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[′mju:zikəl ′instrumənt] Calendar 30 廿八 29 廿七 28 廿六 27 廿五 26 廿四 25 廿三 24 廿二 23 廿一 22 二十 21 十九 20 谷雨 19 十七 18 十六 17 十五 16 十四 15 十三 14 十二 13 十一 12 初十 11.

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Presentation on theme: "[′mju:zikəl ′instrumənt] Calendar 30 廿八 29 廿七 28 廿六 27 廿五 26 廿四 25 廿三 24 廿二 23 廿一 22 二十 21 十九 20 谷雨 19 十七 18 十六 17 十五 16 十四 15 十三 14 十二 13 十一 12 初十 11."— Presentation transcript:


2 [′mju:zikəl ′instrumənt]

3 Calendar 30 廿八 29 廿七 28 廿六 27 廿五 26 廿四 25 廿三 24 廿二 23 廿一 22 二十 21 十九 20 谷雨 19 十七 18 十六 17 十五 16 十四 15 十三 14 十二 13 十一 12 初十 11 初九 10 初八 9 初七 8 初六 7 初五 6 初四 5 清明节 4 初二 3 3 月大 2 廿九 1 廿八 Sat.Fri.Thu.Wed.Tue.Mon.Sun. April April Fools’ Day 愚人节

4 What do the children want to do on that day? ride their bikes in the garden have a picnic under the big tree

5 What a terrible smell! What a terrible noise! /'terəbl/ What a terrible taste!

6 The weather is so terrible! ride their bikes in the garden have a picnic under the big tree Come on, let’s play music now. OK. Let’s play music now.

7 The children are playing music now. Sue is playing the. Alice is playing the. Who can play the ? Mingming can. He is playing the violin. What is Tom doing? He’s beating the. And Norman is playing the. But at that time someone is at the door.They must playing music. piano violin guitar drum triangle Let’s listen knocking stop

8 Who’s playing the piano? Sue is playing the piano. /p ɪ 'ænә ʊ / She plays the piano every day. When does she play the piano? How does it sound? It sounds nice (great,wonderful,beautiful)

9 Who’s playing the piano? When does she play the piano? How does it sound?

10 What is Alice doing? She’s playing the guitar. /'g ɪ t ɑ :/ She plays the guitar every day,too. When does she play the guitar? How does it sound? It sounds nice. ( great,wonderful,beautiful,cool)

11 Who is playing the guitar? When does she play the guitar? How does it sound? g__t__ uiar

12 Who can play the violin? Mingming can play the violin. /'va ɪ әl ɪ n/

13 Mingming can’t play the ______. He likes playing the _______. It’s _______and beautiful It sounds _________. guitar… great… small violin v__linio

14 What is Tom doing? He’s beating the drum. /dr ʌ m/ play the drum Who is beating the drum? Is the drum round? How does it sound?

15 Who’s playing the triangle? Norman is playing the triangle. /'tra ɪ æŋgl/ This is a triangle. It’s small and cute. It has got a triangle body and a stick( 棒 ).They are lovely.It sounds nice.

16 The children are playing music. Listen! The music sounds nice. What a wonderful band! Who is ……?

17 Stop,stop, someone is knocking at the door. [st ɔ p] [n ɔ k]

18 We are sorry! You`re too noisy. Please stop playing the musical instrument.( 乐器) Who is knocking at the door? Don’t knock at the door.

19 The children are playing music now. Sue is playing the. Alice is playing the. Who can play the ? Mingming can. He is playing the violin. What is Tom doing? He’s beating the. And Norman is playing the. But at that time someone is at the door.They must playing music. piano violin guitar drum triangle Let’s read knocking stop

20 ★ Copy the words and sentences once. ★ ★ Recite the words 、 sentences and write down. ★ ★ ★ Try your best to write a passage. Homework My favourtie musical instrument is __________. It sounds___________.I often _______ with ______. And I often ___________ in our school band( 乐队).


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