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Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution.

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Presentation on theme: "Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution

2 I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews

3 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation

4 “The Jews sacrifice their children to Satan…they are worse than wild beasts…The synagogue is a curse…[the Jews] have fallen into a condition lower than the vilest animals. Debauchery and drunkenness have brought them to the level of the lusty goat and pig. They only know one thing: to satisfy their stomachs, to get drunk, to kill and beat each other…I hate the Jews, because they violate the Law…It is the duty of all Christians to hate the Jews.” - St. John Chrysostom, Against the Judaizers

5 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration

6 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades

7 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background



10 Jewish money-lenders in medieval France

11 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland

12 1250 French Bible illustration depicts Jews (identifiable by Judenhut) being massacred by Crusaders

13 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland C. The Second Crusade (1145-46) & After

14 “…The aforesaid Abbot of Clairvaux, teaching them to avoid that propaganda, directed messengers or letters to the people of Gaul and Germany in which he skillfully demonstrated from the authority of the Sacred Page that the Jews ought not to die in consequence of the immensity of their crimes, but rather to suffer the Diaspora…And when he came to Mayence, there he found Ralph, dwelling, and enjoying the greatest popularity. Still, having summoned him and admonished him that he ought not, against the rule of monks, presume to preach the Word, wandering over the globe, on his own authority, with the result that he induced this fellow [Ralph] having promised obedience, to go back to his monastery, even though the people were highly indignant, even ready to start a rebellion, had they not been restrained by the consideration of his [Bernard’s] sanctity.” - Otto of Freising, Deeds of the Emperor Frederick (1146)

15 [Bernard preached] …It is noble of you to wish to go forth against the Ishmaelites; still, whoever touches a Jew so as to lay hands on his life, does something as sinful as if he laid hands on Jesus himself! My disciple, Ralph, who has spoken against them to exterminate them, has preached only unrighteousness, for, concerning them it stands written in the Books of Psalms: “Do not kill them, let my people not be forgotten!” - Recorded by Ephraim bar Jacob, 1146

16 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland C. The Second Crusade (1145-46) & After III. Jews Under Islam

17 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland C. The Second Crusade (1145-46) & After III. Jews Under Islam A. Muslim Spain



20 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland C. The Second Crusade (1145-46) & After III. Jews Under Islam IV. Christian-Jewish Relations in Later Middle Ages

21 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland C. The Second Crusade (1145-46) & After III. Jews Under Islam IV. Christian-Jewish Relations in Later Middle Ages A. Economic Exploitation

22 Jews & the Medieval Church: From Tolerance to Persecution I. Early Christian Theologians and the Jews A. Theological Negation B. Political Toleration II. Jews in the Era of the Crusades A. Early Medieval Background B. The First Crusade: Riots in the Rhineland C. The Second Crusade (1145-46) & After III. Jews Under Islam IV. Christian-Jewish Relations in Later Middle Ages A. Economic Exploitation B. Increased Religious Persecution

23 Medieval Jews & Christians debate

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