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Project Management. Define the big picture clearly, concisely and convincingly 1.Is your elevator pitch convincing? 2.Is your.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management. Define the big picture clearly, concisely and convincingly 1.Is your elevator pitch convincing? 2.Is your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management

2 Define the big picture clearly, concisely and convincingly 1.Is your elevator pitch convincing? 2.Is your value proposition clear? 3.Why is it important to solve a particular problem? 4.Is your mission narrow and focused? 5.Are your goals measurable? 6.Are your deliverables realistic? Project Management Define the problem, mission and goals

3 Attendance - % of team meetings attended? Professionalism - Did you effectively sell your ideas? Initiative - What did you do beyond what was required? Knowledge - What are the 3 most important things you learned? Results Were all deliverables on time and on budget? Did the solution work to specs? Teamwork What ideas did you share? How did you help others? Project Management Set Performance Measures

4 Project Management Set Performance Measures

5 Discovery - Define problem, mission and goals - Research previous art. Don’t reinvent the wheel Design - Write functional spec (user perspective) - Write design spec (engineer’s architecture) Development - Build modules - Integrate modules Deployment - Write test procedure - Test - Train - Sell - Monitor results Project Management Project Management Phases Time & $$$ Time & $$$

6 Project Management Project Management Phases Time & $$$ Time & $$$

7 Quality Project Management Project Management Phases Time & $$$ Time & $$$ TimeMoney You only get to pick two!

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