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Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.. in between worlds, Dont write yourself Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.

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Presentation on theme: "Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.. in between worlds, Dont write yourself Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.

2 in between worlds, Dont write yourself Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.


4 multiple meanings, rise up against Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.


6 trust the trail of tears and learn to live. Press any key to proceed, ESC to exit.

7 Dont write yourself in between worlds, rise up against multiple meanings, trust the trail of tears and learn to live. Schreib dich nicht (Nachlass) Shmuel ben Yitzchak, 2001 36 x 44cm, Computer-Gemälde Schreib dich nicht Untitled poem by Paul Celan Translated by John Felstiner

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