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Published byErica Rogers Modified over 9 years ago
SPSC119 Summary Lau Gatignon / EN-MEF, Rende Steerenberg / BE-OP DIRAC, NA61, CAST, OSQAR, CAST, UA9, AWAKE, Baby-MIND, Neutrinos, SHiP, P348, P349, ELENA & AD expts, ………
Accelerators and Experimental Areas L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary2 Introduction of new MTE extraction scheme from PS with good performance, at least at the present limited total intensity Good performance of CCC in AD, but restrictions from cryo Informed SPSC of limited stacking mode of AD operation Many improvements of primary beam quality to NA, e.g. 50 Hz, feed-forward, new TT20 optics, but still QF ripple Problems with all four s.c. magnets in EHN1 (VTX1/2, M1, Morpurgo). NA61 badly affected. Cooling problems in BA62 affecting COMPASS and NA62 Progress with ELENA and AWAKE installation.
Schedule L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary3 Some rescheduling in NA due to various problems (T6 vacuum, Morpurgo and VTX problems). NA61 maintains the Pb ion run for this year, in spite of VTX problem. The AD run is extended by one week. Approved injector schedule for 2016, preview of 2017, 2018
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NA61 Successful run with Ar beam. The Ar data-taking is thus completed. No indication yet for the critical point. Suffered severely from VTX-1 failure and had to reschedule their hadron physics runs this year. The 2015 Pb run is maintained. NA61 expects CERN to repair and maintain the magnet & infrastructure. The SPSC recommends to set up a coherent framework for a comprehensive magnet consolidation, including NA61 experts, considering a long term NA61 program.. Several upgrades are on-going and/or proposed, including a new vertex detector for open charm measurements with Pb°Pb. Ion beam requests: 201640 days Pb (13A, 19A, 30A, 40A GeV) + 5 d vertex detector tests at 150A GeV (???) 201760 days Xe energy scan 201840 days Pb (75A, 150A GeV) Need more time for full review of proposal L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary6
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NA61 minutes L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary8 The SPSC notes with pleasure the progress in the analysis of pp,p+C, π+C, Be+Be, and Ar+Sc data relevant for the physics of strong interaction, neutrino and cosmic ray physics. The Committee is looking forward to their publication. The Committee notes that the NA61 experiment has been regular suffering from magnet problems, with the last fault having a mayor impact on the physics programme. The SPSC hopes that the current fault is repairable. In that case, the SPSC recommends that CERN and the collaboration set up a comprehensive consolidation programme of the magnets, their infrastructure, controls and operation procedures to ensure reliable data taking in the coming years. The SPSC received with interest a proposal to perform beam momentum scan with Pb+Pb ions using the NA61 detector, including a potential measurement of open charm production (SPSC-P-330-ADD-8). The Committee will further review the proposal.
AWAKE L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary9 Cost and Schedule Review supports electron injection before LS2 with extra resources from CERN (2.6 M€ + RF manpower) Very active collaboration, good press Lots of progress driven by the CERN teams, but also by non-CERN. The on-axis injection was abandoned in 2013 but has come back but with a density gradient, which increases the capture efficiency, and with a very small angle to avoid a plasma plume at the entrance to the plasma cell. Have added flexibility to explore the parameter space. AWAKE provided answers to a long list of technical questions by the referees. Request equivalent 4 weeks of beam in 2016, 8 weeks in 2017.
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AWAKE minutes L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary12 The SPSC is pleased with the significant progress made by the AWAKE Collaboration on all fronts of the development of the key components and the corresponding publications. The SPSC welcomes the increased CERN commitment following the cost and schedule review of the AWAKE project in April 2015. The SPSC notes the adopted strategy for a flexible electron injection scheme and encourages the collaboration to consolidate this choice by further simulation studies. The SPSC appreciates that the collaboration has set up clear priorities for the development of the components which are essential to the demonstration of the self-modulating instability of a long proton bunch and electron acceleration before the long shutdown LS2.
