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Shyam Sunder Yale University Annual Meetings of the American Accounting Association New York, August 3, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Shyam Sunder Yale University Annual Meetings of the American Accounting Association New York, August 3, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shyam Sunder Yale University Annual Meetings of the American Accounting Association New York, August 3, 2009

2 Accounting 101  Introductory course as the basis for street image of accounting  Is this image unfair, or well-deserved?  What is the difference between Accounting 101 and XYZ 101?  Debits and credits, double-entry bookkeeping, journals and ledgers as answers  But what are the questions? Do our students know them?  What will it take to impart a scientific content to ACC 101

3 Imparting Scientific Content  What are the the important questions?  Why are they worth asking?  What could be possible answers?  How to find new answers, and evaluate them?  Pizzeria example  Once students identify the problem to be addressed, and learn how to address them, they do not forget

4 On Expressway, and Headed the Wrong Way  Instead of moving in this direction, Accounting 101 is headed in the opposite direction  Dominance of written standards of accounting and auditing with support of regulators, auditors, and yes, academics  Progressively replacing teaching of accounting by teaching of standards  Replacing thinking and analysis by rote learning  What kind of student will come to these classes  What kind of people will be in the profession?

5 Accounting and University Curriculum  In MBA programs, accounting is already reduced to a service activity as opposed to a major in most schools  The history of universities is replete with disciplines being tossed out of curriculum for insufficient scientific or intellectual challenge  What is the intellectual challenge in memorizing a thick rule book which must be uniformly applied everywhere in the world under threat of punishment?  How long will accounting retain its place in university curriculum if we keep going in the present direction of standard setting and teaching standards?

6 Challenge for Accounting Educators  Is not, how to prepare our students to memorize IFRS.  With proper education in analytical thinking about accounting, the code can be read, understood and applied in a few weeks  Instead challenges are to help them :  Learn to think and analyze  Develop their judgment about true and fair, and social norms of community  Develop their sense of professionalism and personal responsibility for their judgments  Develop a commitment to voluntary “Hippocratic” (or Paccioli, if you wish) oath for accounting graduates

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