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The Endocrine System Mr. Fox Science Class. Endocrine System A series of different glands that produce hormones that control many of the body’s daily.

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Presentation on theme: "The Endocrine System Mr. Fox Science Class. Endocrine System A series of different glands that produce hormones that control many of the body’s daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Endocrine System Mr. Fox Science Class

2 Endocrine System A series of different glands that produce hormones that control many of the body’s daily activities and long term development.A series of different glands that produce hormones that control many of the body’s daily activities and long term development.

3 Hormone A chemical that can turn on, turn off, speed up, or slow down activities of different organs and tissues.A chemical that can turn on, turn off, speed up, or slow down activities of different organs and tissues. While a nerve response is a fast one, it’s very short lived. A hormone response is slower to start, but are longer lived.While a nerve response is a fast one, it’s very short lived. A hormone response is slower to start, but are longer lived.


5 The Important Glands Look them up in your book. Tell me where, what they produce, how they affect the body, and when they affect the body.Look them up in your book. Tell me where, what they produce, how they affect the body, and when they affect the body.

6 HypothalamusHypothalamus Pituitary (master gland)Pituitary (master gland) AdrenalAdrenal ThyroidThyroid ThymusThymus OvariesOvaries TestesTestes PancreasPancreas

7 Hypothalamus Produces hormones that control the pituitary gland.Produces hormones that control the pituitary gland. Control nerve messages when you need to sleep, when you are hungry and other conditions.Control nerve messages when you need to sleep, when you are hungry and other conditions. Helps maintains homeostasisHelps maintains homeostasis


9 Pituitary Communicates with the HypothalamusCommunicates with the Hypothalamus Switches on other endocrine glandsSwitches on other endocrine glands HGH is produced hereHGH is produced here Stimulates the thyroidStimulates the thyroid Controls water in the bloodControls water in the blood

10 Thyroid Releases hormones that control metabolism.Releases hormones that control metabolism. Found just under your larynxFound just under your larynx Parathyroid glands – regulate calcium in the blood.Parathyroid glands – regulate calcium in the blood.



13 Adrenal Gland Produces Adrenaline!Produces Adrenaline! On top of the kidneys like little hats!On top of the kidneys like little hats! Helps balance water and salt in the blood. Helps control sugarHelps balance water and salt in the blood. Helps control sugar Adrenaline triggers the body o respond to emergency situations.Adrenaline triggers the body o respond to emergency situations.


15 Thymus Middle of the chest, near the heart.Middle of the chest, near the heart. Hormones stimulate the immune system.Hormones stimulate the immune system. Causes the Immune response to fight infectionCauses the Immune response to fight infection

16 Pancreas While part of the digestive system, is also an endocrine gland.While part of the digestive system, is also an endocrine gland. Produces Insulin and glucagonProduces Insulin and glucagon Controls the amount of sugar found in the blood.Controls the amount of sugar found in the blood.

17 Ovaries Only found in females.Only found in females. Release the female sex hormone estrogen.Release the female sex hormone estrogen. Controls the development of the secondary sex characteristics.Controls the development of the secondary sex characteristics. Progesterone and estrogen together trigger the development of eggs.Progesterone and estrogen together trigger the development of eggs.

18 Testes Found in males only.Found in males only. Releases the male sex hormone testosterone.Releases the male sex hormone testosterone. Controls the development of the secondary sex characteristics.Controls the development of the secondary sex characteristics. It also triggers the production of sperm.It also triggers the production of sperm.

19 Feedback Systems Negative Feedback System – a system that is turned off by the condition it causes.Negative Feedback System – a system that is turned off by the condition it causes. Positive Feedback System – a system that is induced more by the condition it causes.Positive Feedback System – a system that is induced more by the condition it causes.

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