a PAR for continuous processing? The PAR is submitted in the same manner as for the regular NesCom meeting (see How do I submit a PAR form?). However, continuous processing must be requested. This can be done in the body of the e-mail message sent to the NesCom Administrator.How do I submit a PAR form? Is there a submission deadline and a schedule? There is no formal submission deadline but a schedule has been posted. It is requested that all PARs to be reviewed via this process be submitted no later than one week prior to the beginning of this process. All PARs are reviewed by the NesCom Administrator for accuracy. If a PAR does need to be corrected, the PAR will be sent back to the society liaison (with a copy to the Working Group Chair) with a request for the correction. Any correction not received prior to the beginning of the program will automatically defer the PAR until the next regularly scheduled NesCom meeting.schedule As the Sponsor and/or Working Group Chair, what are my responsibilities during this process? During this process, NesCom requires that the Sponsor and/or Working Group Chair be available to clarify any issues that may arise. How do I know when my PAR is approved? Once the PAR has been approved by NesCom, it is forwarded to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for email ballot for final PAR approval. Once approval has been obtained, the sponsor and working group chair will be notified via email.

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 11 IEEE-SA Pilot Program Aims for Accelerated Standards Project Approval (Piscataway NJ - 9 November) A six-month pilot program for continuous processing and electronic dissemination of Project Authorization Requests (PARs) was approved by the IEEE- SA Standards Board in September 1999. The program endeavors to reduce the maximum time needed to process a PAR from approximately 90 days to 30 days using email and the WEB. The time reduction will be made possible through the electronic dissemination of PARs and accompanying documents via e-mail to NesCom members. When a PAR is received by the NesCom Administrator, the PAR is forwarded to two NesCom "Champions" for a five-day review period. Upon completion of the initial review, the PAR is then forwarded to the entire committee for an additional five-day period to review the PAR and, if necessary, discuss the project with the Sponsor via email to resolve any negative comments before the NesCom vote is taken electronically. PARs that pass the NesCom vote will then be forwarded to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for email ballot for final PAR approval and subsequent sponsor notification. According to Jim Carlo, chair of NesCom, "This continuous processing of PARS is part of the NesCom 2000 initiative to both increase the response time of PAR approvals (to 30 days) as well as to ensure that all PARs have maximum exposure to different groups over the WEB. Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator of the IEEE-SA Staff, is making maximum usage of the World Wide Internet capability to put added value into the words of the IEEE slogan "Networking the World".

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 12 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws 5.1 Transaction of business Regular meetings of the IEEE-SA Standards Board shall be held quarterly, in accordance with a schedule approved at the first meeting of each year. Special meetings may be called, when deemed necessary, by the Chair or at the request of five members. Unless otherwise provided in the IEEE Certificate of Incorporation, the IEEE Constitution, the IEEE Bylaws, or the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, the vote of a majority of the voting members of the IEEE-SA Standards Board present at the time of the vote, if a quorum is present at such a time, shall be the act of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. Approval of proposed IEEE standards, or proposed withdrawal of such standards, shall require affirmative votes by at least 75% of the voting members present at the time of the vote, if a quorum is present. Except as otherwise specified in these bylaws, meetings of the IEEE-SA Standards Board shall be run in accordance with the parliamentary procedures of Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition).

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 13 IEEE SA - 2006 Meeting Schedule

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 14 IEEE SA - 2007 Meeting Schedule

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 15 Standards Board Meeting Schedule Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Oct Jul Apr Jan Nov Aug May Feb Nov Aug May Feb Oct Jul Apr Jan 3 4 5 25 26 27 5 6 7 27 28 29 30 6 7 8 14 15 16 4 5 6 9 27 17 15 16 28 4 16 20 21 22 2006 2007 39 days 40 days 42 days 39 days 40 days 50 days 40 days

