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Outline. Ethanol 1.The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages 2.Can be made synthetically 3.Produced by fermentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline. Ethanol 1.The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages 2.Can be made synthetically 3.Produced by fermentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline

2 Ethanol 1.The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages 2.Can be made synthetically 3.Produced by fermentation

3 Fermentation The chemical action of yeast on a sugar source

4 Alcohol It is classified as a Depressant and slows down the CNS

5 Intoxication A.The physical and mental impairment resulting from the use of alcohol B.The effects can range from poor motor skills to death

6 Negative Impact on Teens  school work  athletic performance  friendships  family relationships  career goals  unplanned pregnancies  Dating violence  STD’s  Rape  Suicide  Homicide

7 One-half of all teens die every year as a result of alcohol or other drug use

8 Why Do people drink? Excitement Friends (peer pressure) Boredom The feeling of getting by with something Fit in Depression

9 What contributes to short term effects?  Amount of Alcohol consumed (the amount of alcohol in each drink)  Size (Body Weight)  Stomach (have you eaten)  Gender (male or female)

10 Effects on the Brain Alcohol reaches the brain almost immediately even if the effects are not obvious. These effects include:  Dulled memory  Loss of motor co-ordination  Adversely effects decision making skills

11 Circulatory System Effects Blood carries alcohol to all parts of the body including the heart, liver, and brain. Alcohol causes the blood vessels to dilate Results in increased blood flow especially to the skin

12 Makes the skin feel flush and warm The increased blood flow causes a false warmth and the body looses heat by radiation

13 Body temperature actually decreases Higher risk of Hypothermia Increase in heart rate and blood pressure Lead to arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats)

14 Cause scar tissue to build up in muscle fiber of the heart Risk of heart attack and stroke are increased

15 Kidneys Causes an increase in urine production Causes a person to feel dehydrated the day after drinking

16 Effect on the Stomach Immediately absorbed from the stomach into the blood Increases the risk of stomach cancer Food will not keep a person from getting drunk Food in stomach slows the absorption into the bloodstream

17 Liver Second largest organ (skin is the first) Acts to clear the blood of drugs and poisonous substances Absorbs the substances and makes them water soluble

18 Liver Excretes toxins as bile Bile is a yellowish green, bitter fluid important in the break down fats.

19 Effect on the Liver Oxidizes alcohol ◦ changes alcohol to water, carbon dioxide, and energy ◦ Can only oxidize 1 oz of alcohol an hour

20 No way to speed up the process Alcohol keeps circulating in the body until it has been completely oxidized

21 Myths & Facts Myth a cold shower or black coffee can speed up the process of alcoholFact Nothing speeds up the process of oxidation

22 Chronic Liver Problems Interferes with the liver’s ability to break down fats which results in a condition known as Fatty Liver

23 Chronic Liver Problems Cirrhosis of the liver ◦ A condition in which liver tissue is destroyed and then replaced with scar tissue which reduces blood flow that impedes liver function

24 Hepatitis An inflammation or infection of the liver Symptoms include: 1.weakness 2.jaundice 3.fever 4.can result in death

25 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome a condition in which a fetus is adversely affected by the mother’s alcohol consumption

26 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Babies May Exhibit Low Birth Weights Impaired Speech Cleft palates Poor coordination Heart defects General weakness

27 Slow body growth Facial Abnormalities Poor attention span Hyperactivity

28 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is preventable does not occur in non drinking mothers

29 Tolerance and Dependence Tolerance to a drug begins with regular use and causes the person to need more of the drug to achieve the same feeling.

30 Patterns of Alcohol Abuse Binge Drinking Periodic excessive drinking Popular among high school and college students

31 Alcohol poisoning ◦ Dangerous toxic condition that occurs when a person drinks a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. ◦ Usually four times the legal limit

32 Alcohol + other drugs = mental and physical impairment accidental deaths **This includes OTC or Rx drugs

33 Alcoholism A physical and psychological dependence on the drug ethanol Many alcoholics appear clean orderly and well groomed

34 Traits of the Alcoholic Alcoholics are unable to stop drinking despite the toll it takes on their health and their lives

35 People with alcoholism may exhibit one of or a combination of these behaviors or traits

36 Stages of Alcoholism Three stages of alcoholism 1.Abuse 2.Dependence 3.Addiction

37 Abuse (Stage One) Typically begins with social drinking, or trying to relax, relieve stress, or depression A physical or psychological dependence on alcohol begins to develop The person begins to drink regularly

38 Stage 1 (cont) Short term memory loss Black outs Begin to make excuses for their drinking

39 Dependence (Stage Two) Gradually the person reaches the point where they cannot stop drinking Physical dependence becomes evident

40 Addiction (Stage Three) This is the final and worst stage of the disease Performance drops at work/school and frequent absences occur.

41 Drink alone Drink everyday to satisfy craving Makes excuses for drinking Blame others Defensive behavior Denial

42 Isolate themselves from family and friends Aggressive behavior becomes more evident and more violent

43 Malnutrition usually occurs The person becomes mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially drained. Delirium Tremens or DT’s begin (when the drug is removed)

44 May develop a decreased or “reversed tolerance” ◦ Takes less alcohol to produce the drunken state ◦ Delirium Tremens or DT’s begin (when the drug is removed)

45 1.Cold/Hot Flashes 2.Severe tremors 3.nightmares 4.Hallucinations 5.Fear of people and animals 6.NEED MEDICAL TREATMENT Symptoms of DT’s

46 Long Term Effects of Drinking Vitamin deficiencies Stomach and skin irregularities Brain damage such as memory loss, problem solving ability

47 Treatment of Alcoholism Can not be cured but can be treated Approximately 2/3 of alcoholics recover Treatment is ongoing

48 Advertising & Alcohol Portrayal of alcohol in advertisements ◦ Ads try to keep product name prominent so people are influenced when making a decision

49 Effects of Advertising The hidden message in adds are that alcohol is needed to be successful, romantic, problem-free relationships, working situations, and recreational opportunities


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