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Scaffolding for ELLS by The Northern ESL PLC. New ELL-What Do I Do First? Provide a welcoming, safe environment. Assign a willing buddy and give a school.

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Presentation on theme: "Scaffolding for ELLS by The Northern ESL PLC. New ELL-What Do I Do First? Provide a welcoming, safe environment. Assign a willing buddy and give a school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaffolding for ELLS by The Northern ESL PLC

2 New ELL-What Do I Do First? Provide a welcoming, safe environment. Assign a willing buddy and give a school tour. Check textbook kits; many publishers have resources designed so that ELLs may participate in lessons even if they have limited English. ELLs may not speak for weeks. This “silent phase” is normal. Be patient and don’t force him/her to talk. Learn ELL’s language level; check with your ESL teacher. Learn about the student’s language and culture; introduce ELL’s home country to the class. GRADES: Modify content, assignments, and assessments to allow ELLs to succeed.

3 Ideas for English: Reading & Writing Reading material should be at student’s instructional level or scaffold it for comprehension. Tape record information for ELL & let him/her listen to it Teach reading strategies that enable ELLs to predict, question & visualize the story Print. ELL may not know cursive; it needs to be taught Provide list of basic sentence or words (with pictures) most frequently used in their classrooms Allow ELLs to write about topics in which they have background knowledge Allow ELLs to work together when possible during the writing process Pre-teach academic vocabulary

4 Ideas for Social Studies & Science Allow beginner to use drawings, graphs, charts, and journals to show knowledge of concepts Should work in groups whenever possible to solve & do experiments Show sample or models of completed project. Use hands-on activities Use many visual aids: puzzles, computer, maps, graphic organizers Teach key concepts and Academic Vocabulary Tape record test or give orally Prepare large charts that summarize the steps involved in experiments

5 Ideas for Math Show completed assignments and projects Print assignments & directions on the board. Provide manipulatives: counters, # lines, etc. Rewrite story problems in simpler English. Use many visual aids: pictures, illustrations Show ELLs how to prepare a card file of number words

6 Many Samples Of Lessons University of Nebraska-The lessons below were prepared by the sixteen teachers who served as co-facilitators. They are divided according to content area. There are also two presentations related to strategy use. Common Core Aligned Tasks, NYC educators & national experts nitsStudentWork/default.htm

7 Beginner (Entering) Learning Styles Most new ELL students learn best visually and kinesthetically. Don’t expect them to sit and listen to lectures. (auditory learning) This is very difficult for ELLs. Use lots of gestures, drawings, or other visual aids. Give students hands-on activities to complete. ways-esl-learning.html Visual Learning Strategies ways-esl-learning.html Kinesthetic Learning Strategies

8 Scaffolding Tips Reduce # of objectives & key concepts. Focus on 2 to 3 key ideas. Provide visuals such as graphic organizers: diagrams, timelines, story maps, etc. Provide hands-on exercises, demonstrations, and activities. Reduce amount of required reading and writing according to ELL’s needs. Provide close reading strategies. Provide a study guide or notes before beginning the unit or chapter. Hold the ELL accountable for the reduced # of objectives. Have non- or very limited-English ELLs compile a picture dictionary of content and high frequency words from the unit. This can later be used for assessment. Make connections to students’ background.

9 Meeting Students’ Needs Through Scaffolding ts/scaffolding_student_needs.pdf Meeting Student Needs Through Scaffolding ts/scaffolding_student_needs.pdf Front-end scaffolding is defined as the actions teachers take to prepare students to better understand how to access complex text before they read it. Back-end scaffolding, on the other hand, is defined as what teachers plan to do after students read complex text to help deepen understanding of the text. Scaffolding Designed for ELLs: english-language-learners-resource-guides-english-language- arts-and english-language-learners-resource-guides-english-language- arts-and

10 Close Reading of Text Planning for Close Reading df A Primer of Close Reading df Webinar on Close Reading of Text Close Reading, Grade 4 Grade 11 Background Knowledge and Teaching Informational Text W1vbmNvcmV8Z3g6NDRhMjI4Y2VhMzEwOTE5Nw The Instructional Shifts of the Common Core W1vbmNvcmV8Z3g6NDRhMjI4Y2VhMzEwOTE5Nw

11 EngageNY Seminar, Day 1 materials-may-13-16-2013-ela-3-8-professional- development-day-one materials-may-13-16-2013-ela-3-8-professional- development-day-one Day 1, Scaffolding Texts and Tasks for English Language Learners Module Samples Session 1: Introduction: This folder contains the turnkey materials for the introduction to the modules session for both new and returning NTI participants Session 2: Celebrating Learners' Strengths Session 3: Best Practices in the Modules Session 4 – Grades 3-5 Session 4 – Grades 6-8

