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Napoleon and the French Revolution "Had I succeeded, I should have died with the reputation of the greatest man that ever lived."

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Presentation on theme: "Napoleon and the French Revolution "Had I succeeded, I should have died with the reputation of the greatest man that ever lived.""— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleon and the French Revolution "Had I succeeded, I should have died with the reputation of the greatest man that ever lived."

2 Rise of Napoleon During the Revolution, Napoleon was a general in the French Revolutionary Army. In 1799, he participated in a coup d’etat that overthrew the Revolutionary government. –Established a republic. By 1802 he was made “consul for life” By 1804 he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I

3 Napoleonic Europe From 1807 to 1812, Napoleon was the master of Europe. –French Empire –Dependent States –Allied States. Downfall began with failed invasion of Russia in 1812. –By 1814, Louis XVIII is restored to the thrown. –Napoleon’s attempt to return to power is stopped in 1815 at Waterloo


5 Why did Napoleon’s empire collapse? 1.The British were able resist him. 2.Rise of nationalism among other nations in Europe. United in hatred of Napoleon. Saw an example of the benefits of nationalism.

6 Napoleon claimed that he had preserved the gains of the revolution. Since he had destroyed the republic and restored absolutism, how could he make this assertion? So… –How did Napoleon preserve and spread the ideals of the Revolution?

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