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Lightning!! By Michele Hanzel CSU Fall2015 Photo Citation:

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2 Lightning!! By Michele Hanzel CSU Fall2015 Photo Citation: clvQ6jN6Q33iLhKKs34SGfN6w35yjiIRowWGWP7P7YkC1Gor368c2wd-L1QTdS7o92b1tiK8RqwmPXnuSnzpjnpb-lXe23phKJDAsQjq7- Portions of these materials have been incorporated under the Fair Use Guidelines and are restricted from further use.

3 Standards Science Content Standards for California g. Physical Science 4 th Grade 1. g. Students know electrical energy can be converted to heat, light, and motion. Science Content Standards for California Students will be able to see how energy can change to, heat, light and motion. They will be able to describe how energy creates lightning.

4 Standards II California Common Core State Standards California Common Core State Standards.3Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text Students will be able to read text about lightning and summarize what happened and why in their own words according to what they read in a text.

5 Goals I will be able to read text about lightning and summarize what happens when lightning strikes. I will be able to write about what I learned. I will be able to see how energy can change to, heat, light and motion.

6 What do you know about lightning? Interactive slide LIGHTNING!!!!!!?

7 Sentence starters WRITE IN YOUR JOURNAL I know that…because. I believe…because. I would like to know…

8 Vocabulary! What is static electricity? What is an atom? What is a current? Understanding more: electricity-4/ electricity-4/

9 Bill Nye the Science Guy on Lightning What did you learn? Let’s discuss it with your partners and write down one thing that your partner knows about static electricity and lightning.

10 Class Poll How many of you thought it would be cool to see lightning? How many have seen lightning?

11 Read and Learn Please read the article in the National Geographic and write three facts about lightning in your journal. Flash Facts About Lightning. (2005, June 24). Retrieved September 19, 2015.

12 Get physical! Let’s try to make static!!!! Who can get the balloon to stick to the wall the longest? Why does this work?

13 Materials and Lesson Plan Materials: Balloon for each student Screen for Power Point Power Point Pencils and Journals for each student Anticipatory: What do we know about lightning. Allow students to discuss what they know with partners. Students will write in their journals what they know using sentence starters. Vocabulary: Teacher will discuss key words in the lesson such as current, atom and static. Lesson: Teacher will show video of Bill Nye discussing static electricity and how it relates to lightning. Students will have the chance to pair up and discuss what they learned. They will then write down in their journals something that their partner learned about static electricity using sentence starters. Teacher will then conduct a class poll asking questions about lightning. This information will be recorded on the board. Students will read a short article and write three facts from the article. Activity: Students will get a balloon and make static electricity. Students will be able to put the balloon on the wall to see if it sticks. Assessment: Student’s should be able to verbally and in writing show their understanding of electricity and how it makes lightning. They will use their language skills to discuss with their partners and write facts down in their journals.

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