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Shua Darwish Almutawa 2000237916MI. Emergency radiography Clinical pathology: Fractures Dislocation Pelvis Hip and femur Knee joint Leg and ankle.

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Presentation on theme: "Shua Darwish Almutawa 2000237916MI. Emergency radiography Clinical pathology: Fractures Dislocation Pelvis Hip and femur Knee joint Leg and ankle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shua Darwish Almutawa 2000237916MI

2 Emergency radiography Clinical pathology: Fractures Dislocation Pelvis Hip and femur Knee joint Leg and ankle

3 The pelvis: The pelvis is made up of two iliac bones, pubic bone and sacrum which form a ring enclosing the pelvis cavity. Classification: 1. Single segment fracture of pelvic ring 2. Double segment fracture 3. Avulsion fracture 4. Fractures of the Acetabulum 5. Fractures of Sacrum and coccyx

4 Hip The hip joint formed by the head of the femur fitting into an acetabular cavity in the iliac bone. Dislocation of the hip joint

5 Femur Femur is the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton; extends from the pelvis to the knee. Fracture of the femur: 1.subcapital neck fracture 2.transcervial neck fracture 3.interochanteric fracture 4.subrtochanterci fracture 5.fracture of the greater trochanter 6.fracture of the lesser trochanter

6 Directions of the fracture lines

7 Knee and leg The knee is an important weight bearing joint. The injuries of the knee can be grouped into:  fractures of the Femoral condyles fractures of the Tibial condyles  fracture Patella  Injuries to the extensor mechanism  Internal Derangements of the knee  Dislocation of the knee

8 Injuries of the ankle and foot The ankle is a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus. The fracture is classified according to the forces that cause them: external rotation injuries abduction injuries adduction injuries vertical compression injuries

9 In the x-ray department Be nice and smile to the patient Wear gloves if the patient is bleeding Do not force the patient to move to the right position you can use horizontal ray for the later views Start from the patient position Don’t move the patient from their positions until you check the films in case you need to repeat it You may need to use sponges or sand bags to support the patient If the patient is too old or baby get the relative to help you moving him Use protection








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