12 EngageNY Seminar, Day 2 materials-may-13-16-2013-ela-3-8-professional- development-day-two materials-may-13-16-2013-ela-3-8-professional- development-day-two Day 2, Scaffolding Texts and Tasks for English Language Learners, May 13-16, 2013 Session 1: Tiering the Tasks, not the Text Session 2: Roundtables Session 3: Increasing a Volume Reading Session 4: Increasing a Volume Reading (field session)

13 Scaffolding Guides g-instruction-english-language-learners- resource-guides-english-language-arts-and ELL Scaffolding Guides g-instruction-english-language-learners- resource-guides-english-language-arts-and 0ELL%20Guide.pdf A Guide to Support ELLs by Expeditionary Learning 0ELL%20Guide.pdf

14 Classroom Instruction That Works for English Language Learners Jane Hill and Kathleen Flynn have examined decades of research, interviewed mainstream teachers with ELLs in their classrooms, and reviewed the classroom recommendations from Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock’s seminal Classroom Instruction That Works (2001) through an ELL lens:

15 Making Content Comprehensible for ELLs: The SIOP Model From its opening overview of the issues related to educating English learners to its new Chapter 12 that presents frequently asked questions with answers from the authors to help teachers get started implementing SIOP(R), the book provides school administrators, teachers, coaches, teacher candidates, university faculty, and field experience supervisors with a superior tool for improving the education of English learners and promoting their academic gains.

16 Teaching English Language Learners: Across the Content Areas Real-life examples of lessons from elementary, middle, and high school that have been modified for ELLs in language arts, math, science, and social studies classes show how to effectively put the authors' recommendations into practice. A glossary of important ELL and ESL terms is included as well, for those who are new to teaching ELLs. Whether novice or veteran, all teachers of ELLs will benefit from this wonderfully practical guide to ensuring that ELLs learn English by learning content and learn content while learning English. By Judie Haynes and Debbie Zacharian

17 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners by Paula Rutherford This book is designed to help teachers build skillfulness in recognizing, respecting, and responding to the needs of the wide range of diverse students in today's classrooms. It provides an array of strategies to scaffold and extend learning of gifted students, English language learners, and students with special needs. These strategies and skills assist teachers in the design of units and lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards and/or state and district standards so that all learners are appropriately supported and challenged.

18 Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners: A Guide for K - 12 Teachers The book is aligned with national and state English language proficiency standards and assessments, and it gives teachers tools to ensure that every ELL develops the oral and written academic language they need to reach high content-area standards and succeed at school. Included with the book is a quick-reference poster that organizes student descriptors, appropriate assessments, and instructional strategies according to five levels of ELD.

19 Every Teacher’s Toolkit by Karen Kawaguchi This is a great book for teachers who have little or no experience with ELLs. It includes lots of basics like a description of ELL language proficiency levels, a glossary of commonly used terms in English language teaching, and tips on teaching academic vocabulary. Each unit includes mini-lessons, useful graphic organizers and insights on ESL methodology.

20 Scaffolding for ELLs A consistent mix of mini lessons and strategies support every Toolkit lesson: Preview the Toolkit Lesson builds background knowledge and introduces concepts, vocabulary, and language structures used in the Toolkit lesson. Teach the Toolkit Lesson integrates the preview activities into the Toolkit lessons and help you optimize Toolkit practices to support ELLs. Extend the Toolkit Lesson includes explicit practice with grammar, syntax and oracy, as well as content and comprehension extensions. Learn more about the Comprehension Toolkit series at

21 Great Scaffolding Links _to_Support_ELL_Reading.pdf _to_Support_ELL_Reading.pdf Visual Scaffolding to Support ELL Reading Scaffolding ELLs Scaffolding Academic Language for ELLs 51470/content_area_texts.pdf 51470/content_area_texts.pdf Helping ELLs Understand Content Texts rebecca-alber Six Scaffolding Tips to Use With ELLs rebecca-alber Teaching Informational Text to ELLs Reading Scaffolding Strategies Module1210.html Scaffolding for Elementary Reading Module1210.html

22 Great Resources “Quick Reference Guide for Classroom Teachers of English Language Learners” Exam.pdf Exam.pdf Best Practices for Classroom Teachers 20ESL%20Programs/Teacher%20Resources/Best%20Practices/Bilin gual-ESL_Best_Practices_Elementary2010.pdf 20ESL%20Programs/Teacher%20Resources/Best%20Practices/Bilin gual-ESL_Best_Practices_Elementary2010.pdf

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