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 16 Standards Board Meeting Schedule Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Oct Jul Apr Jan Nov Aug May Feb Nov Aug May Feb Oct Jul Apr Jan 3 4 5 25 26 27 5 6 7 27 28 29 30 6 7 8 14 15 16 4 5 6 9 27 17 15 16 28 4 16 20 21 22 2006 2007 39 days 40 days 42 days 39 days 40 days 50 days 40 days 6-10 16-20 12-16

17 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 17 802 Executive Committee Meeting Schedule Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Oct Jul Apr Jan Nov Aug May Feb Nov Aug May Feb Oct Jul Apr Jan 2006 2007 6-10 16-20 12-16 3 possible dates for ExCom approval of draft Prior to review by RevCom & Standards Board

18 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 18 Sample IEEE Standards Board Agenda – March 2006

19 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 19 IEEE-SA RevCom Review Checklist Is the submittal form signed? *Does the Purpose / Scope of the submitted draft match the PAR? *Does the Title of the submitted draft match the PAR? Was the ballot valid ( > 75% return and < 30% abstentions)? Was the balloting group balanced (> 10 members and no category > 50%)? Did the ballot pass ( > 75% affirmative)? *Do all recirculation ballot packages include the verbatim text of each unresolved negative, the name of the negative voter, and a rebuttal? Were all members of the balloting group given an opportunity to see all the unresolved negatives and reasons why they could not be resolved? *Were all members of the balloting group given an opportunity to change their votes as a result of non- editorial change(s), especially those made to resolve negative ballots? Was the resolution of any negative ballot based on promise of a future change? If so, the draft must be recirculated. Consideration of a future change is acceptable. *Was required coordination with SCC-10, SCC-14, and the Editorial Staff achieved? The Sponsor must supply the most recent coordination comments and indicate either acceptance or request a waiver. *Is the submitted draft identical to the balloted draft? Only editorial changes are allowed after balloting (with revision bars or list of changes). If any non-editorial changes were made after balloting, the draft must be recirculated. *Do any proposed editorial changes to the balloted draft appear to be technical? *Are all references cited in the body of the draft? *Is there any issue on the Editorial Checklist? *For submittals containing copyrighted material, is a permission release letter included in the submittal package?

20 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 20 IEEE-SA Standards Board 2006 Roster Chairman: Steve M.Mills Vice Chairman: tbd Past Chairman: Don Wright Secretary: Judith Gorman Members: Mark D. Bowman Dennis B. Brophy Bill Goldbach Arnie Greenspan Bob Grow Joanna N. Guenin Mark S. Halpin Ken Hanus William B. Hopf David J. Law Daleep C. Mohla Ted W. Olsen Glenn Parsons Ronald C. Petersen Tom Prevost Greg Ratta Robby Robson Anne Marie Sahazizian Malcolm V. Thaden Richard L. Townsend Walter Weigel Howard Wolfman tbd, Member/TAB Rep Jay Forster, Member Emeritus Joseph L. Koepfinger, Member Emeritus Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative Alan H. Cookson, NIST Representative Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative

21 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 21 IEEE-SA Standards Board Standards Review Committee (RevCom) 2006 Roster Chairman: Malcolm Thaden Members: Stephen Adam Satish Aggarwal Mark Bowman Dennis Brophy Bill Goldbach Jim Hughes David Law Tom Prevost Gary Robinson Geoff Thompson John Trottier Walter Weigel Administrator: Dave Ringle

22 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 22 Rev Com Summary 4.2.3 Standards Review Committee (RevCom)Standards Review Committee (RevCom) This committee acts in an advisory capacity to the IEEE-SA Standards Board by making recommendations on the approval or disapproval of standards submitted for IEEE-SA Standards Board approval or adoption. Approval or adoption of a standard requires a consensus of RevCom that the requirements of the procedures of RevCom and those of the IEEE-SA Standards Board have been satisfied. Specifically, this means that the final results of the ballot and statements submitted by balloters who participated in the development of the standard indicate that consensus has been achieved and unresolved negative ballots have been properly considered, together with reasons why the comments could not be resolved. RevCom agenda A preliminary agenda for each RevCom meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary of the IEEE-SA Standards Board or a designated person and distributed to RevCom members at least 30 days prior to a scheduled meeting of RevCom. Included with the agenda shall be a list of all proposed standards to be presented to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval. At the same time the agenda, without supporting documentation, shall be sent to all members of the IEEE-SA Standards Board, liaison representatives, and other organizations and persons. The agenda is to be sent to all persons and organizations that have expressed an interest in the standards activities of the representatives, IEEE-SA Standards Board and committee procedures

