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Presentation on theme: "Robotics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotics

2 Talk to your group about your experience with Legos/Robots
Different Types of Robots (Discussion: include student examples) Dangerous work, Dull (repetitive) work, Delicate (precision) work, Dirty work (hostile environments, beyond human capability), etc. Snake Robot

3 “Robot” coined by Karel Capek in a 1921 science-fiction Czech play

4 Definition: “A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” (Robot Institute of America) Alternate definition: “A robot is a one-armed, blind idiot with limited memory and which cannot speak, see, or hear.”

5 The Three Laws of Robotics
A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

6 Agenda Forming your team Setting Goals Equipping your team

7 Forming Your Team

8 Not a Drop-In Program This is a project oriented program
Team members need to understand the commitment required Team members need to be available on a consistent basis to move their parts of the project forward from the first meetings through the year end.

9 Where to Meet In the Activity Room Every other Tuesday at 8:00AM

10 Team size Maximum team size allowed is 10
5 to 7 team members is probably ideal Pick members for your team and come up with a robotic team name. Choose a team leader.

11 Team Goals Learn robotic design and programming skills
Set achievable goals Problem Solving Everyone participates HAVE FUN!

12 Equipping Your Team

13 Minimum Resources to Start
A robotics kit A computer with Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 (with Windows 7 use the latest NXT software V2.1) A place to meet and practice A storage box for sorting

14 Robotics Kit Info Lego Mindstorm EV3-based kits
US/search/searchResults.jsp?keywords=EV3+Core+set&_re questid=354290

15 Share Your Experience with MINDSTORM EV3
Bring your mind storm kit to our next meeting!!

16 EV3 Robotics Platform EV3 Hardware EV3 Firmware EV3 Software
EV3: Our Robotics Technology of Choice o Ask how many students have worked with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® § Lego is the "manufacturer" of the EV3 (first robot characteristic) o Explain that we will explore hardware vs firmware vs software in future lessons § Hardware – what you can touch § Software – instructions programmer (student) gives robot § Firmware – instructions manufacturer (LEGO® MINDSTORMS® ) gives robot o We’ll be focusing on the hardware for the next few lessons

17 Building LEGO® Pieces o Hardware includes tradition LEGO® MINDSTORMS® building pieces plus EV3 parts

18 Building LEGO® Motors and Sensors
§ EV3 sensors (light, touch, ultrasonic, gyro) · Have students compare these to human senses · These are how EV3 robots “sense their environment” (second robot characteristic) § EV3 motors · Have students compare these to human capabilities (muscles) · These are one way EV3 robots “respond to instructions” (third robot characteristic)

19 Building LEGO® EV3 USB Port for Connection to Computer
Motor Output Ports LCD Display Screen Navigation Buttons USB port for WiFi Memory Expansion Sensor Input Ports § EV3 “brick” · Have students compare these to human capabilities (brain) · Controls motors, lights and LCD screen based on instructions and sensory input

20 Videos: Check these out!!
Rubik’s Cube Solver ev3-solves-rubiks-cubes-in-under-two-minutes/ Sudoku Solver Flyer Robot max= T18:27:00%2B10:00&max- results=20&start=20&by-date=false o EV3 – Although LEGO® MINDSTORMS® , not just a toy § Show video examples of Rubik’s Cube Solver, Sudoku Solver and Hand Out Flyers. · Exact same hardware as students will use in class · Point out brick, motors and sensors in videos · More complex software than students will start with, but all within reach in advanced classes * Many other examples on or search for EV3 at !

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