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Haiti. Intro Video Geography In the Caribbean Sea Shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Haiti. Intro Video Geography In the Caribbean Sea Shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haiti

2 Intro Video

3 Geography In the Caribbean Sea Shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic

4 Size 10,714 square miles Idaho is 83,557 square miles

5 Land Features Covered in mountains Most people live in the valleys in between the mountain ranges

6 Weather and Climate Climate is warm and a little bit humid Average annual temperature: Mountains 66F Valleys 81F Spring and Autumn are rainy Winter and summer are dry Hurricane season is from June to October

7 Hurricane/earthquake history September 10, 2004: Hurricane Ivan September 18, 2004: Hurricane Jeanne Killed 1,870 2,620 injured 846 disappeared July 7, 2005: Hurricane Dennis Left 500 homeless August 26, 2008: Hurricane Gustav 77 deaths and 8 disappearances Destroyed 3,000 houses and damaged 11,458

8 Hurricane/earthquake history September 1, 2008: Hurricane Hanna September 6, 2008: Hurricane Ike January 12, 2010: 7.0 magnitude earthquake Killed between 46,000 and 316,000 people November 5, 2010: Hurricane Tomas Killed 10

9 A little bit of history… 1492: Columbus arrived Spanish came to colonize and enslaved the Native Americans that lived there Many natives died from starvation and foreign diseases 1517: Spanish began importing African slaves 1791: the salves began to revolt against their owners 1804: Haiti (slaves who took over) declared independence from France Political chaos and leadership challenges followed

10 A little bit of history… 1957: Francois Duvalier won election (killed his opponent) Nicknamed Papa Doc (he was a doctor) Papa Doc stole money from the country and was a cruel leader His son “Baby Doc” took over when he died and continued his terrible leadership 1990: Jean-Bertrand Aristide was the 1 st democratically elected president and brought new hope to Haiti 8 months later, he was driven out of Haiti by the military and they took over

11 A little bit of history… 1994: Aristide was able to return and finish his term Haiti still struggles with groups trying to overthrow the government They also continue to get hit with debilitating natural disasters and that doesn’t help with these challenges

12 Government President is the head of state Current president is Michel Joseph Martelly Prime Minister is the head of government Current prime minister is Yvon Neptune Bicameral Parliament

13 How the government works The government is comprised of two main political belief systems Divided into 9 provinces but the central government has most control of political affairs. 27 seat senate 83 seat chamber of deputies

14 Economy 2/3 of the workforce is in agriculture 80% of Haitians live in poverty Economy is not experiencing any growth or improvement due to corruption in the government Currency is the gourde 1 USD = 39.40 gourde

15 Education Students attend kindergarten Then primary school for 6 years Then secondary school for 7 years

16 Culture

17 Population 7 million Most of the population are descendants of Africans Idaho population is 1.6 million

18 Language Creole (daily language) Mixture of French and African languages) French (government and business)

19 Learn some Creole (pronounced phonetically) Hello = Bonjou Goodbye = Adye / Orevwa / Babay How are you? = Koman ou ye? I miss you = Mwen sonje w Would you like to dance with me? = Eske ou vle danse?

20 Religion 80% Catholic 16% Protestant Many also practice voodoo

21 Attitudes Warm Friendly Generous Life in Haiti is very challenging but they still celebrate life with joy

22 Appearance Haitians pay great attention to their public appearance Urban Haitians like to wear American style clothing Traditional clothing includes jewelry and brightly colored clothes

23 Customs Personal greetings are important and show respect Many enjoy impromptu gatherings Visitors are welcome during the day but not after 8pm

24 Food Rice and beans are eaten almost every day Other staples include meat, a salad, and a vegetable dish Spicy foods are most popular and pork is a favorite meat 3 meals a day Families wait for mom to start eating before they eat Sunday dinner is always a family meal

25 Recreation Soccer is the most popular sport Other fun games are dominoes and card games Popular styles of music: Disco Reggae Konpa Meringue

26 Music Samples Disco Stop at 0:35 Konpa Stop at 0:30 Meringue Start at 0:20 Stop at 1:00

27 Family Basic unit includes the extended family Urban families usually have 3-4 children Rural families have 10 or more children

28 Holidays National Heroes Day is January 2 nd Easter and Christmas are widely celebrated Carnaval before Lent

29 Color the Flag

30 Jacks Throw 10 rocks on the ground With one hand toss one rock into the air and catch it with the same hand While it is in the air, grab one rock off the ground with the same hand. If you succeed, do it again until you drop the rock or pick up all the rocks The game is over when all of the rocks have been picked up from the center. The winner is the person with the most rocks

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