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No new reading for Wednesday. Keep working on chapter 5, section 3. Exam #3 is next Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "No new reading for Wednesday. Keep working on chapter 5, section 3. Exam #3 is next Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 No new reading for Wednesday. Keep working on chapter 5, section 3. Exam #3 is next Monday

2 Predicate logic, motivation Simone is a philosopher. Simone is female. Therefore, there exists at least one female philosopher. Valid or Invalid? Clearly valid.

3 Statement logic gives the wrong answer. The only form it recognizes is an invalid one. P, F  O Try a truth-table. The argument is easily proven invalid. Try a natural deduction proof. You’ll get nowhere.

4 The validity of the argument depends partly on the attribution of properties (category membership) to an individual. We need separate symbols for subjects and predicates. We also need some way of expressing the indefinite idea that there exists at least one thing with certain properties. Predicate logic (a.k.a. the predicate calculus) to the rescue.

5 Predicate logic: Three elements I. Small-case ‘a’ through ‘s’ serve as individual constants. They refer to specific persons, places, or things. For example, ‘s’ can stand for Simone.

6 II. Capital letters ‘A’ through ‘Z’ abbreviate predicates. A predicate is an atomic statement with the subject deleted. ‘Kermit is green’ is a simple statement. ‘___ is green’ is a predicate, symbolized by ‘Gx’ or ‘G_’.

7 How do we symbolize ‘Simone is a philosopher’? Using ‘P_’ for ‘___ is a philosopher’, we get Ps Note that the individual constant comes after the predicate, even though the individual constant corresponds to the subject of the sentence.

8 III. Quantifiers and variables: (  x), (  y), and (  z) serve as existential quantifiers. They mean “there exists at least one thing of which the following is true.” There’s another operator, the universal quantifier, more about which soon.

9 Quantifiers are like logical operators in that they determine truth conditions for the statements they apply to. To do so, they work together with attached individual variables: small-case x, y, and z, which function like pronouns. ‘(  x)(Px & Fx)’ says, “it is true of at least one thing that it is a philosopher and it is female.”

10 Our original argument becomes PsFs  (  x)(Px & Fx) (Dictionary: P_: _ is a philosopher; F_: _ is female; s: Simone) Even if we don’t yet have a way of proving this argument is valid, we can see the reasoning. Use &I and generalize (if Simone is a female philosopher, then there has to exist at least one female philosopher).

11 Scope and Binding in predicate logic Scope: A quantifier’s scope is calculated in the same way as the scope of a tilde: look directly to the right of the quantifier and --if there is a predicate letter, the quantifier applies only to the atomic formula of which that predicate letter is a part.

12 --if there is a tilde, the quantifier applies to the tilde and to whatever the tilde applies to --if there is a parenthesis (or bracket), the quantifier applies to everything in that pair of parentheses (or brackets) A variable is bound if and only if it is within the scope of a quantifier that contains a matching small-case letter. If a variable is unbound, it is free.

13 A statement that contains at least one free variable (but is otherwise well-formed) is an open sentence. These count as formulae, but they don’t have truth-conditions. When symbolizing in predicate logic, the result should never be an open sentence (i.e., no free variables allowed when translating).

14 (  x)(Px & Fx) & Ax In this formula, the last x is free. The scope of the existential quantifier extends only to the closed parenthesis. The final ‘x’ is like a pronoun with no referent. The statement is incomplete; it does not have definite truth-conditions.

15 Statements with Individual Constants and No Quantifiers Many of our symbolizations have no quantifiers, simply because there is no quantity term in (and no corresponding idea expressed by) the English sentence being symbolized. Example: Simone is a female philosopher, but she’s not American. (Dictionary: P_: _ is a philosopher; F_: _ is female; A_: _is American; s: Simone) (Ps & Fs) & ~ As

16 Problems on p 158

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