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A Brief View of Art History According to Mr. Rogers.

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1 A Brief View of Art History According to Mr. Rogers.

2 Stone Age Art The Chauvet cave in Vallon- Pont d’Arc, France. Approx. 30,000-13,000 years before common era. (BCE) The oldest ever found. Half scale of bulls, horses, and rhinos. Venus of Willendorf – Fertility and Health Why did they paint these scenes or crEATE THIS SCULPTURE?

3 Khafre, Egypt (c. 2520-2494 BCE) Moai, Easter Island Culture (c.1250-1500A.D) Jade cong, Liangzhu Culture (c. 3300-2200 BCE) Dogon Walu, Africa, Mali (c.1920-1935 A.D) Civilization’s Rise Ancient Civilizations and their art. Can you guess the correct sequence?

4 Aphrodite, Melos Greece (c.150-125 BCE) Civilization Still Rising Greek Sculpture was mainly bronze, but copied later in marble by the Romans. Art centered around mythology and Kingdom until the spread of Christianity when it took over as the purpose for art in the West. Why create art for these purposes? Laocoon and His Sons/ Athanadoros,Hagesandros and Polydoros of Rhodes, Rome (c.1 AD)

5 Other than Western Art: Eastern Chinese Tomb paintings. Many afterlife/religiously related. The Great Stupa housing Bhudda. Monuments to god. Yakshi and Hindu fertility.

6 Other than Western Art: Africa Kingship and the tiers of ranking society. Nok head for rituals. Nkisi Nkondi for protection and to cure ailments.

7 Other than Western Art: Americas Olmecs and the giant heads, are they divine or just powerful? Mayan’s depictions of gods and recording of culture. Mississippian mounds for good crops and others for burials. Appease the gods or ALIENS? Inuit’s very stylized depiction of their environment.

8 Back to Western Art: Monuments and Testaments to a Higher Being 1400-1500’s The Sistine Chapel Chartres Cathedral Baldacchino Pieta - Michelangelo


10 Back to Western Art: Art for Art’s Sake 1600-1700’s Caravaggio and the light painters (chiaroscuro) religious undertones Rubens – Social problems in a classical way Rembrandt – Everyday life

11 Back to Western Art: Social Art 1800’s Goya’s outcry for French massacre in Spain Gericault’s theatrics changing art’s view (diagonal lines)

12 Back to Western Art: Photography 1800’s Delacroix’s Draped Model O’Sullivan’s Getty’sburg commentary : A Harvest of Death

13 Modernism Commeth: Reality Late 1800’s Millet’s The gleaners Dumier’s The Third Class Carriage

14 Modernism Commeth: French Impressionism Manet Monet Degas

15 Modernism Almost: Post-Impressionism Later 1800’s Van Gogh Seurat Rousseau

16 Modernism is HERE: Thinking before the visual Early 1900’s Kandinsky Severini

17 Modernism Testing the waters of Art Duchamp ManRay Weston

18 Modernism Surrealism Margritte Dali Kahlo

19 Modernism Mid Century Johns Nevelson Pollock

20 Modernism Later Century Close Hanson Smithson

21 Post- Modernism Paik Koons Hirsch Rogers

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