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Washington FIRST Robotics Welcome to FIRST! Hosts: (name of team, school) (Date)

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Presentation on theme: "Washington FIRST Robotics Welcome to FIRST! Hosts: (name of team, school) (Date)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington FIRST Robotics Welcome to FIRST! Hosts: (name of team, school) (Date)

2 Washington FIRST Robotics Inspiring youth to become science & technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs to grow STEM skills, inspire innovation, and foster well-rounded life capabilities FIRST ® is...

3 Washington FIRST Robotics 11,239 young people who Make up 975 teams that Are supported by 5,120 adult mentors and coaches and 1,324 event volunteers Washington FIRST Robotics is:

4 Washington FIRST Robotics FIRST Metrics: Young people are more interested in STEM

5 Washington FIRST Robotics FIRST Metrics: Females and Males more interested in STEM

6 Washington FIRST Robotics FIRST LEGO League Impact for Students and Teachers

7 Washington FIRST Robotics FIRST Tech Challenge Impact for Students and Teachers

8 Washington FIRST Robotics The Impact: Student, Colleges, Employers

9 Washington FIRST Robotics Opportunity to reach all students

10 Washington FIRST Robotics Projected Growth

11 Washington FIRST Robotics Help us build tomorrow’s STEM workforce by: 1. Become a mentor of a FIRST team 2. Volunteer at one of FIRST’s events 3. Financially support a FIRST team For further information and how you can get involved please go to:

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