23 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 23 Rev Com Expectations All requests for approval of a standard shall be reviewed by RevCom to ensure that the submittal is complete and that appropriate IEEE procedures are followed completely and correctly (see the IEEE-SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards).IEEE-SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards Examples of some of the points that must be carefully analyzed are given in the following paragraphs: Title of Document. The title on the draft document and submittal form shall be within the scope as stated on the most recently approved PAR, or action(s) shall be taken to ensure this. Coordination. Mandatory coordination comments shall be addressed. If the Sponsor believes that satisfying specific mandatory coordination comments will impede the utility of the draft standard, appropriate documentation of this position shall be presented to RevCom. Ballot Summary. A ballot summary of the vote of the members is required, e.g., showing the classification of members of the balloting group and including comments accompanying unresolved negative ballots. For complete details, see 5.4.1 and Balloting Group. The balloting group shall be formulated according to 5.4.1.balloting group5.4.1 Classification of Balloting Body. Classification of the balloting body shall be in accordance with 5.4.1. 5.4.1. IEEE-SA Standards Board and committee procedures

24 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 24 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws 5.2.4 Final review and approval to publish All IEEE standards shall be approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board prior to publication. The IEEE-SA Standards Board has assigned to RevCom the review of standards submittals and the responsibility for recommending final approval to the IEEE-SA Standards Board. Approval by the IEEE-SA Standards Board indicates that the requirements of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and these bylaws have been satisfied and, specifically, that the final results of the ballot and statements submitted by other coordinating bodies who participated in the development of the standard indicate that consensus has been achieved and unresolved negative ballots have been considered together with reasons why the comments could not be resolved.

25 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 25 IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual 4.2.6 Continuous processing of IEEE-SA Standards Board and committee agenda items In order to reduce the time involved in standards development, the IEEE-SA Standards Board and its committees may use continuous processing through electronic technologies to consider appropriate agenda items. Each agenda item to be considered under this methodology shall be carefully appraised as to its suitability for this process. The IEEE-SA Standards Board and its committees should establish means for continuous processing according to their unique needs. These methods are publicly available by contacting the Secretary of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. Any votes taken by the IEEE-SA Standards Board during continuous processing are subject to the provisions stated in subclause 5.1 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws.

26 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 26 Submission of proposed standards to the IEEE-SA Standards Board 5.5 The Sponsor shall submit the last balloted draft and all required documentation in accordance with the most current version of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards, to the Secretary of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. This submittal shall be made prior to the submittal deadline specified. For the first three quarterly meetings of the year, the submittal deadline shall be at least 40 days before the meeting of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. For the last quarterly meeting of the year, the submittal deadline shall be at least 50 days before the meeting of the IEEE-SA Standards Board.

