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Teri Taylor 2012 Northumbria University Funded by IPREN Preparing the foundations for video-based practice-placement support: establishing the role from.

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Presentation on theme: "Teri Taylor 2012 Northumbria University Funded by IPREN Preparing the foundations for video-based practice-placement support: establishing the role from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teri Taylor 2012 Northumbria University Funded by IPREN Preparing the foundations for video-based practice-placement support: establishing the role from a students’ perspective

2 Changing financial and environmental demands upon HEIs Practice placements distributed widely due to competition, availability and access to specialisms Increased demand for practice placement support across the school programmes Changing nature of student cohorts BACKGROUND

3 Video-based dialogue: Fit for purpose for student support during distant placements? Phase 2: Perspectives re: value, purpose and content – qualitative study. Questionnaires n=56 Focus group n=9 Fitness for purpose? Phase 3: What is a conversation? Video link vs face-to-face: multiple objectives, mixed methodology Establishing the role Phase 1: Pilot project (small scale) – “Video conferencing: an effective solution to long distance student placement support?” Pilot project

4 Purpose of this phase of study To explore the value, purpose and content of mid-placement support structures – what role will technology have to fulfil and do students want it? Objectives: To establish participant perceptions of the purpose of the clinical visit. To identify ideal visit content from the participant perspective. To investigate participant opinion regarding alternative methods of providing support during placement periods. PHASE 2 - OUTLINE

5 Overall response indicated perceived value in the mid-placement visit as a means of motivation and prompting and of contact with the Uni. However, method of approach to open to debate with widely varying responses to suggestions for change. PROGRESSION OF THE PROJECT

6 Checking-in Professional validation Validation of performance What about Maslow? Hand holding Support for decision making FRIEND Advocacy Professional intermediary Professional development Progression of learning Maximisation of learning opportunities Evidencing competence Reinforcement of status Professional guidance CONFIDENT NOT-CONFIDENT Continuum of individual need OVER CONFIDENT Reflective training Recognition of LO COLLABORATION OVER PROFESSIONAL DOCUMENTS/STANDARDS REVIEW OF CPD FILE/PRESENTATION EMOTIVE DIALOGUE COMPLEX DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DIALOGUE Professional performance Development of professional skills/persona Evidencing practice Maximising placement learning Personal support Developing reflective practice REVIEW OF NOTES/RECORDS TRIPARTITE DISCUSSION REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS

7 Key messages: Impact of confidence on support needs Student perceptions of individual need (variable) Menu of options Practical impact of technologies affects fitness for purpose – what in reality will need to be done? Pros and cons of using alternatives – risk of hiding! Need to consider fitness for purpose in implementation planning PHASE 2 – APPLYING IDEAS IN REALITY

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