UA9 L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary13 UA9 has made good progress in the H8 beam, at the SPS and also at the LHC They make a substantial beam request for 2016, including 20 days primary proton beam in H8, 7 days with ions and 3+1 days in the SPS. The primary protons in H8 are now incompatible with NA62 running. The days in the SPS are incompatible with any NA operation The request for primary protons in H8 has to be minimised (~1 week?). The SPSC congratulates the UA9 Collaboration for the recent demonstration of crystal channeling in the LHC and acknowledges the outstanding effort made by all implied teams The SPSC recommends that suitable SPS beam time in 2016 be allocated within the overall constraints of the accelerator and users schedule.
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SHiP L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary15 SHiP has submitted an Addendum to their proposal, a document with answers to questions from the referees and a document on the recent test beam periods. In the Addendum they propose a new planning where the connection to TDC2 will be made around LS3. The spending profile is much reduced in the next few years, i.e. during the Comprehensive Design Study phase. Updated information was given on sensitivities and backgrounds, as well as on the competition and on what could be done in other labs. The DG designate will set up a task force to evaluate physics prospects in the injector complex by the time of the next European Strategy report (2018-2019). SHiP should be an important part of this. Some minimal CERN resources will be made available for the preparation phase.
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SHiP minutes L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary19 The SPSC acknowledges receipt of the addendum to the Technical Proposal. The Committee takes note of the proposed revised schedule with its consequent reduction in spending in the coming years and also of the first results of test beam studies. The SPSC appreciates the responsiveness of the SHiP Collaboration to its questions and will actively continue its review.
NEUTRINO PLATFORM L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary20 Ilias presented beam lines in EHN1 extension. Ready by March 2018. Some worries about muon backgrounds, also from H6 and H8, but should be small enough (anyway smaller than cosmics background rate). ProtoDUNE is a proposal to test a Lar single phase prototype at CERN. Many questions were answered very positively but some remain open: Data-taking with 35 tons prototype (cosmics) postponed to Jan-Feb 2016, Issues with its field cage design (now reuse ICARUS design), Some cold electronics problems, The organisation of the CERN-based team (if any) not known. The Committee acknowledges the motivation to build a full-scale engineering detector for validation of full size components and charge beam calibration of detector response. Because of the above and scheduling constraints, the SPSC recommends the P-351 proposal for approval and to proceed as a new project in the CERN neutrino platform.
L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary21 An engineering detector should be based on state-of-the-art components tested in previous prototypes and similar detectors. To this respect, the Committee is concerned with the fact that many components are neither fully defined, nor validated. The SPSC requests a Technical Design Report containing detailed descriptions of all components as well as proofs of validation of previous detectors with special emphasis on the DUNE specific components tested on the 35-tons prototype. The Committee therefore recommends to improve collaboration between all teams involved in FNAL LAr-based neutrino experiments including the European expert groups to ensure that the best available solutions are chosen. For an efficient conduction of project, the Committee recommends that the collaboration sets up a permanent team resident at CERN and requests a description of local management and organisation at CERN.
BabyMIND L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary22 BabyMIND proposes beam tests of fully active scintillator detectors (TASD) and magnetised iron neutrino detector (Baby-MIND, 60 tons). TASD is optimised for geometry of Morpurgo magnet, BabyMIND does not need the magnet. The beam time request is 2+4+4 weeks in H8 for 2016-2018. BabyMIND is important for WAGASCI experiment at JPARC, but time scale does not really fit. The purpose of the TASD test in the Morpurgo magnet is not clear in the context of he main goal (WAGASCI) and also the Morpurgo magnet is out of order. Recommend to focus on BabyMIND tests, possibly in T9 (to be discussed with us).
