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Biological Chemistry zoom 200 The Chemical basis of Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Chemistry zoom 200 The Chemical basis of Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Chemistry zoom 200 The Chemical basis of Life

2 Biological Chemistry Chemistry is the study of matter (and the changes it undergoes) Matter anything with mass and volume "stuff"

3 Biological Chemistry zoom 200 Atoms: the simplest form of elements Elements vital for life: hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), carbon (C), phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N)

4 Biological Chemistry zoom 200 Compounds: atoms bonded together Examples: H2O CO2, HNO3 C6H12O6 N2

5 Biological Chemistry zoom 200 Macromolecules: = polymers. Chains of smaller molecules Examples: carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids

6 Biological Chemistry Mixtures: = substances stirred together Examples: salt water air banana split blood

7 Mini-Quiz Classify as matter or not. banana air CO2 heat paper ideas

8 Mini-Quiz Classify element, compound or mixture. banana air CO2 carbon aluminum water


10 Nitrogen Necessary for life. Important component of proteins and nucleic acids Makes of 78% of air, but is unusable (N2) Bacteria are vital for making nitrogen available and for cycling nitrogen in and out of living systems. NITROGEN CYCLE.




14 Nitrogen cycle video

15 Chemical Summary for Nitrogen Importance: largest proportion of the atmosphere in proteins, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, some hormones

16 Chemical Summary for Nitrogen Cycle Highlights: bacteria are vital nitrates and ammonia amino acids and proteins legumes and nodules

17 Chemical Summary for Nitrogen Environmental Problems: eutrophication acid rain

18 Environmental problem:


20 *Backbone of all organic moledule (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids * Photosynthesis, respiration, combustion * Seashells and limestone * fossil fuels *Climate change 4/5ths of atmosphere in proteins, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, some hormones * bacteria vital * nitrates, ammonia, amino acids, proteins, legumes, nodules * acid rain * eutrophication


22 Phosphorus Important for organisms and industry. Found as phosphates in nature in all fertile soils and water Important component of: bone nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) ATP (an energy transferring molecule) phospholipids (make up cell membranes)

23 * Bones * Nucleic acids * Phospholipids * Found as phosphate * weathering * sedimentation * Eutophication








31 * Solvent *moderates temperature *needed for photosynthesis * Evaporation and transpiration * condensation and perculation * aquifers * Aquifer depletion * Pollution




35 *Backbone of all organic moledule (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids * Photosynthesis, respiration, combustion * Seashells and limestone * fossil fuels *Climate change molecules



38 C, H, O Pass on hereditary info DNA, RNA C, H, O, N, P * Energy storage. * Cell membranes (phospholipid) Fats, oils, steroids (including cholesterol) C, H, O Involved in all cell activities. Enzymes speed up reactions. Hormones coordinate body processes Muscle, hair, nails, enzymes, hormones C, H, O, N (sometimes S) Energy source. Sugars, starches, cellulose Plant support (cellulose)

39 : exact opposite reactants products


41 Attachments The_Cycle_Series__The_Nitrogen_Cycle.asf

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