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Pilot study: feasibility and evaluation A-K. Illner 1, U. Harttig 1, G. Tognon 2, S. Salvini 2, P. Amiano 3, E. Bower 3, D. Engeset 4, T. Kaasik 5, H.

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Presentation on theme: "Pilot study: feasibility and evaluation A-K. Illner 1, U. Harttig 1, G. Tognon 2, S. Salvini 2, P. Amiano 3, E. Bower 3, D. Engeset 4, T. Kaasik 5, H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pilot study: feasibility and evaluation A-K. Illner 1, U. Harttig 1, G. Tognon 2, S. Salvini 2, P. Amiano 3, E. Bower 3, D. Engeset 4, T. Kaasik 5, H. Ward 6 1 German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany 2 Cancer Research and Prevention Institute Florence, Italy 3 Public Health Division of Gipuzkoa, San Sebastian, Spain 4 University of Tromsoe, Norway 5 University of Tartu, Estonia 6 University of Cambridge, UK

2 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 2  foster scientific knowledge of the design and feasibility of approaches that use multiple dietary assessment instruments, including internet-technologies objective

3 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 3  completion of a web- or paper-based self-administered European Food Propensity Questionnaire (EFPQ) and three telephone-administered 24 hour dietary recalls (24HDR) in 400 participants from five ongoing cohort studies in Estonia, Italy, Spain, Norway, Germany  analysis of feasibility & comparison to the Calibration of Methods (COM) study conducted in EPIC-Norfolk (UK) with one 24HDR, three 7-day diaries and two FFQs Design

4 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 4  developed on the basis of a validated German- specific 102-item FFQ applied in the EPIC-Potsdam cohort for the second dietary assessment that was palced on the web  by a web-based working procedure European experts reviewed and modified an English version of the FFQ appropriately to the dietary habits in their countries; the common European version then was translated & placed on the web  final EFPQ asks about the frequency of consumption of 116 foods during the preceding year, demonstrated with graphically displayed portion sizes Development of web-based EFPQ reference:

5 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 5 Hanning, R. M., Woodruff, S. J., Lambraki, I., Jessup, L., Driezen, P., and Murphy, C. C. Nutrient intakes and food consumption patterns among Ontario students in grades six, seven, and eight. Can J Public Health, 98: 12-6, 2007; Bälter, K., Bälter, O., Fondell, E. and Lagerros, Y. Web-based and mailed questionnaires: a comparison of response rates and compliance. Epidemiology, 16:4 S577-590, 2005. common 6-languages Food Propensity Questionnaire: English, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Basque, Estonian, German EFPQ:

6 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 6 source:

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12 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 12 Response & participation rates Table 1: Total response, participation and % distributions for the European Food Propensity Questionnaire (EFPQ) by IDAMES Center

13 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 13 Reasons for non-participation *non-participants with indication of reason n = 62*/138 non-participants Other: e.g. no internet, no computer

14 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 14 General characteristics Table 2: general characteristics of web-based EFPQ-users and Paper-EFPQ- users

15 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 15 Participation in 24HDRs Table 3: participation rates in 24HDRs by IDAMES center

16 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 16 Completion time for web-based EFPQ N = 26N = 19 N = 11 N = 65N = 21 Median completion time: 33.8 min

17 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 17 Subjective completion time of web-based EFPQ N = 26N = 19 N = 11 N = 65N = 21

18 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 18 Login counts for web-based EFPQ N = 26N = 19 N = 11 N = 65N = 21

19 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 19 Missing & implausible data  80-90% of the paper-based EFPQs contained missing or implausible data recontact was needed  30.9% of subjects reported to have diffilculties in estimating their food intake  questions about frequency of consumption about alcohol, mixed dishes

20 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 20 summary  participation rate for the overall approach was moderate and differed between the centres  participation in the 24HDRs decreased accross the data collection rounds  the web-based EFPQ was feasible & flexible in terms of time & completion and well accepted among its users  this study supports the feasibility of using multiple dietary assessment methods within culturally different study populations, including internet- based instruments.

21 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 21 Future perspectives  further development of the EFPQ is needed to refine its methodology for an enlarged application in other countries  generating a better understanding of the desgin and feasibility of approaches with several instruments  which and how many short-term instruments are needed?

22 IDAMES Workshop, ICDAM7 06.04.2009 22 Thank you for your attention! European Food Propensity Questionnaire/EFPQ : All WP5partners: Heiner Boeing Ulrich Harttig Heather Ward Gianluca Tognon Simonetta Salvini Pilar Amiano Dagrun Engeset Taie Kaasik

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