BabyMIND minutes L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary23 The Committee received with interest the proposal to test a Totally Active Scintillator Detector (TASD) and to test a prototype of a Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (Baby MIND) at the SPS H8 beam line in period 2016-2018 (SPSC-P-353). The SPSC recognises the interest to tag muon charges and the potential of a magnetised iron detector and their foreseen application in the WAGASCI experiment at J-PARC, Japan. The SPSC recommends the collaboration to focus on the Baby MIND part of the proposed test beam programme. The Committee also recommends the test of the Baby MIND detector as a part of the neutrino platform project at CERN. The SPSC notes that the H8 beamline foreseen is not optimal for low energy particles and requests to revise the planning towards using an existing low-energy optimised beamline at CERN, e.g. at the PS. The SPSC notes that the schedule for Baby MIND tests at CERN is late compared to the overall WAGASCI schedule. The Committee asks the collaboration to take all actions to meet the WAGASCI schedule. Moreover, the SPSCS asks for a common schedule of the project including details on the production of the detector modules for the WAGASCI experiment. The proposed tests of a TASD in a magnet will be further reviewed once the Baby MIND project is well defined.
P348 L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary24 P348 has made the test run they were asked to do. The results are considered encouraging. They can now write and addendum for a decision in the January meeting. The SPSC notes with pleasure the promising results achieved by the P-348 Collaboration in the recent test run to search for invisible decays of dark matter. The Committee encourages the collaboration to proceed with the preparation of an addendum to the proposal describing an update of search sensitivities, the detailed setup and the requested beam time as input for further review in the meeting of the SPSC in January 2016.
AD issues L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary25 Included in the ELENA budget are the ASACUSA 2 nd beam line, the BASE electrostatic line and the electrostatic line to the present AEGIS location. AEGIS is preparing an ECR for a new location, where a new line will be required with similar cost to the line foreseen. But no funding found yet for infrastructure at new location. Has to be decided asap. The cost for the GBAR linac shielding is 750 kCHF. Sufficient blocks were found, but then no blocks are left for other project. Due to impact on alignment, a decision is needed very soon. ATS is very unhappy to use up all existing blocks. LEP magnet yokes could help, but needs further discussion, as it is larger and heavier. If no decision: must postpone GBAR installation by one year Fast valves separating different lines are not included in ELENA budget. Discussions on-going. Fixed LHe line: funding available, but manpower issues suggest 2018+. A decision must be taken soon.
AD experiments L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary26 Connection to ELENA being discussed. Seems to be of interest to connect early. Need a decision early in 2016. ATRAP had problems, which caused delays. Little time left…. ALPHA received large grant (Canada) for gravitational measurements AEGIS is working on Hbar production but suffer from vacuum problems BASE published comparison Q/m ratio for p and pbar in Nature. Run ok. GBAR has to provide overall time line and resource plan. Finance Review Committee meeting on 22 nd of October. Three technical reviews at CERN on linac, pbar decelerator and e + production target. Linac bunker issue may impact on installation schedule and preparations.
Other experiments L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary27 CLOUD published 21 papers and 8 more are under review. COMPASS suffers again from SM1 trips due to high temperature in BA82 Next year DVCS run with muon beam. Preparations are on track. SPSC favours next DY run only in 2018, and only if good physics case. NA62 has 10 10 triggers on tape (need 10 13 ). Still TDAQ issues. Radiation issues are being followed up. But the physics performance of the apparatus is excellent. DREAM considers to ask for one week of beam time in 2016. Want to keep the infrastructure in H8 in place. Have to ask SBA. Need to provide a program for next year’s running. P349 plans to provide preliminary results in early 2016.
Other news L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary28 DIRAC promises a LoI for the SPS in Nov. 2016. Not encouraged. The integration of a cavity in OSQAR-ALPs may only be possible in a precise time window 2017-2018. The 2016 running yet to be reviewed, CAST plans to continue running and needs to upgrade cryo controls. This happens over two 6 month periods and costs 200 kCHF (funded by TE-CRG). Needs PJAS paid by CAST (50 kCHF). Start Nov. 2015?Pending approval, taking into account TE-CRG commitments. New proposal to search for relic axions with two cavities in parallel: CAPP-CAST(Korea, BNL, CERN) and RADES (Valencia). Start data-taking in 2016. Recommend cryo controls upgrade and magnet consolidation.(200 kCHF). IAXO magnet design and prototyping on standby.
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L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary32 SHiP
L.Gatignon, 2-11-2015SPSC119 summary33 SHiP
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