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MSU ROV Team Final Presentation Senior Design 1 April 18, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MSU ROV Team Final Presentation Senior Design 1 April 18, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSU ROV Team Final Presentation Senior Design 1 April 18, 2013

2 Team Members Justin Gilmer Computer Engineering Arduino Programming Circuit Design Web Design Robbie Lundine Computer Engineering Arduino Programming Circuit Design Web Design Mark McConnell Electrical Engineering Team Leader Pic Programming Circuit Design Mechanical Design / Construction Chance Sistrunk Electrical Engineering Pic Programming Circuit Design Mechanical Design / Construction

3 Faculty Advisor Jane Moorhead Professor

4 Overview Competition Overview System Overview Design Constraints –Technical –Practical System Testing Timeline Future Goals Questions/Comments

5 Competition Overview Course layout Operators Station BIA Thermal Vent Floating Array Stationary Array

6 Competition Overview Mission 1 Part 1 Operators Station BIA Thermal Vent Floating Array Stationary Array

7 Competition Overview Mission 1 Part 2 Operators Station BIA Thermal Vent Floating Array Stationary Array

8 Competition Overview Mission 2 Operators Station BIA Thermal Vent Floating Array Stationary Array

9 Competition Overview Mission 3 Operators Station BIA Thermal Vent Floating Array Stationary Array

10 Competition Overview Mission 4 Operators Station BIA Thermal Vent Floating Array Stationary Array

11 System Overview 12V Power Supply H-Bridge Circuit Motors 5V Voltage Regulator Arduino Computer Display Xbox Controller On-board Cameras Accelerometer

12 Technical Constraints NameDescription Operating Depth The ROV Must Operate at depths up to 3.2 meters Operating Power The ROV must operate from a 12.7V +/- 0.3V voltage source and draw less than 25 amps of current Maneuverability The ROV must maneuver effectively enough to make it competitive Video Capability The ROV must have a minimum of one camera with a 3 meter range to allow it to compete effectively Manipulator Arm The ROV must have a manipulator arm capable of lifting 2 Newtons

13 Operating Depth Sank pressure canister to approximately 3.2 meters

14 Operating Power MATE current limit is 25A With all components in operation, total current draw was less than 13A

15 Maneuverability Front and rear vertical motors work independently of one another

16 Maneuverability Horizontal motors work independently to allow for a tighter turning radius.

17 Video Capability Camera 1 gives view of end of arm 1 3 meters

18 Video Capability Camera 2 gives general overview of space under ROV 2

19 Manipulator Arm Fixed arm with multi-purpose head

20 Manipulator Arm 90 degree end has slot cut to allow the ROV to pick up objects that have a hook as a pick up point

21 Manipulator Arm 90 degree end prevents U-bolt on crate from sliding off the arm. Through bolt prevents crate from sliding up the arm.

22 Manipulator Arm End hook allows for opening doors and removal of biofouling.

23 Practical Constraints TypeName Description Economic Cost Most Components are off the shelf. Environmental Course Preservation The ROV must leave all course equipment in working form.

24 Economic Supplier Number of Parts Bought Percentage of Parts Bought Digikey10251.5% Lowes6030.5% Fun RC Boats168% Amazon115.5% Wal-Mart52.5% Radio Shack21% Fastenal10.5% O’Riley10.5% Total198100%

25 Environmental Precautions taken to prevent course damage: Mesh Covering of ROV Rubber Covering of Manipulator Arm

26 System Testing ROV Competition Video

27 Timeline JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril Research Purchasing Design Coding Testing Competition Ready

28 Next Semester Plans PCB using Eagle

29 Next Semester Plans 90 degrees of movement from left to right The claw will rotate. The claw will clamp closed and open again. Top of ROV 3-Axis Manipulator Arm

30 Future Improvements Learn from other teams

31 Future Improvements Next Senior Design Team to Implement Crab Walk Motor Shrouds Ballast Lower Level Code on PIC24 Camera Placement Roll on Pool Floor

32 Future Improvements Methods to Keep Accelerometer X-Box Controller H-Bridge Design Team Spirit

33 References [1] S. W. Moore, H. Bohm, and V. Jensen. Underwater Robotics: Science Design & Fabrication. Monterey, Ca: Marine Advanced Technology Edu, 2010. Print (used for the physical design of the Rov) [2] Observer 3.1. (2013, Feb 7). [Online]. Available: observer-3-1-de-subsea-tech observer-3-1-de-subsea-tech [3] Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center. [Online]. Available: [4] Arduino. [Online]. Available: [5] Rasberry Pi. [Online]. Available: [6] Circuits At Home. [Online]. Available: [7] Sparkfun. [Online]. Available:

34 MSU ROV Team Mid Semester Presentation Senior Design 1 February 21, 2013

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