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Capacity-building for the adoption of OEP in higher education A/Prof Natalie Brown Dr Carina Bossu Open Ed Symposium: "Education Without Borders“ 18 Nov.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity-building for the adoption of OEP in higher education A/Prof Natalie Brown Dr Carina Bossu Open Ed Symposium: "Education Without Borders“ 18 Nov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity-building for the adoption of OEP in higher education A/Prof Natalie Brown Dr Carina Bossu Open Ed Symposium: "Education Without Borders“ 18 Nov 2015


3 This presentation TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING 3 Two Case Studies for OpenEdOZ –Open micro-course in open curriculum design (Course) –Student research project on use of Open Educational Resources in Medical Education (OER) Key outcomes in terms of Student Voice Learnings from both Case Studies

4 Case Study 1: OLT project (micro-course) TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING To design, develop and pilot a free, open and online professional development micro course (approx. 20 hours of study, 5 weeks) –A ‘learner empowered’ view of curriculum design with multiple learning pathways. –Learning outcomes nested within broader subject/unit learning outcomes to support ‘micro credentials’ –An emphasis on learners’ professional practice contexts and authentic activities –Course content as co-created by learners –Explicit modelling of open education. –Designing for open platforms and tools –Wikieducator –Wiggio


6 Findings Scope and content appropriate Topics accessed suggested few participants completed all tasks Confined time of course (limiting?) Order of completion largely reflected structure as designed (not many individual pathways) Small number of course completions Asynchronous nature somewhat demotivating TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING 6

7 Case Study 2: Student research project Awareness and Use of OER in Medical Education Internationally the cost of textbooks is increasing Rapid pace of discovery in medical and scientific research Rise of online resources – eg FOAM (primarily based around social media discussion and resources such as blogs and podcasts – Emergency Medicine) Survey: 44 students and 15 staff knowledge of OER assess the benefits and barriers in OER adoption TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING

8 Findings Staff and Students Limited understanding/awareness of both OER and FOAM. Some already involved in creation of OER. Websites were the most utilised OER for L & T Ease of access, and lack of cost, encouraged use Up to date, broadening knowledge Portable Students Difficulty in finding/selecting OER Unsure of quality, reliability, trustworthiness Barriers eg subscriptions/memberships. TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING 8

9 Learnings and next Steps A WAKEN the awareness and benefits of OER for staff and students B UILD confidence and capacity in the use of OER for staff and students C REATE Communities of practice to explore curate, adapt, creation and share OER D EVELOP critical digital information literacy skills E NCOURAGE institutional and sector support for OER through policy, infrastructure and recognition TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING (CC BY 3.0)

10 Questions & discussion? TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING 10 Phoenix-Panarh (2015). Phoenix-Panarh (2015). Licensed as CC0 Public Domain -

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