27 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 27 4. IEEE STANDARDS DEPARTMENT PROCESSING OF THE SUBMITTAL The proposed standard, Form for Submittal of Proposed Standards, and all supporting documentation shall be submitted to the IEEE Standards Department for distribution by the submittal deadline [i.e., no less than 40 calendar days prior to the IEEE-SA Standards Board meeting for the first three quarterly meetings of the year; no less than 50 calendar days prior to the IEEE-SA Standards Board meeting for the last quarterly meeting of the year.] RevCom will consider reviewing a project if a recirculation ballot is in progress at the specified submittal deadline provided the text of the recirculated draft and all documentation except ballot results of the recirculation are submitted by the submittal deadline. The documentation must include resolution of negative ballots resulting from prior ballots. There shall be no negative votes on new issues, but additional negatives on prior issues are allowed provided the 75% affirmative required for approval is achieved. The Sponsor shall review results of the recirculation ballot and, if the above conditions are met, may submit results of the recirculation ballot to the RevCom Administrator no later than 25 days before the IEEE-SA Standards Board meeting. The RevCom Administrator will transmit the results of the recirculation ballot to the members of RevCom no later than 15 days before the IEEE-SA Standards Board meeting.RevCom Administrator RevCom will submit comments electronically to the Administrator. These comments will be forwarded to the submitter for consideration and reply. All documentation, including the replies to the comments, will be considered at the meeting. The recommendation of RevCom will be presented to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for final action. The submitter will be notified of the action taken. Once approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board, the Standards Department will make formal application to ANSI for recognition as an American National Standard. ANSI RevCom will not consider a submittal if the recirculation commences after the submittal deadline. These submittals should be considered at a future RevCom meeting.

28 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 28 Time Line Process Backup Material

29 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 29 RevCom (Standards Review Committee) All requests for approval of a standard shall be reviewed by RevCom prior to submission to the IEEE SA Standards Board to ensure that the submittal is complete and that appropriate IEEE procedures are followed completely and correctly (see the IEEE-SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards). The IEEE-SA Standards Board has assigned to RevCom the review of standards submittals and the responsibility for recommending final approval to the IEEE-SA Standards Board.IEEE-SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed StandardsRevCom Approval or adoption of a standard requires a consensus of RevCom that the requirements of the procedures of RevCom and those of the IEEE-SA Standards Board (IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws and IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual ) have been satisfied. Specifically, this means that the final results of the ballot and statements submitted by balloters who participated in the development of the standard indicate that consensus has been achieved and unresolved negative ballots have been properly considered, together with reasons why the comments could not be resolved.IEEE-SA Standards Board BylawsIEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual All IEEE standards shall be approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board prior to publication. Approval requires a majority vote of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. 3 Meetings per year : March, June, September

30 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 30 IEEE-SA Standards Board 1. Chairman: Steve M.Mills 2. Vice Chairman: Richard H. Hulett 3. Past Chairman: Don Wright 4. Secretary: Judith Gorman 5. Members: Mark D. Bowman 6. Dennis B. Brophy 7. Joseph Bruder 8. Bob Davis 9. Joanna N. Guenin 10. Mark S. Halpin 11. Raymond Hapeman 12. William B. Hopf 13. Richard H. Hulett 14. Lowell G. Johnson 15. Hermann Koch 16. David J. Law 17. Daleep C. Mohla Paul Nikolich 18. Ted W. Olsen 19. Ronald C. Petersen 20. Gary S. Robinson 21. Frank Stone 22. Malcolm V. Thaden 23. Richard L. Townsend 24. Joe D. Watson 25. Richard V. Cox, Member/TAB Rep 26. Jay Forster, Member Emeritus 27. Joseph L. Koepfinger, Member Emeritus 28. Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative 29. Alan H. Cookson, NIST Representative 30. Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative The Board consists of no fewer than 18 nor more than 26 voting members, who are Members or higher grade of the Institute. A liaison from the IEEE Technical Activities Board serves as a voting member. Nonvoting members who may attend meetings include two Members Emeriti.

31 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0401r0 Submission March 2006 Bruce Kraemer, ConexantSlide 31 NesCom (New Standards Committee) This committee examines PARs and makes recommendations to the IEEE-SA Standards Board regarding their approval.PARs –responsible for ensuring that proposed standards projects are within the scope and purpose of the IEEE, that standards projects are assigned to the proper Society or other organizational body, and that interested parties are appropriately represented in the development of IEEE standards. The NesCom secretary is Jodi Haasz.Jodi Haasz

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