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Definitions Refugee: "a person outside of his or her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return because of persecution or a well-founded.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions Refugee: "a person outside of his or her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return because of persecution or a well-founded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions Refugee: "a person outside of his or her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.“ Asylee: A foreign-born resident who is not a US citizen and who cannot return to his/her country of origin or last residence due to race, nationality, membership in particular social group, or a political opinion. As asylee receives this status after entering the US. Parolee: A foreign born person who has been given permission upon arrival to enter the United States under emergency conditions or when his/her entry is considered to be in the public interest. Special Immigrant Visa Holders (SIV’s): A special class of visa holders who worked for or were contractors of the United States government in Iraq or Afghanistan for at least one year after March 20, 2003.

2 A Refugee’s Story Refugee flees from his/her country of origin to seek safety Determined admissible to the U.S. Pre-Travel: Assurance Medical Clearance Security Clearance Cultural Orientation Arrives in the U.S. Moves into new home Obtains ‘refugee status’ from

3 Refugees Living in Milwaukee Data gathered since 1995: 7194 refugees have been resettled into South-East Region of Wisconsin (7 counties) Kenosha – 34 Milwaukee – 6839 Ozaukee - 39 Racine – 63 Walworth – 32 Washington – 66 Waukesha - 121 Updated: May 30,2013

4 Where are refugees from? Laos, Burma, Iraq, Former Yugoslavia, and Somalia represent the largest populations Other refugees are from the following regions: Southeast Asia Middle East Africa Former Refugee Populations

5 Available Resources The WI State Refugee Office coordinates refugee resettlement throughout the state Agencies serving refugees in Milwaukee are organized into a Consortium, the Milwaukee Area Refugee Consortium (MARC): Jewish Family Services Volags: Catholic Charities International Institute of Wisconsin Lutheran Social Services Pan African Community Association Specialist Providers: Sebastian Family Psychology Practice Neighborhood House MAXIMUS & UMOS MILES Mutual Assistance Agencies

6 Needs within a shelter setting Language barriers Literacy Levels (functional literacy) Religious accommodations (prayer space, holidays, foods, meal times, gender roles) Modes of communications (verbal vs. non-verbal) Family Compositions Gender groupings

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