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ENGLISH OFFICIAL EXAMS. WHAT ARE OFFICIAL EXAMS? Official exams can give you an official certificate. These official certificates can help you:  With.

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2 WHAT ARE OFFICIAL EXAMS? Official exams can give you an official certificate. These official certificates can help you:  With your studies. High School. University. Erasmus.  To get a job.

3 What are the most common official exams? What is the MCRL?  The most common offficial exams are the exams of the following organizations: Cambridge Exams. Escola Oficial de Idiomes.  The MCRL (Marc Comú de Referencia de les Llengues Europees) is a chart which indicates the level you have reached and the certificate that you will receive. This chart is for all the European Languages. LEVELCAMBRIDGE EXAMSEOI EXAMS A2KET B1PET3RD EOI B2FIRST CERTIFICATE5TH EOI C1ADVANCED6TH EOI C2PROFICIENCY

4 IMPORTANCE OF TAKING EXAMS You need B2 Level to finish University. You have many more possibilities to get an Erasmus Scholarship if you have B2 LEVEL. Many companies ask for FIRST CERTIFICATE before even entering the selection process. When you are a Civil Servant you have points for a B2 Level which may increase your employment possibilities and advancement opportunities.

5 Univeristy of Cambridge is an international organization that offers exams all over the world. EOI is a Spanish organization that offers exams in Spain. You should try to reach the C1 Level in the following suggested order: 1ST YEAR: KET 2ND YEAR:PET 3RD YEAR:3RD EOI 4TH YEAR:FIRST CERTIFICATE 5TH YEAR:5TH EOI 6TH YEAR:CAE Starting with KET ensures that you have a basic knowledge level on which to build to reach the higher levels. What is the difference between CAMBRIDGE EXAMS and EOI EXAMS? Which should I take?

6 What is the process in MISTER ENGLISH? Pretesting: You will be given 2 tests to see if you are ready to take an exam this year. Preparation: Free classes are offered at the weekends, using real exams, to help students to prepare. Enrollment: When you are ready to take the exam, you will be enrolled to test. You will be accompanied by a school representative on the day of the exam. There is an annual celebration to award Certificates to successful candidates. Representatives of Cambridge University in Lleida will also attend.

7 CERTIFICATES This is a example of a Cambridge Certificate.

8 PREPARATION CENTRE Mister English has been preparing pupils for Official Exams for more than 25 years. Mister English has been certified by Cambridge University as an Official Preparation Centre.


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