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Laptops Versus Learning An ITGS point of view. Criteria A We use laptops or similar technology everyday for many different things. Some also use it in.

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Presentation on theme: "Laptops Versus Learning An ITGS point of view. Criteria A We use laptops or similar technology everyday for many different things. Some also use it in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laptops Versus Learning An ITGS point of view

2 Criteria A We use laptops or similar technology everyday for many different things. Some also use it in class and for educational purposes. But the use of such technology in class is also creating a problem.

3 Criteria B : IT Background Laptops are a very resourceful tool for students. We can do many things. We can take notes on it Search for course related information Get help on our work by reading examples Talk to other students and ask for help Surf the web

4 Criteria C : Issues In a controlled study by Helene Hembrooke & Geri Gay in 2003, it was proven that students with open laptops remembered less lecture content than those with closed laptops.

5 Surprisingly, students who spent a greater proportion of time seeking course-related sites recalled significantly less than those who were more often browsing sites unrelated to the course. In another study at Fried university, the results showed that the more the students used their laptops, the lower their class performance, the less attention they paid to lectures, the less clear lectures seemed to them, and the less they felt they understood the course material.

6 Cause of the issues Online content is more stimulating than the traditional classroom distracters (e.g., passing notes or talking), there forth it interferes even more with the students ability to learn course material. Students actively seeking course-related material shows a surprisingly decreased ability to balance their attention between the lecture content and their focused searching.

7 Laptops lead to distraction In addition, laptops create temptation to surf the web, check e-mail, check Facebook, shop for shoes, or instant- message friends. That's not only distracting to the student who is checking cricket statistics but for all those who see him, and many others, doing something besides being involved in class.

8 Criteria D : Solutions Banning the use of Laptops for taking notes in class because it is better for a student to write them down. Writing notes helps understand the student understand whereas writing notes on laptop leads to a distracted and disinterested mind which is primarily focused on typing. Avoid long durations of use of laptops as students get tired and tend to get distracted and misuse the laptop.

9 Create a more interactive class so that students don’t get bored and get distracted in to someone else’s screen. The teacher can keep checking the student’s laptop screen after every few minutes at random. This will create a fear in the student’s mind and stop him/her from misusing the laptop in any way. Making use of quizzes and tests at a weekly rate could create a self conscious in the students which will make them want to participate more and concentrate more in class.

10 Stakeholders Teachers Parents Students Education board committee College/school

11 Areas of Impact Education Arts, Entertainment and leisure Business and employment

12 Bibliography Times Magazine

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