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April 15-8 th mtg at lunch in G-101 April 16- STEM night at MVCC from 5:30-8pm April 17- Open House 6pm April 18- Spirit Dress school colors April 21-

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Presentation on theme: "April 15-8 th mtg at lunch in G-101 April 16- STEM night at MVCC from 5:30-8pm April 17- Open House 6pm April 18- Spirit Dress school colors April 21-"— Presentation transcript:

1 April 15-8 th mtg at lunch in G-101 April 16- STEM night at MVCC from 5:30-8pm April 17- Open House 6pm April 18- Spirit Dress school colors April 21- Earth Week -Ocean Blue April 22- Earth Week- Tree Green April 24- Earth Week- Floral Print April 25- Earth Week- Animal print or photo May 1-9: Science CST TESTING APRIL 14, 2014

2 Physical Science April 14, 2014 HW: Study for Carbon Exam on Thursday, use Properties of C notes, Life w/ C notes, video notes, and W-U questions W-U: How do organisms obtain vitamins and minerals? Obj.: Explore uses of C- write down observations Carbon BasicsCarsNanotubesWhat is nano tech?Carbon BasicsCarsNanotubesWhat is nano tech? PB: Write agenda, W-U, discuss what was most interesting about videos, study group for C quiz

3 MESA April 14, 2014 HW: Bring in supplies and sell t-shirts! Obj.: Start Competition Models Robotics-program Boat & Rocket- scale models Obj.2: Last 10 min. Clean up Obj.3: Write daily journal on project and what was accomplished

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