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Andrew Fetigan, Jamie Myers, Kelly Tignor HOMO SAPIENS.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew Fetigan, Jamie Myers, Kelly Tignor HOMO SAPIENS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Fetigan, Jamie Myers, Kelly Tignor HOMO SAPIENS

2 East Africa – 160,000-120,000 years ago Asia – 129,000-27,000 years ago South Africa – 115,000-90,000 years ago Israel – 92,000-90,000 years ago Australia – 60,000-46,000 years ago Europe – 36,000-23,000 years ago FIRST TRACES OF HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS

3 CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Bones and needles were evidence of sewn clothing Tools were made from reindeer antlers, animal teeth, and tiger / lion claws They were elaborately decorated, indicating more creativity Bolas, flake tools, long flake blades, composite stone tools, harpoons, fishhooks, bow and arrows, spears Evidence of transition from hunting / gathering to strategic hunting First species to exhibit symbolic behavior Cave art, statues, shell beads, incised ochre, pendants, and figurines Probably the first species capable of spoken language Most likely lived in groups of over 120

4 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Cranial capacity is roughly 1300 cubic centimeters. Tall skull Early homo sapien sapiens were more rugged in appearance. Face “tucked under” braincase. Small teeth Lightly built, tall postcranial skeleton.

5 The End

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