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An easy to use web-based tool for tracking members and jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "An easy to use web-based tool for tracking members and jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 An easy to use web-based tool for tracking members and jobs

2  Kevin Tiller  Senior in Computer Science, responsible for Tier 1: web-site design, server, and UI implementation  David Thomas  Senior in Computer Engineering, reponsible for Tier 2: PHP design, Documentation  Clinton Thomas  Senior in Computer Engineering, responsible for Tier 3: MySQL server, database design and SQL implementation

3 Kevin Tiller

4  Looking to be a part of the crowd of people crazy about other people? Yearning for unity? You've come to the right place! The Light is a group devoted to bringing people together, regardless of association with campus ministries, to fellowship together while learning about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We believe that having a grounded understanding of our faith is essential to being able to know Him and make Him known to others.

5  Single load  Once loaded the site no longer requires internet connection for basic functionality.  jQuery Implementation  Using the jQuery library simplifies the design of a “Tabbed” interface  Aesthetically pleasing UI  Leadership of “The Light” liked the way it looked  Easy organization  Allows for grouping and sub-grouping while staying simple enough for non-technical leaders to edit.

6  Why 700 lines of interface for such a relatively small database?  UI is what people see and what they remember  Nobody will use the most efficient database if they can’t figure out how to get in and get stuff out  JavaScript is awesome?

7  Check it out at:

8 David Thomas

9  Middle Layer acts as the logical base for database insertion and query  Choices available - Java Server Pages - PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) - CGI (compiled C/C++)  Originally intended on using JSP, but hosting service does not support  Decision was reached to use PHP

10  PHP can be inserted inline with HTML, or called as a script from the HTML design file  Commands interpreted by server with a PHP language processor module  Lightweight, lazy typed scripting langauge with rich history and plenty of examples available online  Easy to use query interface to MySQL databases

11  This example connects to our local database  Inserts record from HTML form into the database using SQL INSERT statement  Handles errors thrown by SQL server  Displays a success message if completed without error  Code can be executed inline with HTML, or as a separate script <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","dbadmin_group14","group14"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: '. mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("dbadmin_thelight", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO Tasks ( taskID, taskName, taskType, taskDate) VALUES ('NULL','$_POST[taskname]','$_POST[tasktype]','$_POST[taskdate]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: '. mysql_error()); } echo "Task sucessfully created!"; mysql_close($con) ?>


13  In this example, we ask the user for their first and last name, as well as the task name and date they would like to register for  The information is brought it from the HTML, and a query for the memberID and taskID values is generated  The returned results are inserted into the relation- table VolunteersFor <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","dbadmin_group14","group14"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: '. mysql_error()); } $dbname="dbadmin_thelight"; mysql_select_db($dbname, $con); $memberquery ="select memberID from Members WHERE firstname=$_POST[firstname] AND lastname=$_POST[lastname]"; $memberresult = mysql_db_query($dbname, $memberquery) or die("Failed Query of ". $memberquery); //do the query $mID=mysql_fetch_row($memberresult); $taskquery ="select taskID from Tasks WHERE taskName=$_POST[taskName] AND taskDate=$_POST[taskDate]"; $taskresult = mysql_db_query($dbname, $taskquery) or die("Failed Query of ". $taskquery); //do the query $tID=mysql_fetch_row($taskresult); $sql="INSERT INTO VolunteersFor ( taskID, memberID) VALUES ('$tID','$mID')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: '. mysql_error()); } echo "Volunteer sucessfully registered!"; mysql_close($con) ?>


15 Clinton Thomas

16  For the data management section of the design, MySQL was chosen as the backend DBMS  Reasons for selection - well documented - multi platform (Windows and Linux) - supported by our hosting service  XML and Microsoft SQL Server also considered  Reasons for not being selected - XML is slower when the DB grows much larger - Microsoft = lame

17  Most widely used DBMS by Internet pages, due to open-source design and strong documentation  Accepts most standard SQL queries, offers several options for collation, data engines, etc.  Offers powerful, community developed creation tools for use in database design  MySQL server allows for local and remote execution of search queries

18  Members ( memberID : integer, firstname : string, lastname : string, email : string, address : string, phone : string)  Groups ( groupID : integer, groupName : string, groupS ize : integer)  Expenses ( expenseID : integer, taskID : integer, amount : real)  Tasks ( taskID : integer, taskName : string, taskType : string, taskDate : string)  Donations ( donationID : integer, amount : real)  VolunteersFor ( memberID : integer, taskID : integer)  ClaimsExpense ( memberID : integer, expenseID : integer)  LeaderOf ( memberID : integer, groupID : integer, since : string)  ClaimsDonation ( memberID : integer, donationID : integer)  EventSchedule(scheduleID: integer, date : string, topic : string, leader : string)


20  #SQL commands to generate "The Light" database  # delete the database if it already exists  drop database if exists thelight;  #create a new database named thelight  create database thelight;  #switch to the new database  use thelight;  #Tables  CREATE TABLE Members (  memberID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,  firstname VARCHAR(64),  lastname VARCHAR(64),  phone VARCHAR(16),  email VARCHAR(64),  address VARCHAR(64),  PRIMARY KEY (memberID, firstname, lastname) );  CREATE TABLE Tasks (  taskID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,  taskName VARCHAR(64),  taskType VARCHAR(64),  taskDate DATE,  PRIMARY KEY (taskID) );  CREATE TABLE VolunteersFor (  taskID INT,  memberID INT,  PRIMARY KEY (taskID, memberID),  FOREIGN KEY (taskID) REFERENCES Tasks (taskID),  FOREIGN KEY (memberID) REFERENCES Members (memberID) );  CREATE TABLE Donations (  donationID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,  amount FLOAT,  PRIMARY KEY (donationID) );  CREATE TABLE ClaimsDonation (  memberID INT,  donationID INT,  PRIMARY KEY (memberID, donationID),  FOREIGN KEY (memberID) REFERENCES Members (memberID),  FOREIGN KEY (donationID) REFERENCES Donations (donationID) );   CREATE TABLE Expenses (  expenseID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,  taskID INT,  amount FLOAT,  PRIMARY KEY (expenseID, taskID) );   CREATE TABLE ClaimsExpense (  memberID INT,  expenseID INT,  PRIMARY KEY (memberID, expenseID),  FOREIGN KEY (memberID) REFERENCES Members (memberID),  FOREIGN KEY (expenseID) REFERENCES Expenses (expenseID) );  CREATE TABLE Groups (  groupID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,  groupName VARCHAR(64),  groupSize INT,  PRIMARY KEY (groupID) );  CREATE TABLE LeaderOf (  memberID INT,  groupID INT,  since DATE,  PRIMARY KEY (memberID, groupID),  FOREIGN KEY (memberID) REFERENCES Members (memberID),  FOREIGN KEY (groupID) REFERENCES Groups (groupID) );  CREATE TABLE EventSchedule ( scheduleID INT, date DATE, topic VARCHAR(128), leader VARCHAR(48), PRIMARY KEY (scheduleID, date) );

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